[TekTalk] 开启勇敢新世界: 想坐上学习的火箭?崔博教你一键发射
伙伴们好!历经两个月的精心筹划,TekTalk 终!于!来!啦!TekTalk 是非营利性开放式组织 OpenTEKr 旗下与科技相关的系列活动,旨在为开源开放科技领域的领军人物分享个人真知灼见和人生体悟提供优质交流平台。
3月23日,我们很荣幸邀请到了松鼠 Ai 1对1 的联合创始人兼首席科学家崔博来开启 TekTalk 的首秀,他将与我们分享他的人生故事,并探索学习的本质到底是什么,以及人工智能可以如何帮助我们更好地学习。想坐上高效学习的火箭🚀的话,可不要错过!
HELLO, TEKrs (anyone who's in the technology sector or into technology in general)! After nearly 2 months of preparation, TekTalk is finally around the corner. It is the first of the Tek series events organized by OpenTEKr, a non-for-profit open organization with advancing open-source software and open hardware technology at its core, dedicated to shaping a sustainable open technology ecosystem.
On March 23rd, we are excited to host Dr. Cui from Squirrel AI as our first speaker to share with us the nuggets of wisdom he has collected along his life journey, and insights into how to better learn things: What’s the nature of learning? And how can AI better assist the learning process?
时间地点 Time and Location
3月23号 18:30-20:45
March 23rd, 18:30-20:45
XNode 静安空间
5F, 129 West Yan'an Rd.
语言 Language
The talk is in Chinese, but English interpretation is AVAILABLE. Attendees should bring their earphones to access the interpretation via the Zoom link.
活动安排 Event Agenda
6:45 Networking, Drinks and Light Dinner
7:15 Opening Remarks
7:20 Keynote
「三分独白 · 春风化雨」菁华分享
7:35 Deep Dive
「七分走心 · 秋实飘香」深度对话
7:50 Q&A
「十分通透 · 润物无声」有问有答
8:10 Discussion and Networking
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关于演讲嘉宾 About the Speaker
崔炜 Wei Cui
Co-founder & Chief Scientist
松鼠 Ai 1对1
Squirrel AI Learning
《麻省理工科技评论》“35 岁以下科技创新者 35 人”, 国际AI学术会议IJCAI’20 产业主席,人工智能教育学术会议AIED’20创新主席,华人AI学术百人。曾任欧洲最大的人工智能教育机构 RealizeIt 核心AI算法科学家,人工智能博士和博士后,师从全球人工智能领域进化算法顶级专家,发表了28篇AI算法和AI教育相关的国际学术论文。
Dr. Cui has rich experience in the adaptive education industry with numerous scientific research achievements in artificial intelligence and big data. Dr. Cui had worked in top European adaptive education enterprises for many years and was responsible for researching adaptive learning algorithms and systems. His achievements in the adaptive learning system had been popularized among the European secondary and higher education market.
关于松鼠 AI About Squirrel Ai
松鼠 Ai 1对1是国内第一家开发拥有自主知识产权的中小学人工智能自适应学习系统的AI教育独角兽企业,拥有MCM能力值训练、错因重构知识地图等多个全球首创AI应用技术。在AIED,CSEDU,AERA,IJCAI,ACM SIGKDD等全球顶级AI或教育学术会议上论文获奖或受邀演讲, 机器学习教父、CMU 计算机学院前任院长Tom Mitchell教授任首席AI科学家,与卡内基梅隆大学、 中科院自动化所成立AI教育联合实验室,与斯坦福国际研究院联合技术开发,在全国20多个省700多个市 县开设了2700多家线学习中心,估值11亿美金。
Founded in 2014 and headquartered in Shanghai, Squirrel Ai Learning by Yixue Group is the first K12 EdTech company that specializes in intelligent adaptive education in China and is the market leader. Squirrel Ai Learning is the first domestic adaptive learning engine based on the advanced algorithm and with the completely independent intellectual property developed by YiXue Education. Squirrel is the symbol for "agility, diligence, and management." This aligns with the experience Squirrel Ai Learning provides for its students, to help them advance learning through the real-time adaptive system and cultivate good learning habits with practice.
关于OpenTEKr About OpenTEKr
OpenTEKr 是一家以推广开源软件和开放硬件技术为核心的非营利开放式组织,致力于构建一个可持续发展的开放科技生态圈。我们憧憬科技普惠的美好未来,帮助个人和组织通过变革性技术创新来成就其远大抱负。为此,我们布道开源正念、宣传开源开放文化,通过联接开源市场、开源社区和开源人才,以用促产、以产促研、以研促学,形成开源生态的正向循环,来推动开源开放科技的研发、应用和合作交流,从而推动人类科技文明的进步。
OpenTEKr is a non-for-profit open organization with advancing open source software and open hardware technology at its core, dedicated to shaping a sustainable open technology ecosystem. We envision a better tomorrow for all mankind with individuals and organizations inspired and empowered to realise their aspiraions through transformative technologies and world-class innovation. Toward this end goal, we advocate open source culture, and nurture and foster the collaboration between multidisciplinary talents, open source communities, and end users in our ecosystem to advance the human civilization.
合作伙伴 Partners
XNode 是创业者和大企业的创新加速器,同时也是优质的创业空间,为企业、创业者提供开放、灵活、舒适的办公及活动空间。XNode 空间一直致力于打造多元化、高质量的创业创新社群,通过对接丰富的行业资源、帮助不同阶段的企业快速发展。2021年,入驻 XNode 空间有更多福利,在与不同行业跨国公司、创新机构和成长型公司的创业伙伴们交流的同时,更有机会获得创业扶持政策支持,享受房租减免、社保补贴、贷款贴息等。
XNode is a community of entrepreneurs, innovators, and startups who are driven to succeed and create value for each other. We are here to connect, facilitate, and empower the China innovation ecosystem. To us, our space is the hardware that enables our community to flourish. Come be a part of it!
weHustle, a Shanghai-based platform for innovation and growth, is a purpose-driven organization helping local and international teams succeed in China. Through extensive collaborations and partnerships with startups, incubators, corporations, investors, tech communities, academia, and government entities, weHustle holds a unique position at the intersection of the innovation ecosystem resources. We offer digital marketing, recruitment, event management, community building, entrepreneur-related, and fundraising services.