城市化发展带来的城市交通拥堵问题是各国不得不面对的挑战。若不加以治理,它很有可能会影响到国家整体经济的运行。因此,许多学者开始将目光投向相关问题的研究,他们的研究课题包括交通拥堵带来的成本和城市交通系统治理等。在一项最新研究中,美国布鲁金斯学会高级研究员Clifford Winston与来自耶鲁大学的Quentin Karpilow以美国加利福尼亚州的城市交通堵塞问题为出发点,研究了该问题如何影响城市的就业、GDP和工资水平等方面。他们认为加州的案例可以为中国的相关问题研究者带来一点启示。
10月17日 星期一
【14:00-15:15 讨论一】 A First Step toward Road Pricing: The Marginal Congestion Cost in Beijing
14:00-14:20 演讲
Shanjun Li, 副教授,康奈尔大学应用经济学与管理学院
Avralt-Od Purevja, 康奈尔大学
Jun Yang, 北京交通发展研究中心
14:20-14:35 嘉宾点评
Ken Small, 教授,加利福尼亚尔湾分校经济系
14:35-15:15 自由问答
【15:15-15:30 茶歇】
【15:30-16:45 讨论二】How Does On-road Traffic Affect Air Quality? Analysis of the Nonlinear Relationship between Vehicle Traffic and Air Pollutants in Beijing
15:30-15:50 演讲
Ping Qin, 副教授,中国人民大学经济系
Jun Yang, 北京交通发展研究中心
Shuai Chen, 北京大学
15:50-16:05 嘉宾点评
Dan McMillen, 教授,伊利诺伊大学香槟分校城市与区域规划系
16:05-16:45 自由问答
【16:45-17:00 茶歇】
【17:00-18:15 讨论三】Vehicle Size Choice and Automobile Externalities in the United States: A Dynamic Analysis
17:00-17:20 演讲
Jia Yan, 副教授,华盛顿州立大学
Clifford Winston, 高级研究员,布鲁金斯学会
17:20-17:35 嘉宾点评
Ken Small, 加利福尼亚尔湾分校,经济系,教授
17:35-18:15 自由问答
10月18日 星期二
【9:45-11:00 讨论四】Beijing Subway System Pricing Policies and Road Congestion
9:45-10:05 演讲
Siqi Zheng, 副教授,清华大学建设管理系
Yizhen Gu, 暨南大学
10:05-10:20 嘉宾点评
Ken Small, 教授,加利福尼亚尔湾分校经济系
10:20-11:00 自由问答
【11:00-11:15 茶歇】
【11:15-12:30 讨论五】Beijing's Environmental Factors and Transportation Choices
11:15-11:35 演讲
Jie Zheng, 助理教授,清华大学经济管理学院
11:35-11:50 嘉宾点评
Matt Kahn, 经济学教授,南加州大学
11:50-12:30 自由问答
【14:00-15:15 讨论六】Fairness, Efficiency, and the Allocation Mechanism for Vehicle License Plates: A Comparison of Related Policies in Beijing and Shanghai
14:00-14:20 演讲
Jie Zheng, 助理教授,清华大学经济管理学院
14:20-14:35 嘉宾点评
Matt Kahn, 经济学教授,南加州大学
【15:15-15:30 茶歇】
【15:30-16:45 讨论七】The Effect of Highway Congestion on the U.S. Economy's Performance: A New Perspective on the Benefits of Ameliorating Traffic Delays
15:30-15:50 演讲
Clifford Winston, 资深研究员,布鲁金斯学会
15:50-16:05 嘉宾点评
Matt Kahn, 经济学教授,南加州大学
16:05-16:45 自由问答
【16:45-17:00 闭幕致辞】
U.S.-China Economic Analyses
of Urban Congestion:
What Both Countries Can Learn from Each Other
With the fast pace of urbanization process, countries have now come to realize that congestion delays may affect specific sectors and even the overall economy. In a research conducted by Clifford Winston at Brookings Institution and Quentin Karpilow from Yale University, the scholars explored how congestion affects the California economy accounting for the growth in employment, GDP, wages, and freight flows. Moreover, they shed lights on what China may learn from this U.S. example.
