With the New Year coming, XinCheJian and XinFab is hosting the 2016
New Year Creation Party to thank all the support we got from
previous year. The party is combined with four parts below.
Attendees can choose parts they want to attend.
I: Learn to use 3D printer, 14:00 - 15:00
Part II: Laser cut a post card, 15:00 - 16:00
Part III: Solder XinCheJian PCB Badge, 16:00 - 16:30
Part IV: Projects sharing and gifts give away, 16:30 - 18:00
Learn to use 3D printer 14:00 - 15:00
1) Set up a 3D Printer
2) Use the internet to Download 3D models;
3) How to 3D Print with Cura and Repetier Software
4) Print by yourself a quick 3D model
Fee: Nonmember: RMB 100 / person, Member: RMB 80 / person
Laser cut a post card 15:00 - 16:00
1) Set up laser cutter
2) Build your own post card
3) Laser cut post card
Fee: Nonmember: RMB 100 / person, Member: RMB 80 / person
Solder XinCheJian PCB Badge 16:00 - 16:30
1) Learn basic PCB knowledge
2) Learn how to solder
3) Solder XinCheJian PCB Badge
Fee: Nonmeber: RMB 30 / person;Member: RMB 20 / person
Projects sharing and gifts give away 16:30 - 18:00
This part we will share part of our members projects. You will have chance to observe a silicon chip under microscop, experience Stary skateboard and Wearhous Arc headphone. You can also look into the hydroponic system, CNC and a portable 3D printer built by our members.
At the same time, we offer chips, fruit, beer and other drinks to you. Besides that, everyone that attends the party will receive a gift. Don't miss this!
Fee: nonmeber: RMB 50 / person; member: RMB 30 / person
If you want to attend the whole party, nonmember: RMB 260 / person; member: RMB 200 / person. If you have any question, please contact:
第一部分:学习使用3D打印机,14:00 - 15:00
第二部分:激光切割新年明信片,15:00 - 16:00
第三部分:新车间七彩徽章焊接,16:00 - 16:30
第四部分:项目以及礼物分发,16:30 - 18:00
学习使用3D打印机 14:00 - 15:00
1) 设置3D打印机
2) 学习下载3D模型
3) 学习设置3D打印软件,如Cura
4) 快速3D打印一个模型
激光切割小礼物 15:00 - 16:00
1) 激光切割机软件设置
2) 设置激光切割机
3) 激光切割明信片
新车间七彩徽章焊接 16:00
- 16:30
1) 学习简单的电路板知识
2) 学习使用焊接工具
分享派对以及礼物分发 16:30