彩虹家庭论坛 Rainbow Family Forum | 你准备好了吗?Are you ready?
Family and the well-being of our next generation are of paramount importance in culture. This year’s ShanghaiPRIDE will feature a forum on the topic of “Rainbow Family” — continuing to explore the preparation before same-sex couples decide to raise children, medical options and experience sharing.
10:00—10:15 签到入场 / Registration
10:15—10:20 开场致辞 / Opening Remarks
10:20—10:40 中国同志爸爸 / A Chinese Gay Father - 同志夫夫生育和抚养孩子 / How Do Gay Couples Have and Raise Children?
10:40—11:00 Bess Hepworth - 拉拉妈妈和亚太彩虹家庭论坛创始人 / A Lesbian Mother and Her Founding of the Asia-Pacific Rainbow Families Forum
11:00—11:20 全帅如医生 / Dr. Sandy Chuan - 从医学角度探讨同性伴侣生育需求 / How to Meet Same-Sex Couples’ Needs for Children, From a Medical Perspective
11:20—11:55 问答环节 / Q&A
11:55—12:00 闭幕和答谢 / Closing Remarks
About the Speakers
中国同志爸爸 A Chinese Gay Father
How Do Gay Couples Have and Raise Children?
A Chinese gay father who had a baby of his own through surrogacy overseas and is currently raising the child with his better half in China.
Bess Hepworth
A Lesbian Mother and Her Founding of the Asia-Pacific Rainbow Families Forum
An organizer of Rainbow Families Hong Kong, Bess Hepworth is a lesbian mother raising three adopted children with her partner. In 2017, she founded the Asia-Pacific Rainbow Families Forum, which focuses on the cooperation and equal rights of rainbow families in the Asia-Pacific region.
全帅如 Sandy Chuan
“How to Meet the Same-Sex Couples’ Needs for Children, From a Medical Perspective”
Sandy Chuan is a fertility expert certified by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the American Academy of Paediatrics. She is also a member of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology. As an attending doctor at the Reproductive Sciences Medical Center in San Diego, Dr. Chuan has helped clients from all over the world to realize their dreams of having babies with her extensive clinical and research experience in surrogacy and egg donation.
Rainbow Family Forum
日期 Date: 2018-06-09
时间 Time: 10:00-12:00
场地 Venue:上海新天地安达仕酒店5楼花园玻璃房 / Garden Pavilion, 5/F Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai
地址 Address:黄浦区嵩山路88号(近太仓路)/ 88 Songshan Rd (near Taicang Rd), Huangpu District
Dress Code: Smart Casual (No Slippers)
免费预约 Free Entry, RSVP Required
1、本活动具体服务及内容由主办方【上海骄傲节 ShanghaiPRIDE】提供,活动行仅提供票务技术支持,请仔细阅读活动内容后参与。
上海骄傲节ShanghaiPRIDE是一年一度庆祝多元的庆典,其创办自2009年。活动完全由志愿者运营,获得本地企业赞助、个人资助以及外国领事馆的支持。骄傲节旨在通过丰富多彩的体育、文化、社交活动为LGBTQ等提升自我认同,社会能见度与包容度。6/17~6/26 ~生为平常 I Am Me~