
TEDxGuangzhou 2020 年度大会:拥抱复杂性 Embrace Complexity

2020年11月15日 9:00 ~ 2020年11月15日 19:00








    TEDxGuangzhou 2020 大会精彩全揭晓,我们怀着期待和热情,邀请每一位对这个世界的复杂性抱有好奇心和探索欲的你,来到现场,与我们一起拥抱复杂性!

    The complexity of the world is far beyond our imagination. From our daily lives to international relationships, we have too much complexity to embrace. Yet we have to face and understand it with an open mind, and take action. That’s how we may push the world's future towards where we want it to be.

    TEDxGuangzhou 2020 conference has now been unveiled. With exictement and enthusiasm, we invite everyone who is curious and adventerous to explore the complexity in the world to come to the conference, and embrace the complexity with us!


    新闻、教育、城市规划、环保…… 在我们已有的理解基础之上,这些领域中还有什么更多的可能性?我们又能做些什么?15 位不同领域的讲者和表演者带来他们各自的故事,以及他们理解“拥抱复杂性”的好想法。

    News, education, urban planning, environmental protection…… what are other possibilities based on what we already know? What can we do? Fifteen speakers and performers from all walks of life will bring their own stories and their good ideas to embrace complexity.


    在广州不同领域的行动者们,将会和大家一起从 13 个不同类型的体验活动中创造有意义的联结,希望与你从行动中探索和思考如何拥抱复杂性!

    每位已经购票的参与者可从 13 个体验活动中选择其中之一参与,如果对你没有选择的体验活动同样感兴趣,不妨跟你身边的伙伴们一起交流吧!

    Doers in different fields in Guangzhou will co-create meaningful connections with you within the 13 breakout sessions, hoping to explore and think about how to embrace complexity together with you!

    Each attendee can participate in one of the 13 breakout sessions. If you missed the session you are interested in, you may as well exchange with new friends around you!





    • 共有 13 个不同类型的体验活动同时进行,每位参与者可以,并仅可以选择 1 场体验活动参加;

    • 每个活动场次人数有限,先到先得。

    Please note:

    • You can only choose to attend one of these activities.

    • Each activity has limited seats, early adopters have early access.


    每个人对地球都应该负有责任,零废弃大会是 TEDxGuangzhou 团队的一次尝试,也是一个承诺。我们通过将大会中所使用的物资资源按照 Reduce(减量化)、Reuse(再利用)以及 Recycle(再循环)的3R 原则进行合理管理,使最终填埋或焚烧的垃圾减到最少并无限趋于零,每位伙伴都将切实体验到,并且参与其中!


    • 自带非一次性用具,如随行杯

    • 使用绿色出行工具往返大会现场,减少碳排放

    • 严格遵守垃圾分类要求

    • ……

    Besides a day of talks and exchanges, you will also experience a zero-waste conference!

    We are all responsible for the earth we live on. The zero-waste conference is an attempt by the TEDxGuangzhou team, and also a commitment.  We will properly manage the materials and resources used in the conference based on the 3R principles, "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle", with an aim to minimize and ultimately eliminate wastes that could have ended up in landfills or incineration. You will all experience and take part in this!

    At this year's conference, we invite all attendees and partners to:

    • Bring your own non-disposable utensils, such as travel cups or lunch boxes

    • Use green transportation methods to and from the conference site to reduce carbon emissions

    • Strictly comply with waste classification requirements

    • ……





    Welcome to TEDxGuangzhou 2020 annual conference! 

    To enjoy talks, share ideas, spark debates, make meaningful connections, act together. 

    And embrace complexity with speakers and attendees !


    2020年 11 月 15 日(周日)



    广州市越秀区环市东路 368 号


    * 演讲语言为中文(普通话)、英语、粤语,现场设同声传译;

    * 现场有无障碍设施;

    * 所有票种包含午餐、大会资料和纪念品。具体票种在下方有详细介绍;

    * 如因疫情防控或其他原因大会需要改期,我们将积极和所有相关方联系协调,请给予我们耐心和支持;

    * 有关大会现场的防疫措施,将另行通知。

    November 15, 2020 (Sunday)


    LN Garden Hotel, Guangzhou

    368 Huanshi Dong Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou

    * Talks will be in Chinese(Mandarin), English and Cantonese, simultaneous interpretation will be provided.

