Time: Nov 23, 16:00 ~
Location: XinCheJian Hackerspace
Open to public!
Speaker List:
Mitch Altman
Topic: The Importance of Failure
Mitch Altman is a San Francisco-based hacker and inventor, best known for inventing TV-B-Gone, as a featured speaker at hacker conferences, as an international expert on the hackerspace movement, and for teaching introductory electronics workshops. He is also Chief Scientist and CEO of Cornfield Electronics.
Jeffrey Putney
Topic: Makerspace Urbana – My favorite little Makerspace
Jeffrey Putney is an organizing member of Makerspace Urbana. After working for over 10 years as an electrical engineer in multiple start up companies his main focus now is on helping build a supportive and inclusive space for makers and community members at his local Makerspace. He also does outreach and sets up maker workshops with various community partners such as libraries and local public schools. Some of the things he loves making include designing small board electronics, sewing, glass work, welding, and photography.
Rachel McConnell
Topic: Non electronics projects
Rachel owns a small fabrication business called Dr Shiny, in Oakland, CA. She makes movie props, product prototypes, art objects, and other unique items for her clients. She was one of the founders of Noisebridge hackerspace along with Mitch Altman and others, and is currently the president of Ace Monster Toys, a hackerspace in Oakland. Previously she was the lead developer for Instructables.com. Her projects can be found at http://DrShiny.com and http://www.instructables.com/member/rachel. She has no university degrees, but learned programming, welding, dressmaking, moldmaking and casting, woodworking, upholstery, electronics, and more all by herself.
Zimmer Barnes
In 2012, Zimmer Barnes completed a Kickstarter for a wearable solar generator, and his latest creation is a segmented bullet resistant vest with embedded electronics. He is a member of ATX Hackerspace in Austin, Texas.
Elizabeth Cole
Topic: Open Source Biohacking
Just as personal computers opened a new world of creativity by liberating computing from monolithic corporations, there is a movement of citizen scientists creating open source devices to make the well understood techniques of DNA analysis available to everyone, not just to molecular biologists.
Bio hacking can be used for useful things such as engineering algae for biofuels, bacteria that glows when its in the presence of arsenic, determining if vegetables are contaminated with harmful bacteria such as E. Coli or Listeria, or seeing which neighbors' dog has been
pooping on your lawn.
Elizabeth Jane Cole is co founder of the Evil Twin Booking Agency [eviltwinbooking.org], former writer for WIRED magazine and other publications, and producer for Love & Radio. In her spare time she makes mobile biology labs.
Johannes Schneemann - AKA ”herr_flupke” in hackers circle
Topic 1: cjdns - IPv6 based encrypted meshnetworking for the Internet of Things, or
Topic 2: my hut in the dark net - strategies for running decentralized services
herr_flukpe explains machines to humans and humans to machines. His work involves security and privacy, community and ethics. Besides that he contributes to free/libre open source software and helps artists building custom hardware.
Some of his stuff is documented at http://hf.dropcut.net.