机器人制作工作坊 6月19日|Build your Own Otto Robot June 19th
Otto是什么? 和普通通玩具不一样,Otto机器人可以像玩伴一样,和创造者一起玩游戏。
怎么来和Otto玩游戏? Otto可以散步,可以跳舞,可以发出声音以及躲避障碍物。
Camilo 在上海Bestway Inflatables & Material做过两年的工业设计师。对机器人和玩具的激情驱使他在3D打印和电子方面继续深造。在新车间做完各种不同的项目后,他创造了Otto。目的是使任何人都能接触到机器人。
Javier 在上海有两年的品牌和平面设计背景。从英孚到Bestway inflatables再到自己创业,他成立了自己的品牌工作室“The Good Agency“。他加入了Otto,致力于推广自制机器人的精神。
Leigh-Anne 在大中华地区有20年的工作经验。作为Nestworkschina.org的创始人,她看见了Otto对自闭症孩子教育的潜力,并希望将Otto在国际和国内非盈利机构里进行推广。
6月19日,周日,13:30 -16:00
新车间会员 710元/人;
Who is
Otto? Otto is an interactive
robot that anyone can make!
What can Otto do? Otto walks, dances, makes sounds and avoids obstacles
Why Is Otto special? Otto is completely open source, Arduino compatible, 3D printable, and with a social impact mission to create an inclusive environment for all kids.
This is the opportunity to build and have your first robot. First there will be a little introduction about Otto and the team behind, Second you will receive one Otto DIY kit including all tools you need to make this biped robot. And lastly you will follow the assembly instructions and with the support of 2 members of the Otto team you would be able to finish your new Otto robot and play with it.
The Otto Team
CamiloHe has been more than 2 years in Shanghai as Industrial designer for Bestway inflatables, but he didn’t settle just for a job, his passion for robots and toys make him very curious about 3d printing and electronics so after playing around with robots at Xinchejian and other projects decided can create Otto an interactive robot that anyone can make!
If you have any questions about this workshop or Otto, you can choose to contact me.
JavierHe has been more than 2 years in Shanghai as brand and graphic designer, initially worked for EF (education first), passing through Bestway inflatables, creating his own branding studio to currently working for “The Good Agency”, he like Otto concept so much because of the emotional attachment that is created after building your own robot instead of buy it; that he joined the Otto team as the branding manager and UI
Leigh-AnneShe has called the Greater China area home for over 20 years. Instrumental in the creation of Shanghai’s largest government social innovation initiative, founder of Nestworkschina.org, she saw the potential of Otto as a social inclusive robot for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). As key component for the project she has diverse international and local connections to nonprofit and social enterprise supporters and practitioners.
June 19th, Sunday, 13:30 - 16:00
Workshop: RMB 750; RMB
710 for XinCheJian Members.
Includes one Otto DIY
kit and all the tools to build it in 2-3 hours.
No need technical knowledge, perfect for beginners and easy hackable for experts. Due small screws the workshops is recommend for 7+ years old, unless the children are accompanied by parents.