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Life is all about findings and feelings!No body care you but yourself!When you are across a noisy street,there are so many people around you,but they don’t think of you and you also don’t think of anyone !
We think what we do is meaningful and important,but to other people ,they may think that it is all shit 💩!If you are influenced by the ideas,you are never be a free person!
We are hungry and we wanna eat;
We are thirsty and we wanna drink!
We are tired and we wanna sleep!
We are poor and we wanna make money!
We love someone and we wanna have love with her or him!
We are sick and we wanna visit a doctor!
We are happy or sad and we wanna chat with others!
We are in trouble and we want someone to help us!
These are all basic principles that we everyone needs!
Sometimes we get a good result and sometimes we get a bad result!As the time passes,we all die in the future!
Life is a determinant that dying is for sure!
So we often hear about the good saying like this:life is a journey,not a destination!And the most important thing is who is around you !We all look forward to happiness,but life is full of sadness,suffering,unfairness and stress…….
It’s too hard to be always happy !Every day we wake up,we should thank you for god,yeah, I am so happy that I am still alive and figure out how to spend my money and time!Why we say time is money?It is very simple to explain the reason!Money takes time to make!We all need a job,including you are a house wife or someone’s lover,it seems like you don’t need to work,but you do have a job even jobs,you must service the ones that give you the money!
We are not a central bank and we have no right to print money![调皮][旺柴]No body will be easy to give you some money for free!There is a good saying:there is no such thing as a free lunch!
Everything has a cost!When you get someone’s money or help without any cost or trading!Congratulations!You are a lucky person and you find a great treasure!If you think you will be luck forever and take it for granted , I promise you finally will lose all !Every body is not the totally foolish that they will realize that it is not meaningful and fair!
We humans are complex and have many different feelings and needs!We sometimes we are all selfish, even though we have enough money and abilities to help others and we are not satisfied with what we have!Steven Jobs is so rich when he is died!He regrets so many things that he might to do,but it’s useless and he has no chance to do anything!
No matter who you are and what you get or have!Death is a destiny and health is crucial for you!Life should be quality or quantity?
We all wanna live long !Greedy people are here and there!
We have eaten some food and we don’t want to eat in a short time!
We have drunk some water and we don’t want to drink more for a while!
We have slept well and we do not feel tired in a certain time!
We have made love and we don’t want to make love immediately unless someone is crazy 🤪!
What I want to say? The basic needs are Significant to us all when we need!But, when we are satisfied with these needs,we are willing to do other things!
And we will repeat that in every day until we are died![撇嘴][捂脸]
I am always curious about who master us?There is a god or miracle power?
I don’t overthink it but I really want to know![捂脸][旺柴]