美国HMH霍顿米夫林英语教学座谈会(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
我们与拥有180多年历史、美国最具影响力的教育出版商之一的霍顿米夫林出版公司(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)合作,引进原版英文绘本读物,让更多中国孩子领略到纯正优质的英文内容。为学校和机构提供优质的英语外教,并整合国际优质教育资源,合作研发英语课程体系,开展教学合作服务。 此外,我们还与综合性游学、旅游产品提供商及全程服务商北京美之旅国际旅行社合作,提供优质的海外特色游学产品,如语言课程、志愿服务、移动课堂等,目的国家覆盖美国、加拿大、英国、澳洲、新加坡、泰国等主流留学目的地,旨在帮助中国青少年建立多元思维,拓展国际视野,增强国际竞争力。 02 产品介绍 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is a global education leader and the world’s largest provider of educational materials and services for PreK-12 schools, with customers and partners in over 120 countries. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt offers a comprehensive set of best-in-class educational solutions, ranging from research-based textbook and digital curriculum, to award-winning professional development programs, to standards-based assessments and management solutions for students and educators. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt also publishes an extensive line of reference works and award-winning literature for adults and young readers. 总部位于美国波士顿的霍顿米夫林国际有限公司,拥有180多年的历史,是19世纪由美国著名作家亨利·梭罗和艾默生创办,目前是全球最大的从学龄前到高中阶段的基础教育资源和服务提供商,业务遍布120多个国家和地区。公司为学校和家庭提供全面而具有高品质的教学解决方案,涵盖教材、教学辅助资源、参考书、测试评估、教师培训、教学技术和软件等各类教育服务和资源。目前,在美国,霍顿米夫林是中小学教育市场的绝对领导者,每2名孩子中就有1名使用过霍顿米夫林的教育产品。
At the core of the student experience are Big Books, a 4 color consumable Student Book at kindergarten through grade 2, and both a rich Student Edition and consumable Activity Book for students at grades 3-5. Designed to draw students in with each page turn the selections offer a wide variety of genres that prepare students for the rigor of the Common Core State Standards, while bringing an essential focus on language to each interaction with the text. As OWE is fully supportive of active learning, the student texts are delivered digitally and can also be downloaded so students have access to the content even when the internet isn't accessible.
Fully supportive of developing student’s listening and speaking, there is audio support bringing modeling to each student at the click of a mouse. (click)
While projects tie together the skills and strategies in an inviting way that is called for by the CCSS. One per unit, the projects tie together the unit instruction in a week by week pacing that is sure to tie the domains together in a fun and engaging interaction.
And once drawn in by the beauty of the books, students will want to stay because they will begin to see themselves in an array of selections. More than reflective of the individual student, On Our Way to English introduces students to a variety of other cultures and takes them on a journey across the continents…
Empowered with content area language, the Learning centers add depth and cross curricular growth…while fostering a natural environment for language development as students use the skills and vocabulary they learn throughout the unit
At the heart of the instruction is the research of a powerhouse author team. David and Yvonne Freeman were recently honored as outstanding Educators by the National Council of Teachers of English and are extensively published in the areas of second language acquisition, linguistics, bilingual education and biliteracy. Margo Gottlieb is the Lead Developer for WIDA (world class design and Assessment) and has also been instrumental in the design and development of prek-12 ELD standards. Finally Robert Marzano is a widely published author who has written on the implementation of standards, cognition, intervention and effective classroom strategies. Together the authors of On Our Way to English bring unparalleled expertise to the instructional path, student resources and assessments.
Fully supporting the rigorous instruction is a lesson plan that builds student independence, while appropriately differentiating to meet the different levels of students. The Teacher Edition brings the learning experience together in one comprehensive resource, clearly outlining the day click, Week click and unit objectives. Every step of the way the Common Core State Standards are referenced and support the targeted domain-based instruction.
As all members of the language learning community are active participants in OWE the digital delivery and school home connections bring everyone into the conversation. The School Home Connections are available in a variety of languages and provide members of the community with helpful tips and insight into the student’s instructional experience.
03 教学资源
04 活动安排 14:00-14:30 HMH霍顿米夫林OWE课程体系介绍 14:30-15:00 线上平台演示 15:00-16:00 问答互动环节
05 往期活动现场
06 联系我们 活动时间:2020/06/12至2020/07/31日,每周一至周五,下午14:00-16:00 活动地址:上海市浦东新区花园石桥路66号东亚银行金融大厦8层 联系电话:Celine-13917950786
翼前方是一家国际教育资源整合和方案提供企业,目前提供四大服务项目,包括:海外游学服务、原版英文绘本读物引进、教学合作服务、外教TEFL培训和人力资源服务。 我们与拥有180多年历史、美国最具影响力的教育出版商之一的霍顿米夫林出版公司(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)合作,引进原版英文绘本读物,让更多中国孩子领略到纯正优质的英文内容。为学校和机构提供优质的英语外教,并整合国际优质教育资源,合作研发英语课程体系,开展教学合作服务。 此外,我们还与综合性游学、旅游产品提供商及全程服务商北京美之旅国际旅行社合作,提供优质的海外特色游学产品,如语言课程、志愿服务、移动课堂等,目的国家覆盖美国、加拿大、英国、澳洲、新加坡、泰国等主流留学目的地,旨在帮助中国青少年建立多元思维,拓展国际视野,增强国际竞争力。