2019 ADEX CHINA 海洋嘉年华暨亚洲潜水展(北京站)
2019 ADEX CHINA 海洋嘉年华暨亚洲潜水展(北京站)
ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta 2019
More than just a dive show.
Founded in 1995, ADEX Asia Dive Expo is one of the largest and longest-running dive expos in Asia, which headquarter locates in Singapore. Being regarded as one of the industry’s “must-attend” event. ADEX garnered multiple recognition in 2018 as the ‘Best Exhibition Organiser 2018’ by the Singapore Tourism Board and appointed by the United Nations and Asia Pacific Diving communities for Ocean’s Health and Sustainability as the ‘Sustainable Ocean Ambassador’ in 2019. ADEX has received recognition from important organizations like DEMA (USA) and the Singapore Tourism Board (STB). Also, under the leading of Underwater360, the biggest diving magazine in Asia, ADEX is greeting its 25th anniversary. In 2019, ADEX is going to hold 4 events in 3 countries, including the one in Singapore (April 11st to 14th), the one in Shanghai, China (July 5th to 7th), the one in Beijing, China (July 12th to 14th), and the one in India (October 4th to 6th).
ADEX 海洋明星大使
ADEX Ocean Ambassador
We are all a community of Marine destiny. For the development of Marine protection, many stars have joined ADEX to speak for Marine environmental protection.
为了无塑料的未来海洋 - 2019 ADEX 主题
Dedicated to the Ocean for a Plastic-Free Future - The Topic of 2019 ADEX
ADEX is not just a dive expo, but a grand meeting of the global marine industry. In order to promote marine environmental protection around the world, every year ADEX will design customized topics. For example, in 2018 it were dedicated to sharks and in this year the theme was “Dedicated to the Ocean for a Plastic-Free Future". During the exhibition different fields are displayed in different ways. The themes include marine industry, diving, rescue, environmental protection, public welfare, education, mermaid, children, film, photography, music, book, and experience.
* 12岁及以下儿童免费入场。加入我们在“儿童区”学习更多关于海洋保护的知识吧!
* Free entry for 12 years old children and below. Join us at the 'Kids zone' to learn more about Ocean Conservation."
* 所有ADEX北京海洋嘉年华暨亚洲潜水展有障碍人士来宾享有免费入场。
* ALL ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta cum Asia Dive Expo visitiors with special needs requirement are entitled to free entry.
ADEX Speaker
In no particular order. Update in progress....
ADEX Mermaids Underwater Show
ADEX will host spectacular mermaid shows of beautiful tails swimming gracefully in the water. The fairytale unfolds gradually, all in ADEX. Mermaid performers include an eight years old child, top academics, fitness gurus, a plus-size mermaid, and a merman who constantly challenges himself. No matter which stage you are at, if you are willing to try, you can turn into an "extraordinary" mermaid or merman.
ADEX携手北京众安公益基金会, 带山区孩子们来北京跟随海洋环保志愿者、海洋专家老师一起了解我们的海洋、学习潜水,或许一次体验,就能成就未来的潜水大师,成为孩子们未来的事业。
即刻购票参加2019 ADEX 海洋嘉年华暨亚洲潜水展(7月12日至14日在北京中国国际展览中心),门票收入的一部分将用于捐赠爱心事业,助力孩子们实现心中蔚蓝梦想。
Pass your love around for the "left-behind children" and set their sight towards the ocean for their future.
Together with Beijing Public Safety & Welfare Foundation and the team at Asia Dive Expo (ADEX), purchase your entry to ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta and have a part of your ticket sales proceeding going towards charity for the “Left-Behind Children” foundation.
Do not miss this chance to meet these children at ADEX Beijing on July 12-14 at the China International Exhibition Centre and witness how they are taught to respect and love the ocean and to learn diving, which hopefully one day aspire them to become a Divemaster as their career. See you there!
*Free entry for 12 years old children and below. Join us at the 'Kids zone' to learn more about Ocean Conservation."