    * Accessible facilities are available.

    * All tickets include lunch, conference materials, and souvenirs. See below for details of tickets.

    * If the conference needs to be rescheduled due to pandemic prevention or other reasons, we will work closely with all relevant parties. We appreciate your patience and support. The pandemic prevention measures at the conference will be announced later.


    以好想法为核心的的 TEDx 演讲

    贯穿全天的经典 TEDx 演讲,在不超过 18 分钟的时间里只为了传递一个好想法。讲者来自各行各业,不同背景,带给你充满好奇、探索和思辨的一天。






    零废弃大会是 TEDxGuangzhou 团队的一次尝试,也是一个承诺。我们通过将大会中所使用的物资资源按照 Reduce(减量化)、Reuse(再利用)以及 Recycle(再循环)的 3R 原则进行合理管理,将大会可能对环境造成的负担减至最低。和你一起,我们将把大会变得更绿色、更具有可持续性。


    600+ 有趣多元的参与伙伴


    TEDx Talks each with an idea worth spreading

    Enjoy the classic TEDx Talks throughout the day, each with an idea at its centre, delivered in 18 minutes or less. The speakers come from all walks of life, with different backgrounds, and will bring you a day of curiosity, exploration and critical thinking.


    Activities that will surprise and delight

    Apart from the talks, we want you to have your say! To make friends and even act together, so the ideas will keep travelling beyond the event day. Attendees will have the opportunity to choose from small scale forums, discussions, workshops, hands-ons amoung other activities. It's also a great chance to make meaningful connections.


    Zero-waste conference

    We intend to create a zero-waste event. We will manage the materials and resources used in the conference based on the 3R principles, "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle", to minimize the environmental impact of the conference. Together with you, we will make the conference greener and more sustainable.


    600+ interesting and diverse attendees

    We believe that discussions and debates make good ideas great! Attendees from different industries, backgrounds, countries and regions will bring in their diverse experiences, cultures, and perspectives. Come to meet old friends and connect with a few new ones too.



    * 会后派对也将对部分参与者开放,具体安排将会另行通知;

    * 对 10 位及以上的同行参与者提供团购优惠(数量有限),请邮件至 registration[at]tedxguangzhou.org 咨询。(请把 [at] 换成 @ 即为邮箱地址)


    * Afterparty will also be open for some attendees. Specific arrangements will be announced later.

    * We offer a discount price for group participants of 10 or more (limited spots). Please email registration[at]tedxguangzhou.org for group purchase.


    你愿意以额外 30 元支持 TEDxGuangzhou 团队的持续运营吗?

    如你所知,TEDxGuangzhou 是一个非营利活动,由一群志愿者组织,所邀请到的讲者也无偿分享他们的好想法。我们举办年度大会及各类小型活动的资金,源于每一位付费参加的参与者以及合作伙伴的慷慨支持,每一分收入都被完全投入到活动本身的制作和日常运营当中。


    今年大会,我们特别设置「特别支持票」,相较标准票种多出的 30 元将会全部投入到 TEDxGuangzhou 团队运营的支出(邮箱 / 网站 / 协作工具等)以及原创媒体内容的产出当中(拍摄 / 采访等制作费用),如果你愿意支持这个志愿团队的持续运营,欢迎选择购买「特别支持票」。



    如果你愿意以个人或组织的身份支持 TEDxGuangzhou 的价值和使命,包含传递好想法,打造产生有意义的讨论空间,我们欢迎你成为独立赞助人,并享受特别活动待遇。

    What is Support Ticket?

    Would you like to give an extra 30 RMB to support the TEDxGuangzhou team?😉


    As you know, TEDxGuangzhou is a non-profit, volunteer-organized event. Not even the speakers get paid for sharing their ideas. Our funding for the annual conference and various small events stems from the generous support of every attendee and partner. The money received goes directly to event production and helps TEDxGuangzhou sustain.

    This year, we offer a "Support Ticket". Compared with the standard ticket, the extra 30 RMB will be invested in maintaining TEDxGuangzhou team (e.g. email, website, collaboration tools, etc.), and the creative output of original media content (e.g. filming/interview and other production costs). If you are willing to support us, please opt the "Support Ticket".


