
TEDxNingbo2017 年度大会「CITY LIVE」城市现场

2017年12月10日 9:30 ~ 2017年12月10日 17:30













    City, the complex of lives,

    is home to interwoven stories,

    they’re intricate or plain

    with flow of glows,

    like the ever-changing kaleidoscope

    or the perpetual motion machine,

    evolving without ends.




    2017/12/10 Sun.



    Nature Stage


    (No.233-1, Yonggang South Rd., Yinzhou Dist., Ningbo)


      活 动 日 程 


    09:20-10:00  签到 Registration

    09:45-10:00  TED Talk

    10:01-11:00  Session1 打造 Create

    11:01-12:00  Session2 发展 Develop

    12:00-13:30  午餐 & Adventure

    13:30-14:45  Session3 巩固 Reinforce

    14:45-15:10  茶歇 Tea Break

    15:10-17:00  Session4 持续 Sustain

     讲 者 信 息      



    Ningbo Storytelling


    Storytelling accompanied by string instruments has been listed in Intangible Cultural Heritage Project of Zhejiang Province. 


    As two representative bearers of the traditional art performance, Chen Xiangyuan and Chen Xueyun started learning from leading prestigious experts at a young age and have devoted their whole lives to inheriting and disseminating this local tradition. More importantly, both the two experts are trying to integrate pop culture and city characteristics to their creations.


    He Gengen (Gengen Friday He)


    Expert in GIS industry

    从乔治城大学毕业后,他周游五大洲六个国家,期间获得硕士、博士学位,曾在全球最大的地理信息科技公司 Esri 述职,对地理信息行业有深度理解。他主要研究方向是室内建模与导航技术,致力于努力推动室内数据大众化,室内数据规范化,开发物联网底层精准度,建立捕捉动态室内规律模型,希望把最新的行业概念带到中国。

    对于未来地理大数据发展方向,他的看法是:基于理解人与环境互动重要性的基础上,借助包括 VR 在内的科技手段,地理大数据将极大便利人们的生活,同时增强人们对于空间改造的自主性。

    After graduating from Georgetown University, he didn't stop his journey around the world. He traveled across 6 countries in 5 continents, and during these years, he successfully acquired Master and PhD degree and once worked at ESRI, the largest GIS Company worldwide. The professional knowledge and experiences have equipped him with deep understanding of the industry of GIS. He excels at interior modelling and navigation technology and is devoted to massification and standardization of interior data. He is also working on improving the accuracy of the supporting technologies of the Internet of Things and establishing the models for catching dynamic laws of interior design. His dream is to bring the latest industrial concepts into China. 

    Dr. He has a very outstanding vision of the future of Geographical Information's development—that with a better understanding of the importance of human environment interactions and the assistance of technology such as Virtual Reality, Geographical Information will offer the world an easier life and enhance people’s autonomy in altering interior space.


    Lian Xiaogang



    就读于清华大学期间,他主持发起“清华建筑跨学科沙龙”,对设计理论、设计教学、实际建造有着丰富的经验。曾为哈佛大学 pre-text 教学机构设计儿童教育课程,自 2015 年起开始做清华大学创客空间(i.Center)的跨学科系统集成设计挑战课程的教学工作,与多家学校合作、组织并设计建造工作坊、回收品艺术节等活动,尝试用建筑学塑造少儿对空间的理解,通过改造空间引导少儿发现不同知识、学科、技能之间的立体的关联。


    During his study at Tsinghua University, Lian launched and presided over The Interdisciplinary Salon for Tsinghua Architecture. Well experienced in design theory, design teaching and construction practice, he designed children’s education courses for Harvard pre-text teaching institution. Since 2015, he has started to teach interdisciplinary system integration design courses for Tsinghua i.Center. In addition, he cooperated with a number of schools in organizing and designing workshops and recycled products art festivals. He tried to shape children's understanding of space by architecture and guide them to find the links between different knowledge, subjects and skills by the reconstruction of spaces.

    Lian said that the space where humans exist is complex. In order to improve the efficiency of survival, our ancestors often took a linear and simple road in understanding and processing space through compressing and coding. To this day, human beings should improve self-awareness in space construction, and the public should make fuller use of the "space rights".


