
2019影像上海艺术博览会 PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai 2019 | 世界摄影组织

2019年9月20日 12:00 ~ 2019年9月22日 18:00






    2019影像上海艺术博览会 行程安排

    • 公众参观门票

    921日(星期六)12:00 – 19:00 公众参观        

    922日(星期日)11:00 – 18:00 公众参观




    • 贵宾预展门票

    920日(星期五)12:00 – 18:00 贵宾预展          

    921日(星期六)12:00 – 19:00 公众参观        

    922日(星期日)11:00 – 18:00 公众参观






    2019 Photofairs Shanghai Schedule

    • Daily Ticket

    Sept 21 (Sat.)   12:00 – 19:00 Public Visit            

    Sept 22 (Sun.)   11:00 – 18:00 Public Visit

    ** Ticket admits one. No re-entry.

    [Please ensure you enter a correct email address and mobile number, as you will receive this ticket digitally.  Please bring the code with you to gain access to the fair.]


    • VIP Preview Ticket

    Sept 20 (Fri. )   12:00 – 18:00 VIP Preview           

    Sept 21 (Sat.)   12:00 – 19:00 Public Visit            

    Sept 22 (Sun.)   11:00 – 18:00 Public Visit

    **Join our exclusive VIP Preview, limited tickets available.

    One card admits two. One re-entry per day permitted.

    Exclusive entry to VIP Preview and access to the VIP Lounge.

    VIP benefits and events around the city, including: free entry, ticketing discount or private tour of over 10 exhibitions in Shanghai, and several F&B and lifestyle stores discounts. For more benefit details, please follow us on WeChat by searching PHOTOFAIRS影像艺术博览会

     [Please note these VIP Preview invitations will be posted from August 2019. Please ensure you enter the correct post address and on receipt, and bring the invitation to gain access to the fair.]


    If you don't have Chinese mainland phone number, please register through email via this link.























     最好的沪上气候 最佳的约会场地













    Marina Abramović《情人·长城》(1988) 传奇作品系列





    荒木经惟Nobuyoshi Araki

    森山大道Daidō Moriyama

    杉本博司Hiroshi Sugimoto

    须田一政 Issei Suda

    欧文·潘Irving Penn

    薇薇安·迈尔Vivian Maier

    恩斯特·哈斯Ernst Haas

    爱德华·韦斯顿 Edward Weston

    罗伯特·梅普尔索普Robert Mapplethorpe


    这场立足上海辐射亚太的摄影艺术博览会,汇集了国内外一流画廊和艺术家的摄影精品。每年都会引起沪上一阵摄影艺术热潮,今年9月势必会在你的朋友圈里霸屏!而这场城中热事,一年一度,只限3天!无论是摄影艺术藏家,还是新晋潮人网红,都要来现场 get 前沿打卡姿势。





    ▼   日本摄影   ▼


    森万里子 | 荒木经惟 | 森山大道 |

    杉本博司 | 须田一政



    森万里子 Mariko Mori


    © MARIKO MORI, Higher Being II, 2013. Courtesy of Sean Kelly Gallery (New York & Taipei).png

    © MARIKO MORI, Higher Being II, 2013. Courtesy of Sean Kelly Gallery (New York & Taipei)


    荒木经惟 Nobuyoshi Araki


    © NOBUYOSHI ARAKI, Untiled, #35, from the series “Love by Leica_, 2006. Courtesy of OstLicht. Gallery (Vienna).png

    © NOBUYOSHI ARAKI, Untiled, #35, from the series “Love by Leica", 2006. Courtesy of OstLicht. Gallery (Vienna)


    森山大道 Daido Moriyama


    © DAIDO MORIYAMA, Paris, France,1971. Courtesy of see+ Gallery (Beijing).png

    © DAIDO MORIYAMA, ParisFrance,1971. Courtesy of see+ Gallery (Beijing)


    杉本博司 Hiroshi Sugimoto


     © HIROSHI SUGIMOTO, Teatro dei Rozzi, Siena. Courtesy of Galleria Continua (Beijing, San Gimignano, Les Moulins, Habana) .png

    © HIROSHI SUGIMOTO, Teatro dei Rozzi, Siena. Courtesy of Galleria Continua (Beijing, San Gimignano, Les Moulins, Habana)


    须田一政 Issei Suda



    © ISSEI SUDAE, See Wind Through Flowers, 1976. Courtesy of see+ Gallery ( Beijing ).png