From17 October to 18 October, 2016, the Brookings-Tsinghua Center will host a two-day conference on U.S.-China Economic Analyses of Urban Congestion: What Both Countries Can Learn from Each Other. The conference will be held at Room 302, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University. Working language will be English without simultaneous interpretation.
We very much look forward to your attendance!
U.S.-China Economic Analyses
of Urban Congestion:
What Both Countries Can Learn from Each Other
Time: Oct 17-Oct 18, 2016
Location: Room 302, School of Public Policy
and Management,Tsinghua University
Day 1: Monday, October 17
14:00-15:15 Session 1 A First Step toward Road Pricing: The Marginal Congestion Cost in Beijing
14:00-14:20 Presentation
Shanjun Li, associate professor, The Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University
Avralt-Od Purevja, Cornell University
Jun Yang, Beijing Transportation Research Center
14:20-14:35 Discussant Comments
Kenneth Small, professor emeritus, Department of Economics, University of California at Irvine
14:35-15:15 General Discussion
15:15-15:30 Tea Break
15:30-16:45 Session 2 How Does On-road Traffic Affect Air Quality? Analysis of the Nonlinear Relationship between Vehicle Traffic and Air Pollutants in Beijing
15:30-15:50 Presentation
Ping Qin, associate professor, School of Economics, Renmin University of China
Jun Yang, Beijing Transportation Research Center
Shuai Chen, Peking University
15:50-16:05 Discussant Comments
Dan McMillen, professor, Department of Economics and Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
16:05-16:45 General Discussion
16:45-17:00 Tea Break
17:00-18:15 Session 3 Vehicle Size Choice and Automobile Externalities in the United States: A Dynamic Analysis
17:00-17:20 Presentation
Jia Yan, associate professor, School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University
Clifford Winston, Searle Freedom Trust Senior Fellow, Economic Studies program, the Brookings Institution
17:20-17:35 Discussant Comments
Kenneth Small, professor emeritus, Department of Economics, University of California at Irvine
17:35-18:15 General Discussion
Day 2: Tuesday, October 18
9:45-11:00 Session 4Beijing Subway System Pricing Policies and Road Congestion
Siqi Zheng, associate professor, Institute of Real Estate Studies, Tsinghua University
Yizhen Gu, assistant professor, Institute for Economic and Social Research, Jinan University
10:05-10:20 Discussant Comments
Kenneth Small, professor emeritus, Department of Economics, University of California at Irvine
10:20-11:00 General Discussion
11:00-11:15 Tea Break
11:15-12:30 Session 5 Beijing's Environmental Factors and Transportation Choices
11:15-11:35 Presentation
Jie Zheng, assistant professor, Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
11:35-11:50 Discussant Comments
Matt Kahn, Professor of Economics and Spatial Sciences, University of Southern California
11:50-12:30 General Discussion
14:00-15:15 Session 6 Fairness, Efficiency, and the Allocation Mechanism for Vehicle License Plates: A Comparison of Related Policies in Beijing and Shanghai
14:00-14:20 Presentation
Jie Zheng, assistant professor, Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
14:20-14:35 Discussant Comments
Matt Kahn, Professor of Economics and Spatial Sciences, University of Southern California
14:35-15:15 General Discussion
15:15-15:30 Tea Break
15:30-16:45 Session 7 The Effect of Highway Congestion on the U.S. Economy's Performance: A New Perspective on the Benefits of Ameliorating Traffic Delays
15:30-15:50 Presentation
Clifford Winston, Searle Freedom Trust Senior Fellow, Economic Studies program, the Brookings Institution
15:50-16:05 Discussant Comments
Matt Kahn, Professor of Economics and Spatial Sciences, University of Southern California
16:05-16:45 General Discussion
16:45-17:00 Closing Remarks