    Ge Chunhui


    Director of the First Institute Shanghai Branch of China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Urban Planner



    Ge is an expert in regional and urban space development, city design and city development management and controlment. He has been responsible for the city development programs committed by the Central Finance and Economy Office, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural and the Advisory Committee of Shanghai. He has also participated in the strategic planning for Ningbo. The projects he led have won the Award of Excellent National Design for Town and Country Planning several times. His thesis has obtained the prize of Best Chinese City Planning Paper and he himself has acquired the honorary title for Advanced Individual for the After-Disasters Restoration and Reconstruction in Sichuan province.

    In his view, space is the body of a city and culture stands as the soul of a city. The development of a city should be defined by cultural prosperity so he will lead us to a discussion on the possible ways of upgrading Ningbo’s cultural connotations.

      Thomas Hirzel  

    Thomas Hirzel 


    Sinologist, Linguist


    Dr.Thomas Hirzel studied sinology and philosophy, credited with a Master degree and PhD from University of Tuebingen, Germany. Back in Germany, Dr. Hirzel taught Chinese history, philosophy and classical Chinese. His expertise in language, history and culture studies has made him a valuable staff member of the University of Nottingham Ningbo since 2014. Eight years of studies in languages, cultures, and economy have molded him into a keen sinologist. Apart from classical Chinese, his research interests also include Chinese memorials (government documents) during the Qing dynasty, especially from the Qianlong to Daoguang periods.

     JUJU WANG(王珏)



    Chinese-American Installation Artist

    JUJU 结合东方传统文化和西方现代审美,通过城市建筑的改造和装置艺术的呈现,提升现代群体对中国传统文化的认知、欣赏和喜爱。


    Combining traditional oriental culture with western modern culture, Wang Jue strives to improve the modern society’s collective ability to perceive, appreciate and adore traditional Chinese culture by transforming city buildings and exhibiting installation works of art.

    Born in China and brought up in US, Wang has been greatly influenced by both cultures. After graduating as a Master in Civil Engineering from UC Berkeley, she is gradually alert to the fact that the handicraft art and traditional art in China are disappearing. In order to make people, especially the young, fall in love with Chinese traditional culture, she has started to put together the oriental and western aesthetic conceptions and bring the traditions back to people.

     黄茗乐 (mAjorHon) 

    Huang Mingle


    Electronic Music Arranger, Engineer of Remix and Master Tape

    国内最早做 UK BASS 风格的音乐人之一,并创作了第一首中国风混合 Dubstep 的电子音乐,他的作品被国外知名电音网站收录,他对电音的探索不止于个人的创作,为了能够更好的营造中国电子音乐环境,他还开创了国内目前最大的电子音乐教学平台,不少学员已成为职业电子音乐人。


    As one of the earliest domestic UK BASS-style musicians, Huang created the first electronic music song mixing Chinese and Dubstep styles. His works are included by well-known foreign electronic music websites. However, his exploration of electronic music is not limited to individual creation. He created the biggest domestic electronic music teaching platform in order to create a more favorable environment for China's electronic music. Now many of his students have become professional electronic musicians.

    In his eyes, electronic music represents not only dance music, but also a kind of music style that can express emotions in a free and playful way. He will demonstrate various possibilities of electronic music in his talk.


    Wang Aolin


    Free Diving National Record Holder (ranking 7th globally in 2017)

    被称为“中国自由潜第一人”的他来自于云南昆明,学习潜水前在知名外企供职,从小怕水的他,却因为一次偶然的潜水经历彻底改变了他的命运和对这个世界的认知。从一名自由潜水的爱好者,发展为一名职业自由潜水运动员,师从多名世界纪录保持者,并填补了中国在自由潜项运动项目中诸多空白。2017 年巴哈马蓝洞深度挑战赛(全球最大自由潜挑战赛),以恒重下潜 105 米的成绩连续 11 次刷新国家纪录。


    Wang Aolin, known as “the Pioneer of Chinese Freediving", is from Kunming, Yunnan Province. He worked in a well-known British company before devoting himself into the sport of freediving. He was scared of water since very young, his destiny and his acknowledgement of the world is totally changed when he dived into the ocean for the first time.

    Starting as a recreational freediver, he found huge interest by gaining depth in this sport. As he dives deeper and deeper, obstacle follows, then he start learning and training with several world record holders and eventually grew into a professional free diver himself. He set various Chinese records in the world. More importantly, in 2016 the Vertical Blue Depth Competition (top level freediving competition in the world), he set a new depth record for China on a 11 consecutive times with a Constant Weight (CWT) dive to 105 meters.

