
创客高峰论坛@大湾区国际创客峰会暨Maker Faire Shenzhen 2023

2023年11月11日 9:00 ~ 2023年11月12日 18:00









Maker Faire Shenzhen 2023



作为大湾区国际创客峰会暨Maker Faire Shenzhen 2023的经典内容版块之一的「创客高峰论坛」将于11月11-12日万科设计公社B区报告厅开启。


Maker Faire Shenzhen 2023

「 创客高峰论坛  」





11月11日周六  9:00-12:00



潘昊:潘昊是一位资深创客,信奉开源精神和社会化创新,是中国创客文化领导者。2008年,他创办了现已极具影响力的硬件创新平台矽递科技(Seeed Studio),致力于整合物联网、人工智能、边缘计算等新一代信息技术,以开源硬件的方式服务全球科技创新者推动传统行业的数字化转型。其创办的柴火创客空间已成为全球硬件创新者在深圳的大本营,得到李克强总理和各界的肯定,培育孵化了大量面对可持续发展问题的跨界创新项目。

Eben UptonEben Upton是一位计算机科学家、企业家,也是Raspberry Pi基金会的联合创始人。作为Raspberry Pi Ltd的首席执行官,该基金会的商业部门,他领导了Raspberry Pi的开发,这是一系列经济实惠且易于获取的单板计算机。他在Raspberry Pi基金会的开创性工作对计算机科学教育产生了深远影响,并赋予全球开发者在各个行业推动数字创新的能力。Eben Upton的贡献继续塑造着科技领域的格局,激励着下一代创新者。Eben之前的成就包括创办成功的移动游戏和中间件公司。他拥有剑桥大学的文学学士、博士学位和工商管理硕士学位,还曾担任剑桥大学圣约翰学院计算机科学研究主任。

David James Groom:David在2007年购买了他的第一块Arduino,作为一项Roomba改造项目的一部分。从那时起,他痴迷于编写可以亲身体验的代码。David爱上了最初的Pebble智能手表,更加热衷于它的继任者,因为后者允许他通过智能表带功能将这款心爱的可穿戴设备与他对硬件改造的热情相结合。无法割舍与他的智能手表恋人,David写了一封情书给Pebble社区,这封情书开花结果,成为了Rebble,这项服务使Pebble至今仍然运转良好,尽管该公司在2016年倒闭。当他不忙于改造可穿戴设备时,David可能会在制作伴侣机器人、尝试机器学习、扩充他不断增加的开发板收藏,或者改造90年代的基于DOS的掌上电脑。

Duleesha Kulasooriya:研究不断变化的世界。汲取灵感。与人交流。创造事物。深思熟虑。构建新世界的引人入胜模型,并理解它们的重要性。搭建桥梁跨越连接,创造非同寻常的合作伙伴关系。

Duleesha Kulasooriya是德勤亚太创新领袖,也是德勤边缘中心的董事总经理,该中心是全球管理研究机构的一部分,探索业务和技术的边缘。Duleesha拥有超过25年的全球经验,帮助客户应对颠覆和推动创新和转型。他广泛研究、撰写和演讲关于新兴的商业景观、未来的工作、可持续性转型以及“边缘”(如创客运动、燃烧人节、可爱城市、虚拟世界以及在数字时代的人类)的相关性。Duleesha持有宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院MBA学位,以及斯沃斯莫尔学院工程学士和经济学学士学位。

陶冶:2006年本科毕业于中国科大天文与应用物理系,2012年于德国Jacobs大学获得博士学位,现任深圳拓竹科技CEO。2012年博士毕业归国后,陶冶加入了大疆创新,从一名工程师开始,历任动力系统部门经理、Mavic pro产品经理、大疆消费级无人机事业部负责人,最多时掌管过大疆超过60%的营收。他亲历了一个深圳小厂如何在夹缝中艰难生存下来,又如何一步一步赢得全球竞争的艰苦历程。期间招募和培养观察了整整一代90后的应届生。2020年陶冶加入了IDG资本,从投资人的角度观察过许多中国初创企业的成长之路。之后又同当年一起奋斗过的战友一起创立了深圳拓竹科技,回到了科技产业升级的第一线,致力于3D打印的普及化。


