成都Chengdu|Ladies Who Tech Walkie Talkie走着瞧不如走着聊:应对冲击,适应未来
成都|Ladies Who Tech Walkie Talkie走着瞧不如走着聊:应对冲击,适应未来
Chengdu|Ladies Who Tech Walkie Talkie: Coping with Shocks and Adapting to the Future
从 2022 年下半年开始,由 AI 作画引爆的 AIGC 热潮,逐渐接棒 “元宇宙” 成为全球关注的焦点和热议话题,各行各业都在积极探寻相关业务在 AIGC 助力下的崭新发展方向,面对越来越多的不确定性,如何应对冲击,如何成为不被AI替代的那部分人,这将是我们需要思考和调整的地方。
Starting from the second half of 2022, the AIGC boom triggered by AI painting gradually took over the "meta-universe" and became the focus and hot topic of global attention. Facing more and more uncertainties, how do we cope with the impact and how do we become part of the people who will not be replaced by AI? This is where we need to adapt.
in today's rapidly changing technology, what inspiration and wisdom can we personally draw from the perspective of evolution and survival? What roles are we taking and what challenges are we facing? Many questions make it difficult to face work and life, and stress occasionally comes with exhaustion, confusion, anxiety, emptiness, and powerlessness.
Science shows that people can relieve the above state through scientific exercise. Walking is a good way to relieve stress. While feeling the things and the landscape around you can make your eye muscles relax, in the process of aerobic exercise, there are many benefits for physical and mental health, like strengthening the respiratory system, preventing heart disease, promoting digestion, and so on.
Ladies Who Tech 成都团队邀请了一群来自不同行业的优秀导师们,她们将与您一起展开 Walkie Talkie 春日公园边走边聊的活动,直面当下时代个人发展的关键挑战,组织创新与发展的难题,将前沿思想、行业发展趋势分析与新方法论实践,与你共同分享及探讨。
Ladies Who Tech Chengdu invites a group of outstanding mentors from different industries for the upcoming Walkie Talkie. They will share their experience and insights, such as facing challenges of personal development, organizational innovation, and development in the current era. They will discuss cutting-edge ideas, analysis of industry development trends, and new methodologies in practice.
分享嘉宾 Mentors 李然 Gina Li Ladies Who Tech 成都负责人 朗标集团战略副总裁 Ladies Who Tech Chengdu Director VP of Strategy, Labbrand Group 李然女士是创新产品及组织人才咨询专家,前埃森哲创新战略高级负责人。十五年在品牌,营销,创新创业领域经验,专注于消费品创新的品牌定位,设计和体验以及端到端创新管理与商业实施和管理,与多家世界500强,国内创新和创业型增长型企业在基于研发产业发展和企业战略上有多年的合作经验。包括奢侈品,快消,电子和制造,车企,医药等多个行业,代表项目包括:上海老字号创新,百事数字化消费体验,饿了么智能自动化室内解决方案(荣获iF工业设计及红点奖),及百事,可口可乐,福特,保时捷等。个人荣誉/奖项:APEC亚太经合会议 智利 2019 创新与科技中国唯一企业代表,IPWS 国际职业女性协会,2019年度创新家,中国宣传大使。 Gina Li is a consultation expert in innovative products and organization & talent. Prior to that, she was a Senior Director of Innovation Strategy at Accenture. She has 15 years of experience in branding, marketing, innovation & entrepreneurship, with a focus on innovative brand positioning, design and experience of consumer goods, end-to-end innovation management, and business implementation and management. Gina has years of experience in cooperating with Fortune 500 companies and domestic innovative & entrepreneurial growth companies in industry development and corporate strategies based on R&D. Such companies cover luxury goods, FMCG, electronics and manufacturing, automobile, pharmaceuticals, etc. Her signature projects include innovating time-honored brands in Shanghai, designing digital consumer experience for Pepsi, and providing an indoor automation solution for ELEME (winner of the iF Industrial Design Award and Red Dot Award). She has also provided services for brands such as Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Ford, Porsche, etc. Awards and recognition: Gina was the only corporate representative in Innovation & Technology from China at the APEC Chile 2019 summit. She is also a member of the International Professional Women's Association (IPWS) and 2019 Innovator of the Year, Ambassador in China. 