ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival Opening Night
2016上海骄傲电影节再度回归,开幕之夜就在6月19日!欢迎到The Pearl和我们共庆华丽绝美的一夜。我们将放映开幕影片《橘色》。这也是本片在中国大陆的首映。随后还将有今年短片竞赛单元的颁奖典礼及最佳影片前两名作品的放映。
It’s the night! On June 19th, ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival will officially return for its second year! Come to the Pearl for a night of absolute glamour featuring the premiere of our opening film Tangerine in mainland China, the Award Ceremony for this year’s Short Film Competition and the screening of the winner and runner-up of the Best Film Award.
Director: Sean Baker|2015 USA
圣诞前夜,好莱坞,站街女辛蒂坐了6个月牢后刚刚被释放,却发现自己的皮条客男友已经背着她跟一个顺性女子出轨了。为了报复让她伤心的这个男人,辛蒂拖着她的好友,使出浑身解数把城里闹了个天翻地覆。肖恩·贝克的这部影片是过去一年作为突破的独立制作电影之一。《橘色》选用了两个跨性别女演员出演主角辛蒂(Kitana Kiki Rodriguez饰)和亚力桑德拉(Mya Taylor饰,获多项奖项)。这部作品真实、滑稽、同时又让人心碎。极具张力的表演配着令人惊叹的视觉风格。影片及其别致的又一原因是它是第一部完全用iPhone 5S摄制的长篇电影作品。
It’s Christmas Eve in Hollywood, and working girl Sin-Dee has just returned from six weeks in jail to discover that her pimp boyfriend has been cheating on her with a cis-gender woman. With her best friend in tow, she tears through town all-out for payback against the man who broke her heart. Sean Baker’s film was one of the biggest and most groundbreaking independent hits of last year. Casting two transgender actresses in the lead roles of Sin-Dee (Kitana Kiki Rodriguez) and Alexandria (an historic multi-award winning performance by Mya Taylor), Tangerine is honest, hilarious and heartbreaking in equal measure. Powerful performances are matched by insane visuals, and the film is unique for being the first major motion picture to be shot entirely on the iPhone 5S.
Opening Party
涂好口红,登上靴子,一起来上海骄傲电影节官方开幕派对为今年的电影节揭幕。没有拿到影片放映环节的门票?没关系,我们将在7:30PM开放场地供你狂欢。The Pearl名声赫赫的后厨整晚将提供餐食。
Rouge your lips and zip up your party boots as we kick off this year's festival with our official Opening Party for ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival. Missed out on tickets for the film? We’ll throw open the doors from 7:30pm to all party queens. The Pearl will be offering food service from its legendary kitchen throughout the evening.
If you want to learn more about the program, please follow ShanghaiPRIDE WeChat Account or at http://www.shpride.com/films/
1、本活动具体服务及内容由主办方【上海骄傲节 ShanghaiPRIDE】提供,活动行仅提供票务技术支持,请仔细阅读活动内容后参与。
上海骄傲节ShanghaiPRIDE是一年一度庆祝多元的庆典,其创办自2009年。活动完全由志愿者运营,获得本地企业赞助、个人资助以及外国领事馆的支持。骄傲节旨在通过丰富多彩的体育、文化、社交活动为LGBTQ等提升自我认同,社会能见度与包容度。6/17~6/26 ~生为平常 I Am Me~