Chirag SharmaChirag在不丹皇家政府商业机构——不丹皇家政府控股和投资有限公司(DHI)担任高级分析师,该机构成立于2007年,根据2007年的皇家特许状,旨在“长期造福不丹人民,持有和管理不丹皇家政府现有和未来的投资”。在DHI,Chirag与创新与技术部门(InnoTech Department)合作。创新与技术部门负责制定技术和创新路径,以增强下一代技术在DHI和集团内的传播和应用。更重要的是,为了解决国家社会经济挑战,他正在开展应用和基础科学技术领域的研究和开发工作,以创建企业和初创公司,建立国家知识产权,并为下一代建立创新、创造力和就业平台。他在建立、设立和管理吉姆·南杰·旺楚克超级Fablab(世界上第三家超级Fablab)和DHI研究与创新创业卓越中心(DRIVE)方面发挥了关键作用。

[ 上滑查看特邀嘉宾详细介绍 ]

11月11日周六  14:00-18:00




Kate Armstrong:凭借荷兰乌特勒支大学的艺术与社会硕士学位和澳大利亚新南威尔士大学的设计学士学位,Kate在澳大利亚和欧洲的文化策划、设计和开放技术领域积累了丰富的经验。她曾领导多个欧洲研究项目的沟通和传播工作,这些项目关注循环经济、开放设计创新生态系统和未来文化遗产。Kate担任跨物种互联网(Interspecies Internet)的执行主任,并担任Fab City Foundation的执行委员会成员,担任战略总监。她还是IAAC/ELISAVA的新兴未来设计硕士课程和IAAC的分布式创新设计硕士课程的教职成员,并是由欧洲联盟共同资助的分布式设计平台的顾问。


Chirag SharmaChirag在不丹皇家政府商业机构——不丹皇家政府控股和投资有限公司(DHI)担任高级分析师,该机构成立于2007年,根据2007年的皇家特许状,旨在“长期造福不丹人民,持有和管理不丹皇家政府现有和未来的投资”。在DHI,Chirag与创新与技术部门(InnoTech Department)合作。创新与技术部门负责制定技术和创新路径,以增强下一代技术在DHI和集团内的传播和应用。更重要的是,为了解决国家社会经济挑战,他正在开展应用和基础科学技术领域的研究和开发工作,以创建企业和初创公司,建立国家知识产权,并为下一代建立创新、创造力和就业平台。他在建立、设立和管理吉姆·南杰·旺楚克超级Fablab(世界上第三家超级Fablab)和DHI研究与创新创业卓越中心(DRIVE)方面发挥了关键作用。


周阳:周阳曾在半导体和IoT领域的知名企业任职。作为一名长期的科技爱好者,她目前担任ABeam Consulting中国新创部门的负责人。在这一职位上,她专注于研究中国的创新科技趋势,并负责构建ABeam中国的初创生态系统。周阳还曾主导多个创新支援战略咨询项目,客户涵盖日系汽车企业、制药公司以及零售业等多个领域。

Cesar Jung-Harada:Cesar Jung-Harada是一位法国-日本设计师、环保主义者、教育家和企业家,热衷于海洋技术、影响创新和教育,常驻新加坡。Cesar是新加坡理工学院的设计副教授。Cesar目前是法国国家艺术与工艺高级学院(CNAM)的设计与海洋创新博士候选人,曾担任MakerBay有限公司(香港创客空间)和Scoutbots有限公司(海洋机器人初创公司)的总监。Cesar还担任哈马德本贾西姆大学(卡塔尔)和Wyng基金会(香港)董事会的董事,并经常在联合国、哈佛大学或TED等国际会议上举办研讨会和主题演讲。查看他的项目。