    Such extreme physical and psychological experience—freediving into the deepest place when holding his breath, requires him to have full control of himself. He will show you how human can control the body and mind in a way we never known, how to overcome fear and strike a perfect balance in his life.


    Zhang Yashu


    Dancer, Dance Drama Producer, Chief Dancer of Wuxi Song and Dance Theatre Corp. Ltd.


    多次出演舞剧女一号,多次出访德国、加拿大、土耳其、比利时、埃及、美国、荷兰、柬埔寨等国家,其主演舞剧《绣娘》在 2013 年在美国肯尼迪艺术中心歌剧厅进行演出获得好评。2016 年开始转型并尝试舞剧制作人的角色,其担任制作人的第一部舞剧《九色鹿》入选 2016 年中国文联青年创作扶持计划,受邀参加北京国家大剧院“中国舞蹈十二天”演出。

    As the leading dancer in many performances, Zhang has visited a wide range of countries, including Germany, Canada, Turkey, Belgium, Egypt, America, Netherland and Cambodia. In 2013, she appeared, as the leading dancer of The Embroidery Girl, at Kennedy Center Opera House and received wide recognition. In 2016, she changed her role into a dance drama producer, with her first work Nine-colored Deer listed in 2016 China Federation on Literary and Art Circles’ youth-supporting program and staged at National Center for the Performing Arts (NCPR) at the invitation of the organizer of Chinese Dance for Twelve Days, a famous dance brand of NCPR.


    Wu Junpeng


    Senior Marketer

    红遍互联网的网易云音乐红色“乐评列车”、“音乐专机”操盘手。电影《失恋 33 天》营销策划、电视剧《咱们结婚吧》策划宣传。


    He is the director of the influential campaigns—the “Music Review Train” and the “Music Plane”—of NetEase Cloud Music and that of the movie Love is Not Blind and TV series Let's get married.

    He is good at tapping the emotional needs of customers and has a special insight concerning the combination of social emotions and product marketing. He always believes that emotion stands as the most essential junction in marketing activities and therefore devotes himself to the integration of product functions and marketing.


    Cheng Lehua


    Professor of Department of Psychology of Sun Yat-sen University, PhD in Social Psychology of Sociology

    主攻人格和社会心理学,从 2007 年开始致力于心理学艺术化的理论建设和实践推广,在皮亚杰、维果斯基、J.吉布森等人的方法和理论指引下,提出了可供性意义发生模型、可供性同构、理性感性系统社会分化说、功能态论、情绪空间等一系列重要的概念和理论。并在新的理论指导下发明了意象火柴、心理套娃、钥匙行为推理和情绪基因表达测试等心理学工具方法。

    除了已提出的理论和发明的工具,他目前还在推动脸盲、依恋、IBS 等身心适应主题的研究与实践,期望能进一步促进人和世界的和谐共处,研究之外他曾策划并出演央视科教纪录片《大脑诡计》。

    With research mainly in personality and social psychology, Cheng has been working on the theoretical construction and application of artistic practice of psychology since 2007. Guided by the methods and theories of Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Eleanor Gibson etc., he has put forward a series of significant concepts and theories, such as is omorphism of affordance, emotional space theory, etc. Under the guidance of those theories, he developed various psychological tools such as image match, psychological nesting dolls, key behavior reasoning and test of emotional gene expression. 

    In addition, he is promoting the research and practice of body-mind adaptation such as face blindness, attachment and IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome) in the hope of stimulating human-to-world harmony. Besides, he has also planned and appeared in CCTV documentary Mind Tricks.


    Li Yulin


    Yo-yo Expert, Yo-yo World Champion

    自 2009 年开始练习悠悠球至今,李昱霖参加专业竞赛、舞台演出已逾八年,斩获中国大陆、中国台湾、日本、加拿大、美国等各大悠悠球赛事冠军。他擅长悠悠球表演编排,将音乐、悠悠球技巧、舞蹈动作等相结合,近些年来为世界知名华人悠悠球选手之一。

    Li has been active on different professional competitions and stages since 2009. Also, he was the champion of various competitions held in mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, Canada, US, etc. With talents in yo-yo choreography, where he creatively puts music, yo-yo performing skills and dancing movements together, he has emerged as one of the most well-recognized Chinese yo-yo players on the world stage.


