

2024年4月24日 19:00 ~ 2024年4月24日 21:00
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    1. 唠嗑的艺术(Communication):怎样说话让人一听就懂,团队里头更能和谐共鸣?

    2.  联手干大事(Teamwork):咱们一块,怎样把各自的能量拧成一股绳?

    3. 发现自己那块料(Identifying Capabilities)挖掘内在宝藏,明白自己到底有多能耐!

    4. 巧解生活小疙瘩(Problem-Solving):碰到难题不慌张,手把手教你找对策。

    5.  脑洞大开想新招(Generate Alternative Solutions):一条路走不通?那就来几套备选方案!

    6. 落地执行&再来一遍(Implementation and Re-Evaluation):好的想法怎么让它开花结果,还不断优化升级?

    7. 时间大侠修炼手册(Time Management):秒变时间管理达人,告别拖延症!

    8. 日程安排的独门秘籍(The Art of Scheduling):怎样计划你的一天,才不会乱成一锅粥?

    9. 批驳多任务的传说(The Multitasking Myth):一心真能多用吗?听听专家怎么说。

    10. 爱别人 VS 爱自己,如何拿捏(Caring for Others vs Caring for Self):既要顾全大局,也要疼惜自己。

    11. 跟过去Say Goodbye,迎接崭新的自己(Getting Over the Good Old Days Syndrome):别老怀念过去了,未来才是星辰大海。

    12. 华丽转身,成为那个带团队的人(Changing to Manage People):从普通队员到领队,带你掌握领导力。

    13. 挺直腰杆,做自信满满的自己(Self-Confidence, Owning It):自信不是空谈,教你实实在在拥有它。

    14. 扶起队友,大家一块冲鸭(Build Up Others):不仅自己厉害,还要带着伙伴们一起飞。

    15. 敞开心扉,听出花儿来(Listen with an Open Mind):啥叫真正听懂别人的话,这里有妙招。

    16. 啥时候该抽身,啥时候该插手(When to Back Off):关键时刻,知道什么时候保持距离,什么时候出手相助。




    🌟Hey there, let's level up and boost our serious skills together!

    🙆Dear friend, what's up! We're putting together a super-packed, no-fluff "Real-Life Soft Communication Skills Upgrade Session" on April 24th, 2024, and we'd love to have you join us.

    🌿This event covers a bunch of essential skills for work and life:

    1. The Art of Talking Smart (Communication): How to speak so people totally get it, and create a harmonious vibe in the team!

    2. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work (Teamwork): How can we pool our strengths like a well-oiled machine?

    3. Finding Your Inner Powerhouse (Identifying Capabilities): Unearth your hidden talents and discover just how capable you are!

    4. Navigating Life's Curveballs (Problem-Solving): Staying cool under pressure and showing you how to solve problems like a pro.

    5. Thinking Outside the Box (Generate Alternative Solutions): Got a dead-end road? No prob, let's brainstorm multiple backup plans!

    6. Bringing Ideas to Life & Improving Them (Implementation and Re-Evaluation): Taking those killer ideas from theory to reality, and continuously making them better

    7. Becoming a Time Boss (Time Management): Transform into a time management ninja, say goodbye to procrastination forever!

    8. The Ultimate Guide to Planning Your Day (The Art of Scheduling): Organize your schedule so it's not a total chaos!

    9. Busting the Multitasking Myth (The Multitasking Myth): Can we really do multiple things at once? Hear what the experts have to say!

    10. Caring for Others vs. Yourself: Striking the Balance (Caring for Others vs. Caring for Self): Looking out for everyone while also taking care of numero uno!

    11. Leaving the Past Behind, Embracing the New You (Getting Over the Good Old Days Syndrome): No more living in the past, the future's where it's at!

    12. Leading the Pack: The Great Shift (Changing to Manage People): Going from team member to leader, mastering the art of leadership.13. Standing Tall with Self-Confidence (Self-Confidence, Owning It): It's not just talk; we'll teach you how to truly own your confidence.14

    14. Lifting Up Your Teammates (Build Up Others): Being awesome, and helping your buddies soar too!

    15. Listening with an Open Heart and Mind (Listen with an Open Mind): Learning what it means to truly understand someone else's words, we've got tips for that!

    16. Knowing When to Step Back and Step In (When to Back Off): Understanding when to give space and when to jump in at crucial moments.

    🎯This is a custom-made, down-to-earth gathering designed to genuinely up your game in all the right ways!

    👍So, come on over, let's exchange ideas, learn from each other, and enjoy the journey of growth together!

    👉Looking forward to seeing you on that day – save the date, and we won't let you down!




    • Leah