    Become a Patron

    If you are willing to support TEDxGuangzhou's value and mission (including spreading  ideas and creating space for meaningful discussions) on behalf of yourself or your organization, join us as a Patron and receive privileges in the conference.




    LN Garden Hotel, Guangzhou




    自 2016 年起,广州花园酒店就和 TEDxGuangzhou(原 TEDxXiguan)紧密合作,为所有参会者打造难忘体验。

    Guangzhou is one of the metropolises in southern China. Beneath its modern urban structure stands its profound history and culture. It was once known as the London of the East. 

    LN Garden Hotel, Guangzhou is one of the first landmark five-star luxury hotels. With good public transport access, it locates at the centre of the old city, which has witnessed not only the development of the city but also the accretion of Cantonese culture.


    Since 2016, LN Garden Hotel Guangzhou has been working closely with TEDxGuangzhou (formerly TEDxXiguan) to create an unforgettable experience for all attendees.





    1 - 参与者和讲者一样重要,因此我们审核每一位参与者入场。如果审核通过,你将进入付款流程。如果审核未通过,你需要重新提交申请。一次仅限提交一份申请。感谢你的支持与理解。

    2 - 我们完成审核后,购票平台会以邮件/短信的形式通知你,请注意查收并点击通知中的链接进行付款。付款链接仅在收到后的 48 小时内有效,如果超过 48 小时未点击付款,付款链接将失效。若你点击链接,请在 4 小时内完成付款,否则也会失效。


    3 -  我们将会根据提交申请的时间顺序进行审核。


    4 - 表单内容是为了让我们更了解你,并且为参与者设计更好的活动体验。你填写的所有信息将被严格保密,不会提供给 TEDxGuangzhou 以外的任何人或者组织,也不会用作任何其他用途。


    5 - 一经售出,恕不退票。如果你因各种原因不能前来,我们鼓励你将门票转让给朋友,并邮件 registration[at]tedxguangzhou.org 告知转让信息,以保证受让人得到同等体验(请把 [at] 换成 @ 即为邮箱地址)


    6 - 如果你有任何疑问,请随时发送邮件至:registration[at]tedxguangzhou.org 联系我们。(请把 [at] 换成 @ 即为邮箱地址)

    Please read the information below carefully before applying.


    1 - Attendees are as important as speakers, that's why we curate our attendees too. If your application is approved, you will receive a payment instruction, or you need to re-apply. Please only submit one application at a time. We appreciate your understanding.

    2 - If your application is approved, you will receive an email or message. Remember to click the payment link and finish the payment. The payment link is only valid for 48 hours. Once you clicked the link, you are required to finish the payment within 4 hours. Otherwise, the link will be expired.

    3 - The application will be processed on a rolling basis.

    4 - The application form lets us know more about you while designing better audience activities. The information provided will be strictly confidential and not be shared with any other organizations or people or be used for any other purpose.

    5 - Tickets are non-refundable. If you are not able to attend the event for any reason, we suggest you transfer the ticket to a friend. After transferring the ticket, please email registration[at]tedxguangzhou.org with the new attendee's name and contact info, so we could ensure they receive the same experience. 


    6 - If you have any question, feel free to email us: registration[at]tedxguangzhou.org



    具体讲者将于 10 月中旬揭晓,但可以确定的是,他们都带着好想法而来。


    TEDxGuangzhou 是一个非营利、由志愿者组织的活动。我们不是一个公司,因此无法提供发票。


    TED 和 TEDxGuangzhou 是什么关系?

    TEDx 是 TED 旗下的一个项目,旨在让人们可以借鉴 TED 的形式,在自己的社区举办类似 TED 的活动,以此分享好想法,启发好讨论。每一个 TEDx 活动都由 TED 审核和授权之后才可以举办。从 2019 年 12 月,TED 将 TEDxGuangzhou 牌照授予了这个团队,在那之前我们组织 TEDxXiguan 系列活动。

    这次活动在 TED 官网的页面为 https://www.ted.com/tedx/events/37367。



    我们在积极地寻找更多合作伙伴,为活动增添特别体验,也为品牌做出有意义的展示。欢迎邮件致 partners[at]tedxguangzhou.org(请把 [at] 换成 @ 即为邮箱地址)。



    我们欢迎媒体报道,并乐意与讲者或其他参与者协调采访机会。为了保证参与者的体验,活动现场只有 TEDxGuangzhou 的团队和得到授权的团队可以做专业拍摄。我们不会支付“车马费”。如果你希望以媒体身份参会,欢迎邮件致 partners[at]tedxguangzhou.org(请把 [at] 换成 @ 即为邮箱地址)。

     Who are the speakers?