    Chen Lingguo


    Master of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Culture and History Researcher of Beilun District’s Political Consultative Conference, CPA 


    过去的几年里,他行走于宁波周边以及四明山上无数村子,与这片土地上的几百位老人交流并建立信任,试图还原在这片土地上曾经发生过的种种故事。他以图文的方式记录普通人的现状和往事,把即将遗忘于山野的人物沧桑及其时代场景以普通人的视角再现。为了唤起更多人对于乡土人文历史的关注,他还陆续将微信公众号里的图片和文字发表于报纸和杂志。他同时致力于各种形式的公益分享,《乡土四明》个人影展在宁波多次举办,今年8月又在美国芝加哥举办《More than Nostalgia》主题影展。

    Over the past few years, Chen Lingguo has visited numerous villages around Ningbo and tried to communicate and build trust with the elderly there in an attempt to reveal the past stories of the land. He has recorded ordinary people and their stories with words and pictures, reviving the moments of those people who would have been neglected by the public. Chen has also published his works in newspapers and magazines to attract public attention on local history and culture. Meanwhile, he is committed to public sharing of various kinds, including the photo exhibition Xiangtu Siming (Siming the Hometown) and More than Nostalgia, a photo exhibition held this August in Chicago.


    Eugene Ch'ng


    Associate editor for MIT Press’ Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, the world’s oldest and foremost journal for Virtual Reality research, Director of the NVIDIA Joint-Lab on Mixed Reality, NVIDIA Technology Centre at the University of Nottingham’ s China campus.

    他曾两次受邀参加英国皇家学会,是 2017 年英国皇家学会 Theo Murphy 科学论坛的组织者和发言人。他的研究方向为前沿混合现实技术的发展与应用,人机交互界面中(虚拟现实、增强现实和人工智能)个人用户和群体行为的调查,其中也包括针对社交媒体的分析。他曾在一项名为“Lost Frontiers”(此研究项目资金 250 万欧元)的高等研究计划中作为联合负责人负责综合系统建模技术。

    Prof. Ch'ng has been invited twice to present his research at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition and was an organiser and speaker at the 2017 Royal Society Theo Murphy Scientific Meeting. His current research is in the development and application of cutting-edge Mixed Reality technology, and digital culture and heritage. He leads the complex systems modelling of the ERC (European Research Council) Advanced Research Grant’s “Lost Frontiers” project. He is also an artist, and the head instructor of Ningbo’s first Aikido dojo.


    Yao Ruicheng


    Student in Grade 11, first place of hack. init() 2017 (a premier Hackathon in China)


    A creative-idea lover and self-taught maker, Yao is committed to the promotion of maker spirit among his peers. He applies technology to realizing both the creative ideas of himself and others. He hopes to balance academic study and technological creation with the ultimate goal of promoting the development of young maker groups in China.


    Su Meng


    Associate professor of Department of Physics and Laboratory for Space Research (LSR) of Hong Kong University, Pappalardo Scholar of MIT, NASA Einstein Fellow

    他是高能天体物理学最高奖 Rossi Prize 最年轻获得者,银河系巨型气泡发现人,曾入选世界十大物理学进展、十大天文学进展。


    He is the youngest winner of Rossi Prize, the most prestigious award for high-energy astrophysics. His discovery of the Fermi Bubbles has been selected as one of the Top Ten Physical News and of the Top Ten Astronomical Achievements in 2010.

    His main research interests include the origin and evolution of the universe, high-energy astrophysics, black holes, gravitational waves, dark matters and dark energy. In order to search dark material particles, he is working on the construction of the first gravitational-wave telescope in China and the first space astronomical satellite “Wu Kong”. He is also looking for new methods of combining business with scientific research to further the exploration and exploitation of planets in the solar system. 


    Zhang Shaoce 


    Artist of Ningbo Pinghua, Representative Inheritor of Zhejiang Intangible Culture Heritage, Member of Chinese Ballad Singers Association

    张先生今年 90 虚岁,自 18 岁登台至今年已有 70 多年的宁波评话表演生涯。如今他依然活跃在评话舞台上,多年的表演生涯让他拥有了丰富的舞台表演经验和精湛的舞台表演技艺,人称“评话泰斗”。擅长的书目是祖传的《水浒》《岳飞传》《杨家将》《隋唐演义》《宁波王瑞伯》等,最新改编作品《寒窑赋》。

    张先生登台无数,为人称奇的其中一点是,他的宁波评话“可长可短”,同样一折戏,他可以根据观众的要求说上两场或者是说上半个月,这次他将挑战自己——在 18 分钟内,出演曲艺生涯里最短的一折戏。

    Zhang is around 90 this year. Making his debut at the age of 18, Zhang has worked for more than seven decades as a Pinghua artist. He is also nicknamed “The mogul of Pinghua” for his rich performing experiences and exquisite performing skills. His best works include Water Margin, The Legend of Yue Fei, The Yang’s Saga and Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Wang Ruibo, all of which are of Chinese classics. He has also adapted Poem for Shabby Dwellings.