梁沛健梁沛健博士是香港大自然保護協會 (TNC) 的氣候變化研究員。他負責評估以自然為基礎的解決方案 (Nature-based Solutions),以緩解氣候變化對香港和大灣區的影響,與學術合作夥伴和商業機構建立戰略合作夥伴關係,以實現保護環境為目標。

梁博士有超過十年的學術研究經驗,他曾研究香港環境臭氧對植物的影響和研究城市化對大灣區環境和生物多樣性的影響。梁博士是埃克塞特大學(University of Exeter)地理學博士, 倫敦帝國理工學院生態環境學碩士和學士。在加入大自然保護協會之前他是香港中文大學環境,能源及可持續發展研究所博士後研究員,負責研究氣候變化和空氣污染對農作物的影響。

Andrea MagelliAndrea的职业生涯跨足多个领域,涵盖数字、市场营销和食品领域,不断推动创新和增长。在每一次冒险中,从Lifeinaclick的创立到领导像2006年都灵冬奥会这样的项目,再到赋予全球事件视觉叙事力量,他的关注一直集中在突破界限、将创意与实际洞见相结合。

在充满活力的食品世界中,作为Sosushi和Well Done Burger的创始人,他品尝到了企业家精神和创新的滋味。然而,他最珍视的冒险仍然是未来食品研究所。庆祝十年的发展,这是一个创意与影响力相汇合的地方,孵化了位于东京、博洛尼亚和波利卡的生活实验室,展示了食品领域的可持续和技术创新叙事。

王晓庆水木数字农业科技集团董事长,民革中央三农委员会委员,民革中央企业家联谊会会员部部长,国家农业农村碳达峰碳中和科技联盟 副理事长,中关村新型城镇化产业联盟理事长。目前在清华投资的水木九天科技担任董事长,主要为大城市民生菜篮子提供蔬菜工厂综合解决方案,可以全年度连续生产非耐储运蔬菜,并实现欧盟标准,价格为民生保障价,国内最早推进工厂化农业碳中和计量和方法学的新农人。

[ 上滑查看特邀嘉宾详细介绍 ]

11月12日周日  9:00-12:00




11月12日周日  14:00-18:00




IECG & Nvidia Inception 联合孵化中心负责人;深圳市龙岗区科技服务促进会执行会长;深圳市龙华创新生态服务协会副会长;深圳市创业孵化基地认定评审专家;广东省创业导师(广东省科技企业孵化器协会)、深圳市创业导师(深圳市人力资源和社会保障局)、深圳大学龙岗创新研究院创业导师; 



张威Seeed Studio首席战略执行官,具备技术背景和丰富的互联网从业经验。在腾讯战略分析部和社区平台部工作了6年,并拥有9年的自主创业经历。深谙互联网产品策划、社区运营和市场营销等方面的知识,曾负责过QQ会员平台产品建设以及千万用户级别的纯女性社区项目,对于互联网+行业应用也有深入研究。目前任职Seeed Studio CSO,带领团队进行科技赋能社区等相关战略执行工作,具有卓越的管理能力和战略眼光。

张威在AIGC的研究中深入探索了人工智能在科技产业发展、战略执行等方面的应用,并将这些知识和经验运用到Seeed Studio的战略决策当中,为公司的创新和发展提供更多可能性。他对于人工智能技术的前沿应用和潜在商业价值有着清晰的认知,并以此为基础进行战略规划和执行,为Seeed Studio带来了更多增长机会。

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目前大湾区国际创客峰会暨Maker Faire Shenzhen 2023的专业观众预登记已经火热开启。

















Countdown to

Maker Faire Shenzhen 2023

15 days to go!

Nov. 11-12

Vanke Design Commune, Shenzhen


As one of the classic segments of the Maker Faire Shenzhen, the 'Maker Forum' will kick off on November 11-12 at Lecture Hall, Area B, Vanke Design Commune.

