StakingCon Staking生态大会
2019年7月10日(周三Wed) 9:00-17:30
中国·北京 | 朝阳区北三环东路2号 北京维景国际大酒店 宴会厅
No.2 Beisanhuan East Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing, P.R.C
Beijing Grand Metro Park Hotel
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有任何疑问请联系客服微信 星球君:odaily001
商务合作请联系微信 赵先生
媒体合作请联系微信 张先生
同时,星球日报拥有最专业的市场团队,已举办数十场技术研讨沙龙、行业大型峰会、资源对接会、创新创业大赛,吸引海内外众多行业领军者齐聚,参会总人次过1万,现场及后期传播触达1000w+人次,如与蚂蚁金服合作创新大赛,与信通院合办数博会区块链论坛,承办和协办Consensys, Cosmos, Algorand, Ziliqqa, Beam, RSK等数十个机构、项目在中国的落地活动等。
Odaily, incubated by the largest technology media group 36Kr, has raised 30 million CNY angel round. It covers news, depth,
interpretation and analysis, industry reports and other content forms. Moreover, Odaily is committed to start from a content
platform and become a
resource integration service provider in the blockchain industry.
Odaily has the largest blockchain original content team in China. It operates in a multi-dimensional channels with websites, APPs, WeChat, technology media, financial media. The company also has matrix distribution and operates over 100 highly active communities.
The platform,with a total exposure of more than 1 billion times, has published 5000+ high quality original articles and covered 8 million
readers through the entire channel.
Meanwhile, Odaily has the most professional market team to hold dozens of technical seminar salons, industry summits, networking meeting, innovation and entrepreneurship competitions. It has attracted many industry leaders all over the world. The total number of participants has exceeded 10,000.
The summit and conventions hosted by Odaily, such as Alipay innovation competition, the blockchain forum in Bigdata Expo
with CAICT, can reach more than 10 million people. Odaily also undertook and organized the promotion of many institutions
and projects in Chinese
market, such as Consensys, Cosmos, Algorand, Zilliqqa, Beam, RSK, etc.
区块律动BlockBeats于2018年2月成立,是国内最专业前沿的区块链媒体,并获得知乎区块链第一大V,和新浪微博财经类账号官方扶持媒体,腾讯科技“中国顶尖区块链媒体” 等肯定。
此外,区块律动曾举办闪电网络支付体验活动,为Grin, Cosmos,IrisNet等项目举办MeetUp等。
Block Beats, founded in February 2018, is the most professional and cutting-edge blockchain media in China. It has been
recognized as the most influenced media in ZHIHU, the official
support media of SINA Weibo financial and economic account, the China's top blockchain med
ia of Tencent Technologies, and so on.
Up to now, Block Beats, with more than 200,000 users, more than 600 million exposures times and the maximum reading volume(1.1 million) of a single article in Wechat, has become the
leading media in China. It focuses on EOS system, POS economy, new generation of anonymous cryptos, DeFi ecosystem, and so on.
At the same time, Block Beats is also a high cohesive blockchain portal. It provides PoS project node revenue navigation, Dapp ranking(high-quality Dapp mining recommendation and play explanation), Token financial product navigation and other tools to assist institutional investors and retail investors make decision and judgment.
In addition, Block Beats has held Lightning Network online payment experience activities and projects’ meetup, such as Grin, Cosmos, IrisNet, etc.
En-Tan-Mo,灵感来源于Entente(联盟)、Transaction(交易)和Mobius(ETM),是基于纳什均衡和价值传递理论的新一代区块链项目。在En-Tan-Mo世界中,SCV 矿工和Pareto矿池,在Kantorovich共识机制下相互支撑、相互激励,包容各种区块链与非区块链的应用和社区,均衡的获得属于每个个体的最高权益。En-Tan-Mo,是一个最接近纳什均衡的区块链底层平台,同时也包含丰富的应用和广泛的社区。