    What interests people the most is that Mr.Zhang can change the length of his performance flexibly to satisfy different needs of audiences. He can narrate a story either in two scenes or more than half a month. This time on the stage of TEDxNingbo, he will challenge himself to perform in 18 minutes, the shortest performance in his entire career. 

     购 票 信 息   

     Ticket Infomation   

    ·学生票:¥ 280

    ·乙票:¥ 380  (双人套票:¥ 699)

    ·甲票:¥ 580  (双人套票:¥ 999)

    ·VIP 票:¥ 666

    · Student Ticket¥ 280

    · A Ticket¥ 380  (Tickets for 2:¥ 699

    · B Ticket¥ 580  Tickets for 2¥ 999

    · VIP Ticket¥ 666



     购 票 须 知       

    1. 参会者于活动当天,在活动现场凭电子票二维码换取纸质票,纸质票为入场唯一凭证;

    2. 学生票购票者,请在换取纸质票同时出示有效学生证件;

    3. 如购票后未及时收到电子票,请查阅邮箱垃圾邮件,若仍有疑问,请联系 TEDxNingbo 小伙伴;

    4. 门票一经出售,恕不退票,可将门票转让;

    5. 若您已将门票转让,请发送「门票转让:转让人和受让人各自的姓名、联系电话和邮箱」的内容给 TEDxNingbo 小伙伴。

    1. On the event day, electronic tickets should be exchanged for paper tickets, which are the only proof of entrance.

    2. If you buy a student ticket, please show a valid student ID card when exchanging for a paper ticket.  

    3. If you haven’t received electronic tickets after the purchase, please check your spam mails. If you have further questions, please contact TEDxNingbo (WeChat ID: TEDxNB).

    4. Tickets are not refundable, but you are allowed to transfer.

    5. If you have already transferred the tickets, please send a message (including the names, phone numbers and email addresses of both) to TEDxNingbo wechat platform (WeChat ID: TEDxNB).

    ※ 活动现场设有同传设备(中英互译),可按需租赁,15元/副。

    ※ TEDxNingbo 小伙伴的联系方式为(WeChat ID):TEDxNB。

    ※ 如有购票疑问,以及团购门票(50 张以上),请联系 TEDxNingbo 小伙伴。

    ※ TEDxNingbo 是经 TED 官方授权的宁波地区独立 TEDx 活动主办方,是当前中国大陆最具影响力和高质量的 TEDx 活动主办方之一,由本土社群独立组织,致力于传播有价值的创想理念。

    ※ 感谢各位讲者对 TEDx 的规则理解,支持无偿分享观点。


    ※ Simultaneous interpreting receivers are available for rent.

    ※ TEDxNingbo contact information(WeChat ID):TEDxNB.

    ※ You’re encouraged to contact TEDxNingbo for questions on ticketsor group purchase (over 50).


    ※ TEDxNingbo is a TED-authorized Ningbo-based organizer of independent TEDx events. As one of the most influential and high-quality TEDx event organizers in Mainland China, it is organized by the local community and dedicated to spreading valuable ideas.

    ※ Thank all the speakers for your understanding of TEDx's rules and support for free sharing of ideas.

    ※ All the ticket incomes will be used for the preparation of the event, including the speakers’ accommodation, activity operation, equipment, materials, venue renting and marketing.




    • 许佩玲


    • 王凯婷


    • 杨志柏


    • 全秀玲


    • 唐建安


    • 白老师 -












    • ???? 8年前 0


    • Effy Yu 8年前 0

      big problem with time management

    • 张健钢 8年前 0


    • 粥粥 8年前 0


    • 陌山 MOSHAN 8年前 0


    • jane 8年前 0


    • 小刚 8年前 0


    • 李元龙 8年前 0


      • Hawa 8年前





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