Maker Faire Shenzhen 2023

「 Maker Forum  」


The Maker Movement, which emerged in the early 21st century, has had a profound impact on individuals by promoting concepts such as innovation, autonomy, sharing, and collaboration. The widespread adoption of digital manufacturing, open-source hardware and software, and other tools has dismantled traditional barriers to innovation, enabling greater participation in the realms of creation and invention. This movement has gained global popularity, with some individuals abandoning the pursuit of innovation while others persist on the path of embracing it.

Under the theme "Where Are The Makers," this year's forum at Maker Faire Shenzhen aims to explore the diverse development trends of the maker movement, sharing the future direction of makers and the potential for valuerealization. Furthermore, we also seek to highlight the innovators who continue to drive advancements in various industries. We aim to explore specific scenarios where the innovations have been implemented, examine how the makers navigate the challenges with emerging technologies, and showcase their efforts and stories in promoting digital transformation. This year, we have introduced a new session focused on "Cyber Farms" in our forum. This session aims to delve into the current usage, applications, and potential of digital technology within rural settings. By emphasizing this aspect, we hope to inspire more individuals to pursue continuous innovation, gain a deeper understanding of the value and significance of the Maker Movement, and foster its sustainable development.

At this year's Maker Forum, we have scheduled four sections over two days: 'Through The Cycles,' 'Tech for Good,' 'Cyber Farms,' and 'Things w/ AI.' For each of these sections, we have a strong lineup of renowned speakers who will share their insights and engage in discussions on these topics. Don't miss this excellent opportunity to explore the world of innovation with us! (Registration details are available at the end of the post!)


Highlight Photos from Past Events


Through the Cycles
Nov. 11 Sat.  9:00-12:00

In this session, we cordially invite partners who contribute to the advancement and development of the global maker movement to engage in comprehensive discussions centered around innovation, co-creation, and openness. Through the lenses of "open-source hardware, open community, innovation lab, digital fabrication, innovation incubator, and digital country," our esteemed speakers will share their invaluable insights on the developmental trends within the maker movement, as well as explore the vast potential and opportunities for future pathways and value realization.


Eric Pan: Eric Pan is the Founder and CEO of “Seeed Studio” and “Chaihuo x.factory”, as well as the Producer of “Maker Faire Shenzhen”. He believes in the potential of open-source technology and social innovations in achieving the UN's SDGs. Moreover, he is one of the recognized leading figures of the Maker Movement and Maker Culture in China. In the era towards the UN’s 2030 Agenda, he is keen on cooperating with multi-stakeholders and technological partners to provide open source solutions for a variety of SDGs-related projects, through which ground-breaking solutions can be co-created and scaled up at the global level so as to contribute to a sustainable future. In 2013, he was selected by Forbes Magazine as "China's 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30" and appeared on the cover of Forbes China. Likewise, he was listed as the "2017 China 100 List of Business Creative People".

Eben Upton: Eben Upton is a computer scientist, entrepreneur, and co-founder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. As the CEO of Raspberry Pi Ltd, the foundation's commercial arm, he has led the development of the Raspberry Pi, a series of affordable and accessible single-board computers. His pioneering work with the Raspberry Pi Foundation has had a profound impact on computer science education and has empowered developers worldwide to drive digital innovation across various industries. Eben Upton's contributions continue to shape the landscape of technology and inspire the next generation of innovators. Eben's prior achievements include founding successful mobile games and middleware companies. With a BA, PhD, and MBA from the University of Cambridge, he also served as the Director of Studies for Computer Science at St John's College, Cambridge.

David James Groom: David bought his first Arduino in 2007 as part of a Roomba hacking project. Since then, he has been obsessed with writing code that you can touch. David fell in love with the original Pebble smartwatch, and even more so with its successor, which allowed him to combine the beloved wearable with his passion for hardware hacking via its smartstrap functionality. Unable to part with his smartwatch sweetheart, David wrote a love letter to the Pebble community, which blossomed into Rebble, the service that keeps Pebbles ticking today, despite the company's demise in 2016. When he's not hacking on wearables, David can probably be found building a companion bot, experimenting with machine learning, growing his ever-increasing collection of dev boards, or hacking on DOS-based palmtops from the 90s.