所有ADEX北京海洋嘉年华暨亚洲潜水展有障碍人士来宾享有免费入场。对有障碍人士潜水感兴趣的来宾和潜水教练们请与国际有障碍人士潜水协会(HSA)、美国课程总监Mark Rausch,以及中国HSA教练互动,了解更多详情。
ALL ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta cum Asia Dive Expo visitiors with special needs requirement are entitled to free entry. Interested visitors as well as dive instructors can interact with Handicap Scuda Association(HSA China). HSA Course Director Mark Raush(USA)and HSA China Instructors to learn more.
ADEX 海洋嘉年华慈善晚宴
ADEX北京海洋嘉年华慈善晚宴也将见证海洋公民少年大使的诞生。7月12日早上,被选拔的北京大学学生会在ADEX北京海洋嘉年华演讲,分享对海洋的热诚与海洋保护。由观众与其他演讲 嘉宾进行网上投票,得到最多票数的一男一女学生将受邀参与ADEX北京海洋嘉年华慈善晚宴并正式成为海洋公民青少年大使。晚宴将于颁奖仪式后正式落下帷幕。
ADEX北京海洋嘉年华慈善晚宴仅限受邀嘉宾,参展单位,演讲嘉宾及 RMB550 公众票(限一百张),自助餐饮到晚上九点结束。ADEX北京海洋嘉年华参展商与北京大学学生享有RMB500的特价票。
北京市朝阳区东三环北路东方路 1 号
The ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta Charity Ball will be held on July 12 at 7pm in Infinity Hall, Hilton Beijing. All amount raised in the ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta Charity Ball will go to China's "Left-Behind Children" foundation.
ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta Charity Ball will be graced by 20 "Left-Behind Children" and distinguished celebrity guests such as Jing Chao, Mei Ting, Tan Kai, Anais Martane, and Princess Ye MingZi, along with many other attendees to witness the bidding of art pieces which include the 3.25m by 1.2m on-site artwork completed by the children accompanied with Art Future Organisation, ocean-related art pieces, and the beautiful upcycled fashion dress by Ocean Artist Kalindava.
The Ocean Citizen Youth Ambassadors will be announced in ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta Charity Ball. Selected students from Peking University get to present and share their passion for marine conservation to the public on July 12, Friday during ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta. Only the best presenters, a lady and a gentleman, voted online by the public and speakers, will be invited to the ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta Charity Ball for the title of ADEX Ocean Citizen Youth Ambassadors.
The evening will end with an appreciation award ceremony for our distinguished candidates.
ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta Charity Ball will see 150 invited VIP guests, exhibitors and speakers. Public sales will be limited to 100 tickets at RMB 550 with free flow of food & drinks till 9pm. ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta exhibitors and students of Peking University will enjoy the special rate of RMB 500.
Infinity Hall, Hilton Beijing
1 Dong Fang Rd, North Dongsanhuan Rd, Beijing
ADEX 美人鱼派对
ADEX 北京海洋嘉年华的美人鱼嘉年华将在Superlife健身会所举行:7月13日星期六晚上7点至午夜12点,夏季泳池派对。音乐、泳池、美酒、美人鱼,和志同道合的伙伴一起摇摆,更有幸运抽奖可获得丰厚的奖品。期待这个美好的夜晚,共同度过美好时光!即刻到活动行购票,每人200元人民币,可获得一杯免费酒品/饮料!前100名报名,还可获得由MURASAME提供的防水包一个!
记得穿着泳装,与DJ 沈岳 & Darcy的电子舞曲脉搏一起跳!
