
When Art & Innovation Converge 当艺术与创新融合时

2019年3月25日 18:30 ~ 2019年3月25日 21:30




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    Startup Grind Beijing presents


    When Art & Innovation Converge


    Why Art is the Answer for Companies and Startups to Overcome Innovation and Creativity Challenges?



    Art, entrepreneurship, and innovation may have more in common than you think. Join Startup Grind Beijing next Monday, March 25th on an evening to find out how the concepts of art and entrepreneurship are complementary, why creativity is a matter of commitment, rather than resources, and how innovation is the outcome of combining talents that require the use of our brain’s right (creative) and left (analytical) hemispheres.


    We are delighted to welcome serial entrepreneur Nir Hindi visiting us from Madrid. Nir is the founder of The Artian, an innovation and creativity company that applies methods and practices from the art world by combining them with knowledge from the business and entrepreneurship worlds to help organizations create and foster a creative and innovative environment that merges art, engineering, technology, and science.


    Some highlights of the fireside chat with Nir will include:


    1. What would Leonardo da Vinci do today as the founder of a Startup?

    2. How art is challenging innovation, and why companies need more artists?

    3. How the core concepts of “Renascence Thinking” are helping startups to deal with innovation and creativity challenges?

    4. How the entrepreneur of the XXI century should acquire the right skills to successfully adapt to changes?



    艺术,创业和创新可能比想象的更有共同点。 3月25日下周一加入Startup Grind北京了解艺术和企业家精神的概念是如何互补的,为什么创造力是一种承诺而不是资源,以及创新是如何综合使用我们的左右脑。


    我们很高兴欢迎连续企业家Nir Hindi,他来自马德里,是The Artian的创始人,The Artian是一家创新和创意公司,通过将其与商业和创业世界的知识相结合,运用艺术的方法和实践,帮助组织创造和培养融合艺术,工程,技术和科学。




    1. 作为创业公司的创始人,莱昂纳多达芬奇今天会做些什么?

    2. 艺术如何挑战创新,以及公司需要更多艺术家的原因?

    3. “重生思维”的核心概念如何帮助创业公司应对创新和创造力挑战?

    4. 二十一世纪的企业家应如何获得成功适应变化的正确技能?

    Nir Hindi is a serial entrepreneur from Tel-Aviv, Israel who, though rooted in the world of technology and business, has always had one foot in the creative world. He is the founder of The Artian, innovation and creativity company that empowers organizations and leads them to be more original, by using a unique method that adopts practices, processes, and techniques from the art world, and integrates artistic thinking into the business and entrepreneurship worlds.


    Nir is devoted to fostering Renaissance Thinking – combining art with engineering, science, and technology. Nir especially advocates the connection between artistic talent and business entrepreneurship, two areas that fuel each other and provide endless opportunities for mutual learning.


    He is part of the training professionals of Financial Times|IE Corporate Learning Alliance; a visiting professor in IE Business School, one of Europe's leading business schools, Executive Programs and a mentor in its flagship StartupLab program; a guest lecturer at the Master for Design and Innovation in IED; both in Madrid, Spain. He is the founder of the Art & Tech event series and part of Cotec’s 100 experts to promote innovation in Spain.


    Nir Hindi是来自以色列特拉维夫的连续创业者,他虽然扎根于技术和商业领域,但却始终站在创意世界的脚下。他是The Artian创新和创意公司的创始人,该公司通过采用艺术世界的实践、流程和技术的独特方法,赋予组织权力并使他们更加原创,并将艺术思维融入商业和企业家精神中。


    Nir致力于培养文艺复兴思维 - 将艺术与工程,科学和技术相结合。 Nir特别提倡艺术人才与企业创业之间的联系,这两个领域相互促进,为相互学习提供了无限的机会。


    他是金融时报培训专业人士的一部分| IE企业学习联盟; IE商学院的管理教授,欧洲领先的商学院之一,执行计划和旗舰StartupLab计划的导师; IED设计与创新硕士客座讲师;都在西班牙马德里。他是Art&Tech活动系列的创始人,也是Cotec在西班牙推广创新的100位专家的一部分。



    6:30 pm  Registration

    7:00 pm  Introduction of Startup Grind, venue & the company of the speaker 关于Startup Grind、活动支持方及演讲者公司的介绍

    7:30 pm  Fireside chat with Nir Hindi  与Nir Hindi 进行路边摊和

    8:15 pm  Q&A 问答环节

    8:30 pm  Networking 自由交流

    9:30 pm  End 活动结束

    Date: March 25th (Monday)

    日期: 03月25日(星期一)

    Time: 19:00 - 21:30

    Venue:  Innoway

    No.6 Innoway B1, 48 Haidian West Street, Haidian District, Beijing



    Language: The event is held in English

    活动语言: 活动语 言为英语

    Press the QR-Code to get directions to the venue


    About the Speaker



    Founder of The Artian

    The Artian的创始人

    Nir Hindi is a serial entrepreneur from Tel-Aviv, Israel who, though rooted in the world of technology and business, has always had one foot in the creative world. He is the founder of The Artian, innovation and creativity company that empowers organizations and leads them to be more original, by using a unique method that adopts practices, processes, and techniques from the art world, and integrates artistic thinking into the business and entrepreneurship worlds.