王源 Celine Wang 澳门国际仲裁学会副研究员 Research Fellow, Macau Institute of International Arbitration 王源女士是德国哈勒维滕贝格大学法学博士,美国哥伦比亚大学法学院访问学者,英国皇家特许仲裁员协会会员,香港国际争议解决及专业谈判研究院国际认可专业调解员,香港—内地调解协会国际认可专业调解员。 Celine Wang is a J.D. (Juris Doctor) from the University of Hallwettenberg, Germany. a visiting scholar from Columbia University School of Law, a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, an internationally accredited professional mediator of the Hong Kong Institute of International Dispute Resolution and Professional Negotiation, and an internationally accredited professional mediator of the Hong Kong-Mainland Mediation Association. 黄锐 Huang Rui 游戏制作者 Game Creator 黄锐女士深耕游戏行业从基础岗位到项目管理把控至今12年经验,目前负责游戏美术及内容创作,毕业后18岁从事游戏美术工作,从6岁起家庭影响,对文娱产业了解较早从而也对国内外文娱产业内容产生极大的兴趣,致力于电子娱乐产业推动内容提升突破发展。业余喜欢了解多世界元文化,热爱社交、户外徒步、动物、读书交流,希望能与朋友们交流产生更有趣的思想碰撞。 Huang Rui has been deeply involved in the game industry, from basic positions to project management control for 12 years. She is currently responsible for game art and content creation. After graduation, she engaged in game artwork as was influenced by her family since the age of 6 and with an understanding of the entertainment industry earlier. Thus, she also has a great interest in domestic and foreign entertainment industry content, dedicated to the electronic entertainment industry to promote content to enhance breakthrough development. In her spare time, she likes to understand multi-world meta-culture, loves socializing, outdoor hiking, animals, also reading communication, and hopes to communicate with friends to generate more interesting collaboration of ideas. 苏雪莹 Stella Su 数字化转型敏捷教练 Digital Transformation Scrum Master 苏雪莹女士本科学习生物技术专业,研究生学习生物信息学与计算生物学专业。曾在纽约Startup做过Data Science,回国后先在Fintech领域担任SAAS产品经理,后在独角兽企业担任商业化产品经理。目前在一家外资企业担任Scrum Master,熟悉敏捷、精益的原则,帮助全球客户快速推进高风险和高难度项目,以较快的速度将新产品推向市场。 胡松花 Nora Hu 大数据开发工程师 ETL Data Engineer 胡松花女士硕士毕业于英国曼彻斯特大学,高级控制科学与系统工程专业,研究方向为去中心化分布式控制算法。先后从事OTA以及金融科技行业,专注于大数据开发与应用,致力于将数据分析技术模型应用于金融场景,如精准营销,风险管控,反洗钱等。 Nora Hu has a master’s degree from the University of Manchester, UK, in advanced control science and systems engineering. Her research direction is for decentralized distributed control algorithms. Engaged in OTA and fintech industry successively, focusing on big data development and application, committed to applying data analysis technology models to financial scenarios such as precision marketing, risk control, anti-money laundering, etc.
活动细节 Event Details
主题 Theme:应对冲击,适应未来 Coping with Shocks and Adapting to the Future 日期 Date:2023-04-15 时间 Time:09:00-10:30 地址 Address: 锦城公园 成都市武侯区石羊街道益州大道中段1666号(距地铁5号线锦城大道站A口步行650m) Jincheng Park No. 1666, the middle section of Yizhou Avenue, Shiyang Street, Wuhou District, Chengdu (650m walk from Exit A of Jincheng Avenue Station on Metro Line 5) 费用 Fee:66元/人 (含饮品一杯 includes one drink) *特别说明:本场活动限定20人参与,已售出票概不退换。 *Special Note: The event is limited to 20 participants, No refunds or exchanges will be given for tickets sold.
She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.