    © ISSEI SUDAE, See Wind Through Flowers, 1976. Courtesy of see+ Gallery ( Beijing )



    ▼    大师经典    ▼


    玛丽亚·阿布拉莫维奇 | 欧文·潘 | 恩斯特·哈斯

    维利·罗尼 | 萨宾娜·魏斯 | 罗伯特·梅普尔索普

    卢克·福诺尔 | 埃里克·索斯



    玛丽亚·阿布拉莫维奇Marina Abramović

    2019年博览会『焦点』版块将聚焦"行为艺术之母"玛丽亚·阿布拉莫维奇Marina Abramović,首次在中国内地重现其传奇作品《情人·长城》(The Lovers, 1988),并包括独特的绘画以及双频录像。阿布拉莫维奇开创了将行为表演作为一种视觉艺术创作形式的先河,并在其整个职业生涯中使用摄影来记录她的表演。


    展览将同时展出12幅带有独特图画的彩色照片以及一个2频视频装置。与此同时,艺术家为此次展览特别与Sean Kelly Gallery 创办人 Sean Kelly进行对谈,现场录像亦将首次在中国呈现,阿布拉莫维奇在其中讨论了该作品的重要性及其在上海展示的意义。

     © MARINA ABRAMOVIĆ, The Lovers (Ladderman), 1988. Courtesy of Sean Kelly Gallery (New York & Taipei).png

    © MARINA ABRAMOVIĆ, The Lovers (Ladderman), 1988. Courtesy of Sean Kelly Gallery (New York & Taipei)


    欧文·潘 Irving Penn


     © IRVING PENN, Ripe Cheese, 1992. Courtesy of Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac (Paris, Salzburg, London).jpg

    © IRVING PENN, Ripe Cheese, 1992. Courtesy of Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac (Paris & London & Salzburg)

    恩斯特·哈斯 Ernst Haas

    生于奥地利,将彩色运用到极致的摄影先驱,改变许多人对色彩摄影的概念。作品并不纪实,但色彩明快,用光影重新构建了充满动感和力量的世界。1958年他被美国《大众摄影》杂志评为世界上最有创作思想的10位顶级摄影大师之一,次年Ernst Haas被推选为玛格南图片社社长。


    ERNST HAAS, Las Vegas, 1975. Courtesy of OstLicht. Gallery (Vienna).jpg

    © ERNST HAAS, Las Vegas, 1975. Courtesy of OstLicht. Gallery (Vienna)


    维利·罗尼 Willy Ronis



    © WILLY RONIS, Les amoureux de la colonne de la Bastille, 1957. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles) .png

    © WILLY RONIS, Les amoureux de la colonne de la Bastille, 1957. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles)


    萨宾娜·魏斯 Sabine Weiss

    萨宾娜·魏斯是法国人文摄影学派的代表人物,与罗伯特·杜瓦诺(Robert Doisneau),维利·罗尼(Willy Ronis),爱德华·布巴(Édouard Boubat)或布拉塞(Brassaï)几位并列,在法国摄影史中占有独特的地位。

     © SABINE WEISS, Place de la Concodre, Paris, 1953. Courtesy of Les Douches la Galerie (Paris).png

    © SABINE WEISS, Place de la Concodre, Paris, 1953. Courtesy of Les Douches la Galerie (Paris)


    罗伯特·梅普尔索普 Robert Mapplethorpe

    他是 20 世纪最具争议的摄影师被称为”暗黑王子“,是用影像创造新的性别观念的艺术家。1967年夏天的纽约,他还不那么出名,邂逅帕蒂·史密斯Patti Smith,未来的 “朋克摇滚桂冠诗人”“朋克教母”“摇滚音乐史上最具影响力的女歌手”,无数人追捧的“时代偶像”。他们互相取暖,他为她拍片。他年仅42岁因为艾滋病而去世,终结于一个喧嚣时代的致命瘟疫。


    © ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE, Flower, 1986. Courtesy of Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac (Paris, London & Salzburg) .png

    © ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE, Flower, 1986. Courtesy of Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac (Paris, London & Salzburg)


    卢克·福诺尔 Luc Fournol

    因战后为《艺术》杂志拍摄著名艺术家而成名,并与很多名人成为了朋友。他的摄影对象包括:奥黛丽·赫本、希区柯克、夏卡尔、毕加索以及Coco Chanel女士的密友即才子Jean Cocteau,甚至诸如戴高乐、肯尼迪等政治人物。