地址: 北京朝阳西工体 西路 50 号 Superlife 健身会所内
DJ 沈岳
有着多年现场舞台经验的沈岳,一直处于中国电音发展的中心。无论是最先开始的参与者,还是现在的鼓动者,对于电子音乐,他都有着独特的诠释和如既往的执着。在他的音乐里,饶有趣味的旋律配合强劲有力的 Bass Line 无不冲击着 Party 爱好者的脉搏。
DJ Darcy
拥有多年的电子舞曲音乐聆听经验,曾作为电子派对现场报道记者、活动策划参与到北京电子乐场景中,2013年进入DJ行业,热衷Disco及House音乐。2014年加入北京电子乐与艺术影像结合的派对厂牌Shadowplay,同时与好友共同策划在DADA BAR每月两次的House Party,并活跃于LANTERN、ZHAODAI等本地人气俱乐部。2015年创立了以推干京沪双城派对演出生活的自媒体公众号PLAYLIST,在电音粉丝中具有一定的影响力。2015年开始成为北京老牌LOUNGE酒吧D LOUNGE的Resident DJ至今。曾参与北京摩登天空音乐节(2014)、武汉江湖音乐节(2015)、 北京DART创艺电音节(2015)、张北音乐节(2017)等户外大型演出。
In Beijing, 7pm on July 13, 2019
Swing by Superlife Gym for ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta’s Mermaid Fiesta: Summer Pool Party on Saturday, July 13 from 7pm to 12 midnight. Expect a good time with an evening packed with good music, inviting pool, boozes, mermaids, a party of like-minded individuals and influencers and great prizes to be won from the lucky draws!
Get your tickets now at only RMB 200, accompanied with one complimentary alcoholic/non-alcoholic drink! The first 100 to register with receive an ADEX limited edition Dry Bag by MURASAME!
Come in your swimwear and move to the beat with DJ Shen Yue and Darcy!
No. 50 West Gonti Road Chaoyang, Beijing.
DJ Shen Yue
With Years of experience on the stage, Shen Yue has been in the center of the development of electronic scene in China. Whether it is the beginning of the participant, or now the agitator, for electronic music, he has his own unique interpretation and dedication. In his set, both the interesting little melody and the strong BassLine can impact the pulse of party animals.
DJ Darcy
As a Electronica music and party report journalist for years, events host in Beijing, Darcy turned into DJ in 2013 to create a versatile mood to the scene. She tends to bring melodic Disco and gentle House to the crowd. Darcy joins the artsy party label Shadowplay in 2014,to drop her subtle glamour with other innovative DJs in the arena. Darcy is a resident DJ at famous D LOUNGE Bar in Beijing since 2016. At the same time, she is also a representative power of Beijing’s underground scense, playing gigs at well-know underground clubs, such as MIGAS、LANTERN and DADA.
展会名称:2019 ADEX CHINA 海洋嘉年华暨亚洲潜水展(北京站)
活动时间:2019.07.12-14,(12-13日 09:00-17:00、14日09:00-15:00)
活动地点:北京 · 中国国际展览中心(静安庄馆)8B馆
【已停止】单日—早鸟票:30元/人/天 (限时发售,截止到6月30号,购买早鸟票可参加三天中任意一天展会)
【正在热销】单日—标准票:50元/人/天 (购买标准票可参加三天中任意一天展会)
【正在热销】VIP泳池派对 — 套票1:200元/人 (包含:7月13日晚美人鱼派对门票一张 + 饮品一杯)
【正在热销】VIP泳池派对 — 套票2:280元/人 (原价500元/张,包括:展会三天通票 + 7月13日晚美人鱼派对门票一张 + 饮品一杯 + ADEX纪念T恤一件)
【已售罄】VIP慈善晚宴 :550元/人(参加ADEX亚洲潜水展展商及在校大学生可享有500元/人的特惠票)
【限时热销】单日票-限量套餐:99元/人,仅限100份!套餐包含:ADEX亚洲潜水展单日门票一张 + 限量版ADEX海洋纪念衫。
* 12岁及以下儿童免费入场。加入我们在“儿童区”学习更多关于海洋保护的知识吧!
* Free entry for 12 years old children and below. Join us at the 'Kids zone' to learn more about Ocean Conservation."
* 所有ADEX北京海洋嘉年华暨亚洲潜水展有障碍人士来宾享有免费入场。
* ALL ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta cum Asia Dive Expo visitiors with special needs requirement are entitled to free entry.