    We will release the speaker info in mid-October. One thing you can be sure of is that they all come with great ideas. 

    Do you provide a Fapiao?

    TEDxGuangzhou is a non-profit event organized by volunteers. We are not a company, so we can't provide Fapiaos.

    What's the relationship between TED and TEDxGuangzhou?

    TEDx is an initiative by TED, created in the spirit of sharing great ideas and encouraging meaningful conversations so that people around the world can learn from TED and organize TED-like events in their communities. Each TEDx event is organized under a license issued by TED. Since December 2019, TED has granted the TEDxGuangzhou license to this team. Before that, we had organized a series of events under the license, TEDxXiguan.

    The official TED website for this conference is https://www.ted.com/tedx/events/37367


    For partnerships with this conference, how can I make contact?

    We are actively looking for partners to add special experiences to the event and make meaningful brand connections. If you are interested, email partners[at]tedxguangzhou.org.

    Can the media conduct interviews/media cooperation?

    We welcome media and would be happy to coordinate interview opportunities with speakers and other parties. To guarantee the experience of the attendees, only the TEDxGuangzhou team and authorized teams can do professional shooting at the event. We will not cover travel allowance. If you wish to participate as a media representative, please email partners[at]tedxguangzhou.org.


      关于 TEDxGuangzhou  

    TEDxGuangzhou 由原 TEDxXiguan 团队运营。在过去的五年里,TEDxXiguan 团队举办了10+ 场活动,累计吸引了 5000+ 线下观众参与,是广州地区具有全球影响力的活动,是一个聚集创意、好奇心和批判性思维的平台。

    从 2019 年 12 月,TED 将 TEDxGuangzhou 牌照授予了这个团队。我们将继续创造平台、分享新知、引发讨论,以展现更多的可能性,让人们对世界有更深的了解。

    TEDxGuangzhou 是一个非营利活动,其组织者均为志愿者,所邀请到的讲者也无偿分享他们的好想法。

     About TEDxGuangzhou 

    TEDxGuangzhou is now licensed to the original TEDxXiguan team. In the past 5 years, TEDxXiguan team has organized over 10 events and gathered more than 5,000 live audiences. It is a Guangzhou based event with a global reach, a platform for creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking. 

    Since December of 2019, TED has granted the TEDxGuangzhou license to this team. TEDxGuangzhou will continue to create platforms, spread ideas, and initiate discussions, in order to present more possibilities and help people to form a deeper understanding of the world.

    TEDxGuangzhou is a non-profit, volunteer-organized event. Not even the speakers get paid for sharing their ideas.





    • samyou


    • 谢安妮野生设计师


    • Spring


    • Doreen


    • 小江江


    • 小饼饼












    • Afra陈 5年前 0

      这个活动太值回票,第一阶段才四个分享者我就哭了两个,被感动的。这次还联合广州本土的环保组织尝试零废弃,希望更多朋友来参加TED演讲,有价值的观念值得被传播。[强][强][强] 也感叹TED广州团队的强大和细致,一天的活动每个环节安排的井井有条,有专业的录音摄影同步翻译等工作人员。双手点赞[强][强] 活动安排了不同行业不同演讲者不同的话题,教育的公益的,气候变化和濒危物种的,经济的新闻的。对我教育和生活理念都有触动和感动,感谢所有工作人员和分享演讲者。下次再约[爱心]

    • Andrea Wu 5年前 0


    • 随遇而安 5年前 0


    • Oscakk 5年前 0


    • Amber 桢 5年前 0


    • 张学习 5年前 0


    • Amber 桢 5年前 0


    • virjoy 5年前 0


      • TEDxGuangzhou 5年前


    • Liyi 5年前 0


      • TEDxGuangzhou 5年前


    • 最初的小饼干 5年前 0


      • TEDxGuangzhou 5年前





    活动日历   03月
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