
【展览】The Swiftness of Feeling and Thinking 敏捷于右岸

2020年9月4日 18:00 ~ 2020年11月7日 18:00




    开幕式 Opening:2020.09.04 17:30-20:30

    行为艺术 Performance Duden2020starts from 17:30

    舞蹈表演 Dance performance Body is Present starts from 18:00

    策展人 Curator:

    关棋 Gloria Guan

    参展艺术家 Artists

    古然 Ryan Tian 

    孤本身体空间 Unique Body Space

    李依妮 Li Yini

    王羊 Emerson Young 

    闫禹霏 Charlotte Yan 

    袁晗寒 Yuan Hanhan 

    What is art? What makes a piece of art good or bad are the questions that have been posed incessantly to artists and art lovers alike. Some artworks are notable for the questioning of traditional values, artistic conventions, systems of representation, and so on. However, in most cases, art is judged difficult to understand. The British philosopher of art, Richard Wollheim believes that we should resist the tendency to see art as an abstract idea that needs to be analysed and explained. If we are to fully understand art, according to his view, we must always define it in relation to its social context. Since art is a form of life, and it is always a reflection of an individuals’ beliefs, emotions, experiences, skills, social background and happiness. According to the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, “The only happiness lies in reason; all the rest of the world is dismal. The highest reason, however, I see in the work of the artist….Happiness lies in the swiftness of feeling and thinking….”

    By feeling is meant the response of the ‘body-and-mind’ as a whole to the events of reality. However, the aim of the exhibition “The Swiftness of Feeling and Thinking” is not trying to give an answer to the question of what is art but is trying to express the feeling of how material reality is. By showcasing 6 young artists’ different art practices, including film, performance, dance, video, installation, drawing, photography, fashion design and board games. “The Swiftness of Feeling and Thinking” is letting these 6 artists who are in a unique position to share their happiness in art, to tell a story about the world in which they live, to perform a social function, to illustrate what being creative can be, to examine boundaries between the individual body and the social environment and between the inside and outside of the body itself, to explore the interaction and communication between the viewer and art design. As well as to establish the ideology that continues to shape their vision of today and tomorrow.

    孤本身体空间 Unique Body Space | 李宣雨 Li Xuanyu

    Lo Que Siento


    摄影 Photography

    In Factory Maze, for instance, Li Yini is reaching people and objectively exploring humanistic care in a board game. It is a direct challenge to assumptions about the meaning of art and its function in a society. While in the video The Wedding, Unique Body Space offers not too many clues indicative of a narrative of the story itself, rather uses montage to represent a very complex and conflicting relationship between a woman and a man.  In Body is Present, Unique Body Space’s new dance practice with Charlotte Yan’s fashion design’s programme Scepticism, not only is using body simply as the ‘content’ of the work, but also as an attempt to dramatizing the gap between surface perceptions and inner realities. Confronted with something that is usually kept hidden, we are being encouraged to review many of the fundamental issues of existence: identity, religion, faith, racial tension, patriotism, joy, distress, hope, death and so on.

    古然 Ryan Tian

    若天是海 When Sky Was Sea


    电影短片 Short Film

    Through an assemblage of video, ritual and installations, Emerson Young’s The Body Adorned presents the contemporary stereotype of an artist in a non-linear fashion. Meanwhile proposing a discussion on the authenticity and probability of “artist” as an identity. In the short film When Sky Was Sea, director Ryan Tian provides a clear narrative to tell a story about how an ambitious graphic designer who will be eventually blind in his life, met a talented blind photographer. This unexpected experience brings this young man a new vision to ‘see’ the world and to have faith in life again. In many cases, art opens up exciting new possibilities for artists to see the world differently, not by sight, but by heart and imagination. Where is art going? How will it be different in the future? What will be the viewer’s interpretations of their artworks?


    王羊 Emerson Young 

    被装饰的身体 The Body Adorned


    视频、仪式和装置 Video, Ritual and installations

    Witnessing a live performance leaves the viewer with a very different impression about the artwork. The artists use their own body language as the material of their work reveals a cross-fertilization of ideas and ideologies from different disciplines and cultures. In Yuan Hanhan’s performance Duden 2020, the artist use a “touch” to show the viewer what is her emotion and where is her sight. Nevertheless the body in art involves emotions, memory, ideas of beauty, concepts of power and identity not only in the mind of the artist but in that of the viewer as well. The viewer is thus invited to enter into the artist’s performance, left to attempt to fill in the story, or to imagine what happened before he/she joined in and what might happen next.