Duleesha Kulasooriya: Study the changing world. Get inspired. Talk to people. Build things. Contemplate navel. Create compelling models for a new world and understand why they matter. Connect across bridges to create uncommon partnerships.

Duleesha Kulasooriya is the Innovation Leader for Deloitte Asia Pacific, and the Managing Director for Deloitte’s Center for the Edge – part of a global management research institute exploring the edges of business and technology. 

Duleesha brings over 25 years of global experience helping clients navigate disruption and drive innovation and transformation. He has researched, written and spoken extensively about emerging business landscapes, the future of work, the sustainability transformation and about relevance of ‘edges’ such as the Maker Movement, Burning Man, Lovable Cities, the metaverse, and being human in a digital age. Duleesha has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, a BS in Engineering and a BA in Economics from Swarthmore College.

Ye Tao: Ye Tao graduated in 2006 with a bachelor's degree from the Department of Astronomy and Applied Physics at the University of Science and Technology of China. In 2012, he obtained his Ph.D. from Jacobs University in Germany. He currently serves as the CEO of Shenzhen Tuozhu Technology.Upon completing his doctoral studies in 2012, Tao Ye returned to China and joined DJI Innovations. Starting as an engineer, he held various positions, including Manager of the Power Systems Department, Product Manager for Mavic Pro, and Head of the DJI Consumer Drones Business Unit. At his peak, he oversaw over 60% of DJI's revenue. He personally experienced how a small Shenzhen factory survived in challenging circumstances and gradually emerged as a global competitor. During this journey, he recruited and nurtured an entire generation of post-90s graduates.In 2020, Tao Ye joined IDG Capital, where he observed the growth of many Chinese startups from an investor's perspective. Later, he co-founded Shenzhen Tuozhu Technology with former comrades who had once fought alongside him. This move brought him back to the forefront of technological industry advancement, focusing on the popularization of 3D printing.

Henri PANG: Henri completed his bachelor's and master's degrees at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, with a primary focus on product design, industrial design, human-computer interaction design, global market promotion, and brand planning. In 2015, they founded Walnut Technology Co., Ltd.

On October 24, 2018, as a representative of young entrepreneurs and innovators in the Qianhai-Hong Kong-Macao area, they had the honor of a cordial meeting with General Secretary Xi Jinping. In 2019, their achievements were recognized as one of TIME magazine's 'TIME 100 Best Inventions' globally. In February 2021, they were officially designated as a 'B-Class' high-level overseas talent (Peacock Plan) by the Shenzhen city government. In June 2021, they took on the additional role of the first official Greater China region strategic representative and senior advisor for Kickstarter, the world's largest crowdfunding platform.

Chirag Sharma: Chirag works as a senior analyst with Druk Holding and Investments (DHI) Limited, the commercial arm of the Royal Government of Bhutan, was established in 2007 upon issuance of Royal Charter in 2007 "to hold and manage the existing and future investments of the Royal Government for the long term benefit of the people of Bhutan". At DHI, Chirag works with the Department of Innovation and Technology (InnoTech Department). The InnoTech Department is responsible for strategizing technology and innovation pathways to enhance access and diffusion of the next generation technologies across DHI and the Group. More significantly, to address the national socio-economic challenges, he is undertaking applied and fundamental research and development in the field of science and technology to create ventures and start-ups, build national intellectual property and establish a platform for innovation, creativity, and jobs for the next generation. He has been instrumental in the setup, establishment and managing of the Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck Super Fablab (The third super fab lab in the world) and DHI Research and Innovation Venture Excellence (DRIVE) Center.

