Women in Social Enterprise Conference 社会企业中的女性领导力
“非常完美! 我受到很大启发,获得了力量, 感受到了闪耀!”
“我受到启发, 并将开始与富有热情的人们谈话, 由此作出改变”!
Join us for an inspirationconference on
September 14, 2013 in Beijing!
“Women in Social Enterprise (WISE)” aims to inspire, educate
andmotivate the next generation of women to become
This day-long conference is designed to inspire women to
pursuetheir passions, think big and turn their entrepreneurial
dreamsinto reality. Women will have the opportunity to network with
localand national entrepreneurial role models discussing their
ideas,failures, successes and lessons learned.
The event will feature keynote addresses by leading female
socialentrepreneurs from across the China. Hands-on breakout
sessionswill examine a broad range of practical issues to enable
women toact on their dreams.
With 150 entrepreneurial women and acclaimed female
socialentrepreneurs as speakers in attendance; the conference is
also anincredible networking opportunity.
WISE Overview
What our previous attendees had tosay:
“An excellent conference overall!”
“Taking part in the conference provided me witha clear
picture of my possible future career [as socialentrepreneur].
"Excellent work! I feel inspired, empowered &sparked!"
“I got inspired to start and make change by talking toenthusiastic
Do you accept paying on the door? Would it be possible to only attend the afternoon session?
FYSE 是一个帮助社会企业家实现最大限度的影响力的平台。我们关注社会需求,帮助社会企业家在拓展业务、创造更多工作机会的同时,探索有效解决最紧迫的社会与环境问题的创新方案。我们拥有包括公司、政府、非营利组织和大学等多样化的合作伙伴,并通过与他们的合作开展了各类女性与青年项目。 FYSE enables social entrepreneurs to achieve their utmost impact. We identify needs and develop innovative solutions that enable social entrepreneurs to effectively tackle society’s most pressing social and environmental challenges while expanding their businesses and creating jobs. www.fyse.org