    © LUC FOURNOL, Salvador Dali, 1970. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles).png

    © LUC FOURNOL, Salvador Dali, 1970. Courtesy of Galerie Photo 12 (Paris & Los Angeles)


    埃里克·索斯 Alec Soth


     © ALEC SOTH, Monika. Warsaw, 2018. Courtesy of Sean Kelly Gallery (New York & Taipei) .png

    © ALEC SOTH, Monika. Warsaw, 2018. Courtesy of Sean Kelly Gallery (New York & Taipei)



    ▼    斜杠青年    ▼


    薇薇安·迈尔 | 鲍斯·米优斯 |

    亨克·范·任斯伯格 | 安塞尔·伊士顿·亚当斯



    薇薇安·迈尔 Vivian Maier

    美国传奇街拍摄影师薇薇安·迈尔Vivian Maier(1926-2009)出生于纽约市,在法国度过了青春岁月,之后她的大半生活都在芝加哥从事保姆和照看工作。生前经常带着 Rolleiflex 或 Leica III 等相机在街头进行拍照,死后才被人发现留下了超过10万张作品,包括照片、底片、未冲洗的胶卷。2007年,在一场芝加哥拍卖会中,其一系列从未曝光的摄影作品被抢购一空而声名大噪。

     © VIVIAN MAIER, Chicago, 1978. Courtesy of Les Douches la Galerie (Paris).png

    © VIVIAN MAIER, Chicago, 1978. Courtesy of Les Douches la Galerie (Paris)


    鲍斯·米优斯 Bas Meeuws



     © BAS MEEUWS, Hommage à Sanyu (#10), 2018. Courtesy of Pan van der Horst Gallery (Taipei & the Hague) .png

    © BAS MEEUWS, Hommage à Sanyu (#10), 2018. Courtesy of Pan van der Horst Gallery (Taipei & the Hague)


    亨克·范·任斯伯格 Henk van Rensbergen

    你肯定不敢相信亨克是摄影艺术家的同时,还是一名波音787的机长!每每结束飞行任务,他的乘务组在泳池边休憩的时候,他就拿着相机去拍那些空寂的建筑。他的照片总散发着陈腐的味道,却也流露出寂静之美。在2017年,亨克有一组名为《无人之境 No Man’s Land》的拍摄项目,在这一组照片中,人类不复存在,全是动物占领了废弃的建筑。

     © HENK VAN RENSBERGEN, Adams Theatre, 2009. Courtesy of Galerie Dumonteil (Shanghai & Paris) .png

    © HENK VAN RENSBERGEN, Adams Theatre, 2009. Courtesy of Galerie Dumonteil (Shanghai & Paris)


    安塞尔·伊士顿·亚当斯 Ansel Adams


     © ANSEL ADAMS, Oaktree, Snowstorm, Yosemite National Park, California, 1948. Courtesy of Timeless Gallery (Beijing)  .png

    © ANSEL ADAMS, Oaktree, Snowstorm, Yosemite National Park, California, 1948. Courtesy of Timeless Gallery (Beijing)



    ▼     时尚摄影    ▼


    尼古拉斯·勒费布尔 | 埃里克·麦迪根·赫克 |

    Damien Dufresne | Giovanni Gastel



    尼古拉斯·勒费布尔 Nicolas Lefeuvre N17



    © NICOLAS LEFEUVRE N17, Women Wednesday II, 2018. Courtesy of ArtCN gallery (Shanghai).png

    © NICOLAS LEFEUVRE N17, Women Wednesday II, 2018. Courtesy of ArtCN gallery (Shanghai)


    埃里克·麦迪根·赫克 Erik Madigan Heck

    1983年出生于美国明尼苏达州的埃里克·麦迪根·赫克(Erik Madigan Heck)无疑是一个极具话题性的人物。不仅因为他独树一帜的风格和才华,还因为他在23岁时就创办了当时世界上最贵的杂志Nomenus Quarterly,还被《福布斯》授予了著名的“30岁以下30人”奖。传统艺术帮助他将优雅的时尚、古典的油画和缤纷的色彩完美糅合在一起。不过他从不认为自己是时尚摄影师,而是一个使用多种媒介进行创作的艺术家。

     © ERIK MADIGAN HECK, Without A Face (Red), Old Future, 2013. Courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie (Zurich).png

    © ERIK MADIGAN HECK, Without A Face (Red), Old Future, 2013. Courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie (Zurich)