[ Swipe up to view speakers' bio ]


Tech for Good
Nov. 11 Sat.  14:00-18:00

In this session, we will shine a spotlight on the dynamic individuals leading sustainable innovations across diverse fields and industries. This esteemed group comprises experts, technology pioneers, business executives, and entrepreneurs. Our objective is to collectively delve into the transformative power of makers as they drive the sustainable development of multiple industries within the realm of industrial digitization. By listening to their inspiring stories of innovation, we will examine the seamless integration of technological advancements in various sectors and explore how it propel industrial upgrades across multiple domains.


Alex Qian: Alex Qian is the director of the Vanke Urban Research of China Vanke Co., Ltd. and MSc Urbanism of Delft University of Technology. He participated in and has been responsible for the execution of many high-profile public projects such as the Vanke Pavilion in Milan Expo 2015,etc. He also manage the Vanke Cloud Town and Vanke Cloud Design Community. He has led urban regeneration projects as well as conservation and rehabilitation of urban heritage such as Nantou Ancient Town in Shenzhen, Yantai Mountain in Fuzhou and Mengzhui Bay in Chengdu. While deeply involved in urban development and construction, he is committed to promoting the integration of innovative strategies and technologies such as green and low-carbon development, environmental protection, and new materials into urban space, facilitating a better life in the future.

Kate Armstron: Master Arts and Society (University Utrecht) and Bachelor of Design (UNSW), Kate has vast experience in cultural programming, design and open tech fields in Australia and Europe. She has led communication and dissemination for various European research projects concerned with circular economy, open design innovation ecosystems and future cultural heritage. Kate is Executive Director of Interspecies Internet and sits on the Executive Board of the Fab City Foundation serving as Strategy Director. She is Faculty of the Master in Design for Emergent Futures at IAAC/ELISAVA and Master in Design for Distributed Innovation at IAAC and an advisor to the Distributed Design Platform, co-funded by the European Union.

Lit Liao: Lit is an experienced curriculum developer with over 12 years of experience at the intersection of engineering, management, design, and education. She has played a pivotal role in projects across 20+ public and international schools. Their commitment to excellence is reflected in multiple awards received at city, province, and national levels in curriculum design competitions as well as academic publications. Actively engaged in knowledge exchange, Lit has been invited by international government institutions in the UK, U.S., Singapore, etc.  as a core representative of Shenzhen's STEAM education community. Her research interests include project-based learning and interdisciplinary curriculum design.

Chirag Sharma: Chirag works as a senior analyst with Druk Holding and Investments (DHI) Limited, the commercial arm of the Royal Government of Bhutan, was established in 2007 upon issuance of Royal Charter in 2007 "to hold and manage the existing and future investments of the Royal Government for the long term benefit of the people of Bhutan". At DHI, Chirag works with the Department of Innovation and Technology (InnoTech Department). The InnoTech Department is responsible for strategizing technology and innovation pathways to enhance access and diffusion of the next generation technologies across DHI and the Group. More significantly, to address the national socio-economic challenges, he is undertaking applied and fundamental research and development in the field of science and technology to create ventures and start-ups, build national intellectual property and establish a platform for innovation, creativity, and jobs for the next generation. He has been instrumental in the setup, establishment and managing of the Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck Super Fablab (Third super fablab in the world) and DHI Research and Innovation Venture Excellence (DRIVE) Center.

Jinger Zeng: Jinger Zeng serves as a bridge between culture and technology, wearing multiple hats as a traveler, open-source technology advocate, and the current contest manager for Hackster.io, a global platform for engineers and innovators. With a rich background that includes hardware entrepreneurship and collaborations with manufacturers, designers, startups, academic institutions, and global developers, Jinger champions distributed innovation for lasting social change. She orchestrates a variety of cross-regional events, from meetups and contests to hackathons and summits, all in the spirit of promoting open knowledge sharing within innovative ecosystems. Often, you'll find her curating events or spearheading training programs to nurture the next generation of talents.

Jessica Zhou: Jessica Zhou has previously held positions in well-known companies in the semiconductor and IoT industries. As a long-time technology enthusiast, she currently serves as the Head of the Innovation Startup Department at ABeam Consulting China. In this role, she focuses on researching innovative technology trends in China and is responsible for building ABeam China's startup ecosystem. Jessica has also led multiple innovation support strategic consulting projects, with clients spanning Japanese automotive companies, pharmaceutical firms, and the retail industry.