    Whatever the exhibition is able to accomplish here, “The Swiftness of Feeling and Thinking” is showing a point that transforming our reality is no longer a question of just making more art. It is a matter of having an attitude to strive to fix the problems set by life and realising what social tools we have. Of one thing is certain in this exhibition: anything we might think of as art will have to be solidly constructed in all its social dimensions.

    何为艺术?人们不断的向艺术家和艺术爱好者提出“如何鉴别一件艺术品的好坏”诸如此类的问题,一些艺术作品正是因为质疑了传统观念、艺术惯例、表现体系等而著名,然而,在大多数情况下,艺术是不被大众所理解的。正如英国艺术哲学家Richard Wollheim所说,我们应该抵制将艺术解读为是需要分析和解释的抽象概念。当我们充分理解艺术,并根据Richard所说的观点,我们需要结合社会背景来解读艺术。当艺术成为一种生活方式,自然而然的成为了某个个体的信仰,反应着情绪、经验、技能、社会背景以及幸福。根据德国哲学家尼采的说法,“幸福只存在于理智,其他的都索然无味。而最高的理智,我只能从艺术家的作品中发现。。。幸福的产生来自于感觉与思考的敏捷。。。”


    李依妮 Li Yini

    电厂迷宫 Factory Maze


    棋盘游戏 Board Games

    在《工厂迷宫》中,李依妮通过棋盘游戏,客观地探索人文关怀。假设这个棋盘游戏就像一个关于艺术和其的社会功能性的挑战。在影片《婚礼》中,孤本身体空间并没有提供太多故事本身的线索,而是用蒙太奇的手法表现了一段非常复杂和矛盾的男女关系。《Body is Present》是孤本身体空间为闫禹霏的服装设计作品“怀疑主义”所设计的新舞蹈作品,此作品不仅是简单地将身体作为作品的一部分,而是通过一种戏剧化的形式表达表面感知和内在现实之间的间隙。通常面对一些被隐藏的东西,我们被鼓励重新审视一些基本问题:身份、性别、宗教、信仰、种族、爱国主义、快乐、痛苦、希望、死亡等等。

    闫禹霏 Charlotte Yan

    怀疑主义者 Scepticism


    时尚设计 Fashion Design


    身临现场观看艺术作品总会给观者留下不一样的回忆。艺术家们通过肢体语言揭示着来自不同纪律与文化的“杂交”意识形态。在袁晗寒的行为艺术表演《Duden 2020》中她通过“触感”去展现她的情感和视觉。然而,肢体艺术设计到了情感,记忆,美学,力量和身份认同,这些概念不仅仅存在于艺术家的脑子里,也存在于观者的心里。因此,观者被邀请并参与艺术家的表演,试着填补故事,或想象一下在她/他的加入前后会发生什么?

    袁晗寒 Yuan Hanhan

    Duden 2020


    行为艺术 Performance



    展览系列讲座 BACA Talk Series


    第一场 Talk 1

    袁晗寒 Yuan Hanhan|Duden 2020



    语言Language: 中文Chinese

    第二场 Talk 2
    王羊 闫禹霏 Emerson Young, Charlotte Yan|着装的现实 Clothed Reality
    语言Language: 中文Chinese

    第三场 Talk 3
    孤本身体空间 Unique Body Space|Body is Present
    语言Language: 中文Chinese

    第四场 Talk 4
    Anthony May | Philosophy of art 
    语言Language: 英语English

    A maximum of 30 people to attend each talk。




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    • Yuna


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    • 雪球









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    BACA 艺术中心|旮旯空间是北京艺术界一位令人充满期待的新成员,坐落于京城二环以里,毗邻雍和宫。作为一个独特地推广国际新锐艺术家的平台,BACA 艺术中心|旮旯空间是集艺术展览、现场表演和电影放映为一体的实验性场域。与此同时,BACA 艺术中心|旮旯空间在全英文教学环境下,开设了与艺术设计产业相关适合各年龄段的艺术工作坊和短期课程。


