Build your First Vue.js App | 开发你的第一个Vue.js应用 | Vue Beijing
活动介绍 | About This Event
Have you always wanted to build your own website or application? This is the event for you!
Vue Beijing Meetup presents an Intro to Vue.js Workshop that will equip you with the knowledge you need to get you started with using Vue.js to build world class applications and websites from start to finish.
时间地点 | Time and Address
培训日期:2019年10月20日 | SUNDAY 20th OCTOBER, 2019
培训时间:3:00PM - 6:00PM
培训地点:北京市海淀区海淀西大街48号,中关村创业大街6号楼 No.6 Innoway, 48 Haidian West Street, Haidian District, Beijing
面向人群:初级到中级 ( Beginner - Intermediate )
日程安排 | Itinerary
15:00 -15:30 > Arrivals | 签到
15:30 - 16:15 > Workshop Begins | 培训开始
16:15 - 16:30 > Break | 休息时间
16:30 - 17:15 > Workshop Resumes | 培训继续
17:15 - 18:00 > Social Interactions & Networking | 社交互动与交流
教练介绍 | Instructor
乔纳森 | Jonathan (Chinese & English | 中英文沟通)
Lead Front End Engineer | 首席前端工程师
Jonathan is the Lead Front End developer at Akkadu, also the co-founder of Akkadu and VueBeijing community.
Jonathon 是Akkadu的首席前端工程师,同时也是Akkadu和VueBeijing社区的联合创办人之一!
李燕伦 | Anne(Chinese & English | 中英文沟通) Senior Front End Engineer | 高级前端工程师 Anne is an avid front end engineer in the Beijing community is also a cofounder of Vue Beijing Meetup! 李燕伦是北京社区的一位出色的前端工程师,也是VueBeijing社区的联合创办人之一!
Paul Kim( English | 英文沟通)
Lead Engineer | 首席工程师
Paul is the Lead Developer of Maples Design also a core member of VueBeijing team! He is passionate about front end development and the community therein!
Paul是Maples Design的首席工程师,也是VueBeijing团队的核心成员之一!他对前端开发领域,以及程序员社群的发展充满热情。
郝俊 | JT Houk(English | 英文沟通)
Full Stack Engineer | 全栈工程师
JT is a full Stack developer at Akkadu, also the co-founder of Akkadu and director of Vue Beijing community.
福凯 | Tuomo (English | 英文沟通)
Full Stack Engineer | 全栈工程师
Tuomo is the CTO at Akkadu, also the core member of Vue Beijing community!
合作伙伴 | Sponsors and Partners
微信社群 | WeChat Community Group
联系我们 | Contact Us
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