Cesar Jung-Harada: Cesar Jung-Harada is a French-Japanese designer, environmentalist, educator, and entrepreneur, passionate about ocean technology, impact innovation, and education based in Singapore. Cesar is an Associate Professor of Design at the Singapore Institute of Technology. Cesar is currently a candidate Ph.D. in Design and Ocean Innovation at the CNAM (France), Former Director of  MakerBay LTD (Hong Kong Makerspace), Scoutbots LTD (Ocean Robotic Startup). Cesar serves as a Trustee of the board of HBKU (Qatar), the Wyng Foundation (Hong Kong), and regularly delivers workshops and keynotes at international conferences in places such as the UN, Harvard or TED. See his projects. 

Felix Leung: Felix Leung, PhD, is the Climate Change Fellow for The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Hong Kong. He is responsible for assessing nature-based solutions for climate mitigation potential in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, developing strategic partnerships with academic partners and industries to achieve conservation goals.

Felix has over ten years of research and professional experience specializing in climate change science, agriculture, marine ecology, and environmental management. Prior to joining TNC, he completed his Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research focused on the impact of urbanization and policy on the environment and biodiversity of the Greater Bay Area.

Felix holds a PhD degree in Physical Geography from the University of Exeter and the Met Office (UK) and a master's degree in Conservation and Forest Protection from Imperial College London (UK).

Andrea Magelli: Andrea's journey has spanned across diverse terrains from digital, marketing to food sectors, seeding innovation and growth. With every venture, from the inception of Lifeinaclick and leading projects like Torino 2006 Olympic to empowering the visual narrative of global events, his focus has always been centered on pushing boundaries and weaving creativity with practical insights.

In the vibrant world of food, he has tasted the flavors of entrepreneurship and innovation as the founder of Sosushi and Well Done Burger. Yet, his most cherished venture remains the Future Food Institute. Celebrating a decade of evolution, it is where ideas meet impact, fostering living labs in Tokyo, Bologna, and Pollica, and unfolding a narrative of sustainable and technological innovation in the food sector.

Xiaoqin Wang: Chairman of Shuimu Digital Agriculture Technology Group Member of the Rural and Agricultural Committee of the China National Democratic Construction Association (民革), Director of the Entrepreneur Association of China National Democratic Construction Association, Vice Chairman of the National Agriculture and Rural Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Technology Alliance, and Chairman of the Zhongguancun New Urbanization Industry Alliance.

Currently serving as Chairman of Shuimu Jiutian Technology, an investment by Tsinghua University, Wang Xiaoqing is primarily involved in providing comprehensive solutions for urban fresh produce, offering year-round production of non-perishable vegetables that meet EU standards at affordable prices. He is one of the pioneering figures in China's carbon-neutral agriculture measurement and methodology for factory farming.

[ Swipe up to view speakers' bio ]


Cyber Farms
Nov.12 Sun.  9:00-12:00

In the midst of rural landscapes, digital technology is playing a pivotal role in fostering the development and revitalization of rural areas, infusing them with vitality and optimism. This session provides a valuable platform for experts from various sectors such as businesses, government, and technology to share valuable insights and exemplary practices. Together, we will explore the significant contributions of digital technology in agricultural and rural development, its capacity for innovation, and its unwavering commitment to social and environmental sustainability. Attendees of this session will gain a comprehensive understanding of the current state and emerging trends in digital rural development. Moreover, they will gain insights from practical applications of digital technology in this context, while actively engaging in meaningful dialogue and collaboration to foster sustainable rural development.



