Winter is slipping into Beijing. That being said, the coldness, the freezing wind, the less-exciting gray from the sky to the ground all push us into indoor fun, seeking warmness and excitingness from food and drinks that delight our tongue and mind. Work has been piled up. Everyone is working so hard to meet KPI as time is nearing the year-end of the unusual 2020.
Winter is slipping into Beijing, opening the curtain for the endless holiday fun. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve etc are all on the way. Have you bought and wrapped up the gifts? Have you found the group of friends that you would joining in and celebrating the series of holidays?
To relieve you out of the work stress, put you into the indoor fun and connect you with the right people to celebrate holidays together, Beijing Foodies is hosting the Winter Speed Networking Party next Saturday night on Nov 7th at ENDCALL, located in SOHO (Sanlitun), right at the heart of Sanlitun. ENDCALL is a full of surprises, a hidden house waiting quitely for his destiny. With both trending and vintage elements for its indoor decoration, ENDCALL successfully makes itself for a hotspot for photobooth and Internet celebrities. For the Party night, we will also have photographer and photobooth onsite to capture the best of you and the perfect pictures for your Wechat moment sharing.
So come and have a drink with us on Nov 7th, Saturday night. Meet and connect new people in the early winter time in Beijing, enjoying the endless indoor fun and delightments from food and drinks, acquainting friends for the upcoming holiday season!
Date & Time: 730pm-end, 11/07/2020, Saturday
Venue: ENDCALL工人体育场北路三里屯SOHO6号商场B1-1615

730PM-830PM: Check-in
9PM: Photo-booth Shooting
10PM: Lucky Draw
830PM-End: Social Networking
We'll Have
-Fun and young international professionals
-Lukcy Draw
-Photo-booth Shooting
-68 RMB Early Bird one person including a Drink
-118 RMB Early Twin two people including two Drinks
-98 RMB At the Door one person including a Drink
-148 RMB At the Door Twin two people including two Drinks
Previous Events


Beijing Foodies 国际青年社群
Beijing Foodies 是一个国际青年社群,社群成员是来自科技、金融、设计和教育等行业,社群的口号是“保持饥饿,保持愚蠢”。
Beijing Foodies is a platform to help people learn and connect through Knowledge and Friends. We are a group of young international professionals from technology, finance, design, and education industry. Our slogan is “Stay hungry, stay foolish” because we are all life-long learners.

ENDCALL在2019年诞生于北京,是国内首家多元化潮流平台。ENDCALL线下店铺地处北京最热门的潮流文化商圈三里屯,主营咖啡、酒吧、潮流买手店、barbershop(美式理发)和艺术展览等业务。ENDCALL BAR是一家将潮流与复古元素完美融合的新派whisky bar,非常有辨识度的金属水波纹吧台吊顶和利用植物做空间隔断的布局,使得这里成为了拍照打卡的好去处