Bernard Debarbieux, Dean of Social Sciences, University of Geneva. Bernard Debarbieux is a professor of political and cultural geography and urban and regional planning. He works both at the Department of geography and at the Institute for environmental sciences.
As a researcher, he is specialized in the production of geographical knowledge and imagination, planning, environmental governance and political and collective territorialities. His main objects of research are the mountain regions at a national, regional and global scale, and more generally regional environmental governance.
Francois Grey, Coordinator, Citizen Cyberlab; Co-Director, Tsinghua University Lifelong Learning Lab; Geneva Manager, Geneva-Tsinghua Initiative. Francois Grey is a physicist by training, with a background in nanotechnology and a passion for citizen science. Since September 2014, he is Invited Professor at the University of Geneva and Manager of the Citizen Cyberlab, a partnership between CERN, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and the University of Geneva.
From 2013-2014 Francois was Head of Citizen Science at NYU’s Center for Urban Science and Progress, where he launched the Science and the City hackathons in collaboration with ITP, NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program and Science Hack Day NYC in collaboration with the World Science Festival. Francois was based in Beijing from 2008-2013, where he was Professor of Distribute Computing and Deputy Director of the Centre for Nano and Micromechanics. He helped establish the Open Wisdom Lab at Tsinghua University, to promote concepts of open and participatory science. He also helped establish Tsinghua’s Lifelong Learning Lab, a collaboration with the LEGO Foundation, which extends concepts of participatory science to children of all ages. He has also been a visiting Senior International Expert with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where he initiated online citizen science in China through a project called CAS@home. Francois received a prestigious Fellowship from the South-Africa-based Shuttleworth Foundation in 2010-11, for his efforts to promote citizen science in the developing world.
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