
Beyond Business as Usual August Forum: The Future of Work

Thu, 25 Aug 2016 18:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Thu, 25 Aug 2016 21:00:00 GMT+08


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    Be it through the movement from a manufacturing based economy to one based on services, the movement of millions of people into the city, or through the increased presence of technology, the very nature of work is changing.

    For firms, this will require a change not only in how they attract and retain labor, but in how offices are designed and built for a more flexible labor force. For labor, this period will require a constant focus development of skills, while at the same time a movement away from siloed work towards collaborative environments.  For those who are servicing these groups, be it as office designers or university educators, this will mean a recalibration of business models and value propositions, while for entrepreneurs this will offer a huge opportunity to bring disruptive business models to the market. 

    It is a transition that will change the nature of how we work, where we work, and the skills required of those in the workforce, and at this event we have invited representatives from leading companies to talk about how they see the future of work.

    Topics to be discussed:

    • What will jobs look like in the future? 

    • Will we work more virtually, from home and cafes, or will co-working become the norm?

    • How will the evolving business strategy and technology breakthrough affect HR priorities? 

    • How will these changes create opportunities for young professionals entering into this time of transition?

    Date: 2016 August, 25th

    Time:6:30pm - 9:00pm

    Topic:The Future of Work

    Venue:WeWork, 2F, 135 Yanping Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai,

    Registration Fee: Regular: RMB 100, Student: RMB50; Pay at door: RMB150 (Including drinks and light snacks)


    • David Barrass, Product Marketing Director: Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, Haworth

    • Jason Marriott, APAC Development Director, Wework

    • William Morris, Research Manager, Collective Responsibility

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