Things w/ AI

Nov. 12 Sun.  14:00-18:00

With its rapid development, AIGC is seamlessly integrating with diverse industries and emerging as a significant catalyst for industrial advancement. Now, it has the capability to operate on intelligent edge devices and hardware. In order to foster stronger connections between investors and entrepreneurs in the AI and hardware domain, we are collaborating with IECG SynergyHub to present a session that explores the myriad possibilities within the realm of Things with AI. This session will bring together industry clusters, experts from scientific research institutions, and investment firms to delve into the application and future prospects of AI technology in the hardware sector. Our aim is to identify and support exceptional innovative startups and teams, thereby contributing to the development of Shenzhen's urban industry clusters.


Eric Hui: Head of the IECG & Nvidia Inception Joint Incubation Center; Executive President of the Longgang District Science and Technology Service Promotion Association in Shenzhen; Vice President of the Longhua Innovation and Ecological Services Association in Shenzhen; Expert Evaluator for Shenzhen's Startup Incubation Base Accreditation; Entrepreneurial Mentor in Guangdong Province (Guangdong Science and Technology Enterprise Incubator Association), Shenzhen City (Shenzhen Human Resources and Social Security Bureau), and Shenzhen University Longgang Innovation Research Institute.

Previous roles include Member of the Preparatory Team for the National Technology Transfer South Center; Executive Deputy Secretary-General of the Shenzhen Science and Technology Service Industry Association; and Head of the Hong Kong Youth (Futian) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base.

Kery Peng: Strategic Advisor for Amazon Web Services (AWS) Startup Ecosystem, Tech Blogger on Zhihu, Forbes 30 Under 30 awardee. Previously served as VP at YingNuo Angel, Senior Product Manager at Tencent, and Director of Mobile Operations at Tuba Rabbit.

During their time at internet companies, they led the development of three products from inception to success, accumulating experience in the design and commercialization of internet products with over a billion users. During their venture capital (VC) career, they participated in investments in more than 30 entrepreneurial projects.

Richard ZhangRichard is the Chief Strategic Officer (CSO) at Seeed Studio, with a strong background in technology and extensive experience in the internet industry. Having worked for 6 years in Tencent's Strategic Analysis and Community Platform divisions, and with 9 years of entrepreneurial experience, he possesses profound knowledge in areas such as internet product planning, community management, and marketing. He has led projects involving QQ Member Platform product development and communities with millions of female users, and has conducted in-depth research in the field of internet applications.

In his current role as CSO at Seeed Studio, Richard leads a team in executing technology-empowered community strategies. He exhibits remarkable management skills and strategic vision. He leverages insights from his research in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in technology industry development and strategic execution conducted at AIGC. These insights are applied to Seeed Studio's strategic decision-making, providing the company with enhanced possibilities for innovation and growth. His clear understanding of cutting-edge AI applications and their potential business value serves as the foundation for strategic planning and execution, creating additional growth opportunities for Seeed Studio."

[ Swipe up to view speakers' bio ]


Registration Details

 Maker Forum Agenda 

Maker Forum      


Lecture Hall, Area B, Vanke Design Commune, Shenzhen

 How to Register 


Scan the QR code to register for your ticker passes at Huodongxing活动行, and check in on-site with the ticket passes. You can also click "Read the original text" in the lower-left corner of the article to register.


Tips for Visitors 

Wanna register your ticket for the whole event? You're all invited to register as a professional visitor. As a professional visitor, you can:

1. Avoid on-site registration.

2. Easily access to the exhibitor directory.

3. Get first-hand event updates.


Scan the code to register by choosing the 'Professional Visitor' ticket type. After registration, you'll get a confirmation text message. Check-in at the Information Desk (Booth Number: A08)on-site to get an e-version of the exhibitor directory.

Be an Ecovisitor!

The event venue offers a limited number of parking lots, and we encourage you to visit us with eco-friendly transportation options! The nearby subway stations and bus stations are listed as follows:

Metro: Exit A, Liuxiandong Metro Station(Line5)

Bus: Zhongxing Talent Apartment East Bus Station

Vanke Cloud City Bus Terminal





  • Ryohei 凌平


  • Jason Sun


  • LQ


  • Livian


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  • 燃一世繁华
