    ▼    亲临现场    ▼


    鲍斯·米优斯 | 尼古拉斯·勒费布尔 | 诺艾米·古达尔

    史蒂芬·库图里埃 | 肖玛拉·本德尔 | 陈维 | 荣荣 | 吴季璁

    维多利亚·宾施多克 | 科里·阿肯吉尔




    诺艾米·古达尔 Noemie Goudal

    她的作品给人一种身临其境的体验,将装置和摄影结合在一起,形成一种舞台布景的效果,又挑战着人造景观和自然景观的界限。她的作品也获得了本届上海艺术博览会携手Modern Eye启动的全新奖项“曝光奖“(Exposure Award)。

    © NOÉMIE GOUDAL, Soulèvement IV, series Soulèvements, 2018. Courtesy of Galerie Les Filles du Calvaire (Paris).png

    © NOÉMIE GOUDAL, Soulèvement IV, series Soulèvements, 2018. Courtesy of Galerie Les Filles du Calvaire (Paris)


    史蒂芬·库图里埃 Stephane Couturier


     © STEPHANE COUTURIER, Salvador de Bahia, n°3, Bairro Iguatemi, 2009. Courtesy of Les Douches la Galerie (Paris) .png

    © STEPHANE COUTURIER, Salvador de Bahia, n°3, Bairro Iguatemi, 2009. Courtesy of Les Douches la Galerie (Paris)


    肖玛拉·本德尔 Xiomara Bender


     © XIOMARA BENDER, Pyongyang, 2018. Courtesy of OstLicht. Gallery (Vienna).png

    © XIOMARA BENDER, Pyongyang, 2018. Courtesy of OstLicht. Gallery (Vienna)


    陈维 Chen Wei


     © CHEN WEI, Yesterday Shop, 2014. Courtesy of ShanghART Gallery (Shanghai, Beijing & Singapore) .png

    © CHEN WEI, Yesterday Shop, 2014. Courtesy of ShanghART Gallery (Shanghai, Beijing & Singapore)


    荣荣 Rongrong


     © RONGRONG, East Village Beijing, 1994 No. 81, 1994. Courtesy of Three Shadows +3 Gallery (Beijing & Xiamen).png

    © RONGRONG, East Village Beijing, 1994 No. 81, 1994. Courtesy of Three Shadows +3 Gallery (Beijing & Xiamen)


    吴季璁 Wu Chi-tsung


    © WU CHI-TSUNG, Cyano-Collage 067, 2019. Courtesy of Sean Kelly Gallery (New York &Taipei).png

    © WU CHI-TSUNG, Cyano-Collage 067, 2019. Courtesy of Sean Kelly Gallery (New York &Taipei)


    维多利亚·宾施多克 Viktoria Binschtok



    © VIKTORIA BINSCHTOK, Metoo_Bloody Hands, 2018. Courtesy of KLEMM'S Gallery (Berlin).png

    © VIKTORIA BINSCHTOK, Metoo_Bloody Hands, 2018. Courtesy of KLEMM'S Gallery (Berlin)


    达米安·迪弗雷纳 Damien Dufresne



    © DAMIEN DUFRESNE, Untitled, 2018. Courtesy of ArtCN gallery (Shanghai).png

    © DAMIEN DUFRESNE, Untitled, 2018. Courtesy of ArtCN gallery (Shanghai)


    科里·阿肯吉尔 Cory Arcangel

    他的艺术创作涉及装置、音乐、视频、游戏。在他看来,技术是一种趋势,其作品的一个重要功能便是让已淘汰的技术免于被人类遗忘。这位跨界艺术家在很年轻时就开办了自己的公司“ARCANGEL Surfware”。今年,他将在博览会的『连接』版块带来视频创作LAKES系列。


    CORY ARCANGEL, Lakes. Courtesy of Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac (Paris & London & Salzburg).jpg

    © CORY ARCANGEL, Lakes. Courtesy of Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac (Paris & London & Salzburg)




    PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai






    影像上海艺术博览会的『在场』版块是一个独树一帜的实验性平台,通过大型作品探索影像艺术与装置、录像、行为等其他艺术媒介的关系,将贯穿整个博览会的现场空间。2019年「在场」版块由Ocula助力,将关注多位前沿艺术家:陈大志,蔡东东,Alec von Bargen,John Monteith,Leila Alaoui,Johannes Wohnseifer,Michael Najjar和厉槟源等。


    JOHANNES WOHNSEIFER, Polaroid Painting 993. Courtesy of König Galerie (Berlin, London).jpg

    © JOHANNES WOHNSEIFER, Polaroid Painting 993. Courtesy of König Galerie (Berlin, London)



    『洞见』版块聚焦于摄影发展历程中的特定主题或重要时刻。在此次全新委约的展览中,Para Site艺术空间(香港)将汇集来自东亚及亚太地区的多名艺术家,如杨圆圆、刘卫和谭荔洁等,使用摄影和新媒体挑战传统的景观主题。展览题为“田野工作”,由Para Site艺术空间副总监谢清(Claire Shea)策展,将探讨媒介的当代力量以重新审视历史,挖掘未曾被重视过的视角与观点;通过重新定义过去,以考虑其在塑造未来中的作用,并反映关于领土、文化、身份和国家的思考。


    WONG WO BIK, Family Portrait, Eucliff Mansion, Repulse Bay, Hong Kong, 2013. Courtesy of the artist.jpg

    © WONG WO BIK, Family Portrait, Eucliff Mansion, Repulse Bay, Hong Kong, 2013. Courtesy of the artist


    『收藏家特展』高瞻远瞩 (Taking the Leap)


     “高瞻远瞩”意味着离开舒适区、进入未知区域的挑战性举动。从Mishka Henner拥有抽象画质感的高分辨率卫星图像复合成像,到Jon Thomson和Alison Craighead的摄影灯箱另类美学,从Liam Young基于史上首部全激光扫描技术电影的摄影静帧,到Luke Ching用针孔相机拍摄的概念作品,这些艺术家均“高瞻远瞩”,联手创造了数字时代的风景。此外,多媒体艺术家陆扬的全新委约装置作品将出现在”影像上海“主入口处”。

    LIAM YOUNG, Where The City Can't See 2. Courtesy of University of Salford Art Collection.jpg

    © LIAM YOUNG, Where The City Can't See 2. Courtesy of University of Salford Art Collection



    2019 影像上海艺术博览会(PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai)

    时间:2019年9月20日 – 22日





    贵宾预展,12 - 6pm


    贵宾之夜,6 - 9pm




    公众参观,12 - 7pm




    公众参观,11am - 6pm





    世界摄影组织(World Photography Organizzation)是摄影活动的国际性平台,覆盖180多个国家。世界摄影组织通过赞颂世界上最佳作品与摄影师,提升摄影相关话题的关注度,与全球的个人摄影师和行业领先的合作伙伴都建立了长久的纽带。世界摄影组织每年举办一系列丰富的活动,包括:全球顶尖摄影竞赛之一——索尼世界摄影奖,当地会面及讲座,以及专注于摄影的国际艺术博览会——影像上海艺术博览会。更多详情见 www.worldphoto.org





    Instagram: @photofairs


    入场指示 Directions:

    上海市静安区延安中路1000号 上海展览中心3号门进入,在西花园入口检票

    West Garden, Gate 3, Shanghai Exhibition Center

    No. 1000 Yan'an Middle Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai



    50 leading galleries from 28 cities around Asia, Europe and North America;

    Nearly 200 photographers and artists’1000 photo art pieces


    This September, PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai returns to China for the sixth year to celebrate the art of the photographic medium. Taking place at the Shanghai Exhibition Center from 20-22 September 2019, as the only international art fair dedicated to photography in China, the fair is widely recognized as Asia Pacific’s home for cutting-edge photography and a key driver of China’s maturing photography market.

    The sixth edition of PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai will be supported by Porsche as the fair’s Presenting Partner.

    PHOTOFAIRS is Asia Pacific’s leading destination for discovering and collecting photo-based works.  It is recognized for celebrating artists working at the very edges of photography, throughout history and today. The 2019 edition will feature works by household names including Marina Abramović, Yang Fudong, Vivian Maier and Robert Mapplethorpe alongside exciting presentations by Cory Arcangel, James Casebere, Xyza Cruz Bacani, Pieter Hugo, Idris Khan, Mariko Mori and Adrian Sauer and the debut of new works by Jiang Pengyi, Wu Chi-Tsung, Lu Yang and Chen Wei.

    2019 Public Program

    Running throughout the Fair, the 2019 Public Program will focus on photography’s relationship to other art forms via a series of museum-quality exhibitions, installations and events. Highlights include:

    Spotlight: Marina Abramović

    Marina Abramović’s legendary series “The Lovers” (1988) is the focus of the 2019 Spotlight exhibition. A defining moment in the history of performance art, this will be the first opportunity for audiences in Mainland China to witness the final collaborative piece Abramović produced with her former partner Ulay. The work is a heartbreaking record of the pair walking towards each other along the length of the Great Wall of China, meeting in the middle to end their relationship.

    The entire set of twelve color photographs with unique drawings will be on view alongside the 2-channel video of the work. In addition, we will feature an interview between the artist and Sean Kelly, owner of Sean Kelly Gallery (New York & Taipei). Abramović has pioneered performance as a visual art form and has used photography throughout her career to document her performances. 

    The Spotlight section of PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai highlights an artist of international renown who is of particular relevance and importance to contemporary photography. Past exhibitions have featured Taryn Simon, Ren Hang and Hiroshi Sugimoto.

    Collectors’ Exhibition: “Taking the Leap”

    This year we are showcasing the University of Salford Art Collection (UK).  Having acquired more than 700 works over the past 60 years, the Collection aims to make a lasting difference to the arts ecology in the North West of England. With a strong commitment to commissioning new work and supporting artists, the Collection also has a special focus on Chinese contemporary art, including artists such as Cao Fei, Samson Young and aaajiao.

    The exhibition is selected by celebrated Hong Kong independent curator Ying Kwok, who was widely recognized for her curation of Hong Kong Pavilion at the 57th Venice Biennale. Featuring artists from the UK and China and including a new commission and installation by leading female multimedia artist Lu Yang, the exhibition will provide inspiration to collectors and buyers interested in digital arts and new technologies.

    Insights: “Fieldwork”

    Following last year’s thought-provoking and critically acclaimed Insights exhibition “The Same But Also Changed”, PHOTOFAIRS has commissioned Para Site, Asia’s leading contemporary art centre, to curate Insights for 2019.

    Para Site Deputy Director Claire Shea will draw from a wide network of established and emerging artists from East and South East Asia to explore photography’s role in shaping our history.  Titled “Fieldwork”, the exhibition will also study the contemporary power of the medium to re-examine those histories and shed light on points of view that were previously overlooked.

    Staged exhibition platform explores the relationship between photography and other art forms such as installation art, sculpture, video and painting.

    Connected film program, showcases the breadth of subject matter and technique being explored in the medium by artists from around the world. Connected will feature video works presented by cultural partners.

    The Fair will offer an extensive program of public talks featuring in-depth discussions with artists, curators, collectors and industry leaders. The full Conversations program will be published on www.photofairs.org in September.

    2019 Galleries

    As demonstrated in the Public Program, PHOTOFAIRS is to foster dialogue between photography and other contemporary art fields. Supporting this in Fair’s Main sector are galleries including Arario Gallery (Seoul & Shanghai), Galleria Continua (San Gimignano, Beijing, Les Moulins & Habana), Les Douches La Galerie (Paris), Flowers Gallery (London, New York & Hong Kong), Sean Kelly Gallery (New York & Taipei), Klemm’s (Berlin), Matthew Liu Fine Arts (Shanghai), Mohsen Gallery (Tehran), Pékin Fine Arts (Beijing & Hong Kong), Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac (Paris, Salzburg & London) and ShanghART Gallery (Shanghai, Beijing & Singapore).

    The full Public Program and participating gallery list will be announced in August 2019.


    特别提示Attention Please:

    * Last entry time is half an hour before the closing time.


    * Early bird discount is available online only until Wednesday, 19 September, 2019


    * For group ticket (10+) purchase please email vivian@worldphoto.org


      If you encounter any problem during purchase of tickets, please contact021-52562662


    * Please enter the right information of your name, email, telephone number and post address when buy the ticket.


    * Free entry for children under 1.2m in height; The full price ticket needed for children above 1.2m. Children must be accompanied by their parents or guardians all the time during the fair.


    * No refund policy.







    • Kaya


    • 无夜


    • 张714806


    • Shmily


    • 熱愛 °


    • maggie






    • 胜天半子 5年前 0

      公道价格出票,要的加微信xiaocenkan qq2922758057

    • 胜天半子 5年前 0


    • nee 5年前 0


    • Dawe_ 5年前 0


    • Dawe_ 5年前 0

      低价出票 vx956516153

    • fenng 5年前 0

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    • Garry 5年前 0


    • Orianna 5年前 0


    • Pan 5年前 0

      您好,VIP night 可以看展吗,当晚还有其他活动吗?

    • zhm 5年前 0





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