Weareholdinga monthlymeetup for
open source enthusiasts. We hopeouractivity couldprovide you a
technical exchange andmoreopportunity to communicateand share your
technology crushesandthoughts.
Thismontheventwill be held at No.666
Fuzhou road, Shanghai Jin LingHyperbondBuilding. We retain the same
format as thelastmeetup,starting withpure technical presentation
about onehour(the presentation for thistime will be about 'D
language'byLionello -Senior Software Engineerat Microsoft China),
thenhavinga quick Q&A by half an hour.this will take about
1+hours.After a short break, we have preparedsome great
practicalvalueWork shops to share with you the mostuseful
technologyexchange ina more hands-on fashion. We areconfident you
will bringyourexperience to share with
enthusiastically take office to discussandcommunicate witheveryone.
Whether you have a question to askorwant some advice, youwill leave
with agreaterknowledge.
Justregisternow!Or you may also
visit the
Weibo activitiespage and @Shanghaiostocontact us if you have
Disageneralpurpose systems and
applications programminglanguage.Itis a highlevel language, but
retains the ability towritehighperformancecode and interface
directly with theoperatingsystemAPI's and withhardware. May 1st
till 3rd saw the 3rdDConference,this time hostedon the Facebook
campus in SanFrancisco.In thistalk Lionello willgive a brief
introduction of Dand shareasummary of the interestingtalks at
LionelloisaSeniorSoftware Engineer
at Microsoft China, workingonprojectslike Windows8, .NET 4.5 and