    Nir Hindi是来自以色列特拉维夫的连续创业者,他虽然扎根于技术和商业领域,但却始终站在创意世界的脚下。他是The Artian创新和创意公司的创始人,该公司通过采用艺术世界的实践、流程和技术的独特方法,赋予组织权力并使他们更加原创,并将艺术思维融入商业和企业家精神中。

    The Artian is an innovation and creativity company. We apply methods and practices from the art world and combine them with knowledge from the business and entrepreneurship worlds to help organizations create and foster a creative and innovative environment that “fuses” art, engineering, technology, and science.


    Through seminars, research, community events, workshops and presentations, The Artian exposes, promotes, and educates about the value of Art in business, fostering collaboration between creative fields and the business world.


    The Artian是一家创新和创意公司。 我们应用艺术世界的方法和实践,并将它们与商业和创业世界的知识相结合,以帮助组织创造和培养“融合”艺术,工程,技术和科学的创新和创新环境。



    About the Host



    Marketing Lead at Startup Grind Beijing

    Startup Grind 北京市场营销主管

    Andrés is the Marketing Lead of Startup Grind Beijing. In his daily job, he handles the marketing and sales strategies for Bespoke Travel Co., a Beijing-based boutique travel company curating creative, customized tours and events in China for individual travelers and corporates alike. He is passionate about entrepreneurship, traveling to develop cultural understanding, and the startup ecosystems in China and Latin America, which is also what brought him to Startup Grind. Andrés has spent nearly 7 years in Beijing, and lived in 4 different continents during the last decade. Andrés is also a full-time dad of a 3rd culture kid, and a big fan of triathlon.


    安德烈是Startup Grind 北京市场营销负责人。 在他的日常工作中,他负责Bespoke Travel Co.的营销和销售策略,Bespoke Travel Co.是一家位于北京的精品旅游公司,为个人旅行者和企业提供在中国的创意,定制旅游和活动策划。 他热衷于创业,旅行以深入理解中国和拉丁美洲的创业生态系统,这也是他进入Startup Grind的原因。 安德烈在北京度过了近7年,并在过去十年中生活在四大洲。 安德烈是一名全职父亲,也是铁人三项的忠实粉丝。

    About Startup Grind


    Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community, actively educating, inspiring, and connecting 1,500,000 entrepreneurs in over 400 cities in 120 countries. We nurture startup ecosystems  through events, media, and partnerships with organizations like Google for Entrepreneurs.

    创业磨坊是一个教育、启发并连接企业家的全球性独立创业社区。通过举办活动、媒体传播以及与Google for Entrepreneurs等组织的合作,我们在全球120个国家、超过400个城市推动当地创业生态系统的进一步完善,为1500000位创业者提供帮助。

    The cornerstone of our community are the monthly events featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors who share lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Founded in Silicon Valley in 2010, Startup Grind has helped millions of entrepreneurs find mentorship, connect to partners and hires, pursue funding, and reach new users.

    每个月我们都会邀请到北京具有影响力的企业创始人、创新者、教育者以及投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创业道路上所得到的经验和教训。从2010在硅谷创立,Startup Grind已经成功帮助数以百万计的创业家与导师、合作伙伴、新雇员建立联系,找到投资资金和新用户。

    If you find yourself, as an important player of the startup ecosystem, belong with any of the following categories, please click or scan the corresponding QR code and fill out the form in support of the Beijing Startup Ecosystem Mapping initiative. Thank you!


    We are very proud to receive global support from Google For Entrepreneurs. We are also very thankful to all our local media partners, venue sponsors, F&B partners to support us in organizing our events. If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to us!

    对于来自Google for Entrepreneurs的全球性支持我们感到很自豪和骄傲,我们也很感谢我们所有在本土的媒体合作伙伴、场地支持伙伴、食品饮品支持伙伴对我们一直以来的支持和帮助。如果你对成为我们的支持伙伴有兴趣,请联系我们!

    Our Team


    Our events are powered by a team of volunteers, each with a day job, and with the passion to create a stronger entrepreneurship community in Beijing. Please don't hesitate to reach out to anyone if you have any questions!





    • 陈渝宁


    • Teri 唐悦


    • Kamala Atakishiyeva 卡米拉


    • Yvonne


    • Jesse Clarke


    • Naeem( 纳伊姆 )






    • Maria Bianova 雅珊 5年前 0

      计划变了,我没法来, 提前两天在咨询服务问了怎么退票,没人回复,所以不好评。。。。

    • Air 5年前 0


    • Maria Bianova 雅珊 5年前 0



    Startup Grind 北京

    Startup Grind 北京

    Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators. Reaching over 3.5 million individuals worldwide. Startup Grind 是世界上最大的初创公司、创始人、创新者和创造者社区,已覆盖全球超过 350 万人。


