开放科学硬件大会(GOSH)是一个多元化的全球社区,致力于加强开放科学技术的共享。每年GOSH都会举办一年会,社区成员聚在一起,一起交流、沟通并探索新的的可能,以实现GOSH的愿景 — 到2025年让开放科学硬件无处不在。2018年,开放科学硬件大会(GOSH)首次在中国深圳举办,落户清华大学国际开放创新教育中心Open FIESTA。
GOSH is a diverse global community working to enhance the sharing of open and scientific technologies. And the GOSH community will gather annually, to meet, discuss and explore new possibilities of achieving the goal of “making open science hardware ubiquitous by 2025”. In October 2018, GOSH was organized in China for the first time, hosted by Open FIESTA, Tsinghua University.
为了让开放科学硬件大会社群跟深圳本地社群成员有一个更近距离的交流,明晚(10月12日晚),我们将邀请2018开放科学硬件大会参会的100名国际代表,在柴火造物中心x.factory开办GOSH Public Event开放科学硬件公众活动,跟大家面对面交流。
To facilitate the communication between GOSH and the local community in Shenzhen, we are hosting the GOSH Public Event at Chaihuo x.factory tomorrow evening (October 12th). There will be more than 100 GOSH participants worldwide attending the event, welcome to join us, communicate and interact.
明晚的开放科学硬件公众活动将包括3个板块:GOSH Talks,GOSH亮点项目展示,GOSH艺术科学装置表演。
Tomorrow evening's GOSH Public Event will consist of three main sections: GOSH Talks, GOSH Open Floor Projects, and GOSH Art/Science Exhibition.
GOSH Talks(7:30 - 9:00)
Francois Grey,瑞士日内瓦大学教授、Citizen Cyber Lab负责人
Jenny Molloy, 英国剑桥大学教授,Open plant项目负责人,GOSH团队成员
演讲主题:What is GOSH - Reflections on a Global Open Science Hardware Movement
Julian Stirling,OpenFlexure显微镜项目负责人,英国巴斯大学教授
Christonsia Mushi (坦桑尼亚) - Twende 社会创新和学习中心
GOSH Talks(7:30 - 9:00)
Francois Grey, Citizen Cyber Lab, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Jenny Molloy, Open plant, Open Plant, University of Cambridge (UK) and GOSH team
What is GOSH - Reflections on a Global Open Science Hardware Movement
The Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH) is a diverse, global community working to enhance the sharing of open, scientific technologies. And the GOSH community will gather annually, to meet, discuss and explore new possibilities of achieving the goal of “making open science hardware ubiquitous by 2025”.
Julian Stirling (UK) University Of Bath
OpenFlexure Microscope -The OpenFlexure is a motorised 3D printed open-source microscope for research-grade microscopy. The hardest part of designing an affordable high quality microscope is not the optics, but fine motion control for focus and sample translation. We intend for the microscope to be built and maintained locally where it is needed in countries where supply chains pose a problem.https://github.com/rwb27/openflexure_microscope
Christonsia Mushi (Tanzania) - Twende Social Innovation and Leanrning Center
Twende is a social innovation and learning center in Arusha, Tanzania. We provide space, tools and hands-on project based design workshops to youth and local community, empowering people to design and implement their own solution to local challenges. An overview of recently developed projects will be given, such as a multipurpose wheelchair, avocado oil and paving blocks made of recycled plastic waste.
4 Blitz presentations by all open floor projects. See below for more details.
GOSH亮点项目展示 (6:30 - 10:30)
GOSH艺术科学装置表演(6:30 - 10:00)
Ippolit Markelov - art group “18 apples”, Russia
俄国艺术团队 “18 apples",艺术家:Ippolit Markelov
"The issue of redefining life and creativity is the core question of the project “Metabola A.I.” created by the Russian art-group “18 Apples”. This cross-disciplinary work addresses the ideas of synthetic evolution, bio-art and philosophical meditations on the dualism of nature and culture. In the project’s boundaries the AI (a Convolutional Neural Network) gets the task to find the universal form of life. As it faces the many difficulties, the AI starts an infinite generation of fictitious living forms that are based on images of organic cells. The artists enliven the imagined forms suggested by the AI using a DIY 3-D bio-printer and chimerical bacteria e.Coli. Imagination as one of the most important factors in the creation of a cyborg subject (D. Haraway) receives a new application here: the non-human imagination becomes the binding element between the natural and the technological. It leads to an understanding of life as a co-evolutionary process between living and non-living agents. The artists offer an augmented, or post-biological, vision of nature where technological actors get more freedom. This causes a deterritorialization of the concept of cyborg as a postmodern mode of existence to planetary scales." E. Nikitina
Art group “18 apples”: Art direction, concept, hardware: Ippolit Markelov; concept, wetware: Lucy Ojomoko; soft: Rodion Kadyrov.
Collaborators: programming: Petr Smirnov; programming AI: Andrew Pakosh; camera, LD, video editing: Anna Kortyukova; camera, sound: Vasiliy Sumin; sound design: Helena Nikonole; photo, sound: Daniil Primak; graphic design, animation: Violet Postnova.
With thanks to: Natalia Povarova; Dr. Alexey Nesterenko; Ilya Kuzmin; Peter Mamonov; Helena Nikonole and Maria Molokova.
Local Collaborators: Vivi Chen Zi Wei, Isaac Nuñez, Tamara Matute
This project has been presented on the Ars Electronica Festival 2017, Austria Linz
装置项目2: GOSH图片展
负责人:Constanza Giuliani和Mohanti
由Constanza Giuliani和Mohanti策划组织的图片展,收集了多个GOSH大会参与者拍摄的照片、图片,向大家展示GOSH大会的点点滴滴。
GOSHers Picture Show
Various participants of GOSH, curated and meshed by Constanza Giuliani and Mohanti
装置项目3: ARSandbox.
负责人:Saulo Meirelles, China
Saulo Meirelles的研究主要聚焦于气候变化对海岸线影响,以及如何应用策略来应对相应的海岸线变化。
Saulo Meirelles research centers on coastal processes related to new alternatives to climate-change adaptation strategies.
Saulo Meirelles, China
装置项目4: 梯木叠雕
Zhang Ke Tian,China
The stereo wood block is inspired by the traditional practice of Chinese ancient architecture, engineered and produced with modern technology. The piece going through field research, surveying and restoration, it inherited the essence of Chinese classical architecture and ingenious of the ancients.
GOSH Night (9:00 - 10:30)
GOSH社区成员以及朋友们的音乐和表演Performances and Music by various GOSHians and friends
出场顺序 Line up:
TransHackLabNoise Performance, collaborative electronics sound performance
GOSH-alalalaa “My Science Lab is My Sound Studio”
VJ pixel, live Micro-Visuals
DJ Fernando, Chill / Electro
Learn more about GOSH:
Website 网站: http://openhardware.science/
Forum 论坛: https://forum.openhardware.science/
Event Info 活动详情
Time: 18:30 - 22:30, October 12(Friday), 2018
Place: Chaihuo x.factory (B608, Design Commune, Dashi 2nd Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen)
时间:2018年10月12日(周五)18:30 - 22:30
When you arrive at the Design Commune, please follow this map to walk to x.factory.
GOSH 2018 Public Event Sponsors: