2018年上海骄傲戏剧节 - 《我是哪吒》剧本朗读会 / ShPTF VI - <I Am Nezha> Script Reading
ShPTF | 《我是哪吒1.0》剧本朗读会 Script reading of <I am Nezha 1.0>
Hello everyone. I’m Jia’an, the director and scriptwriter of I Am Nezha 1.0.
Recently, we finished the first phase of our amateur actors’ recruitment. We did our first audition in the performance classrooms of Hong Lou in Shanghai Theatre Academy. Those who attended this audition showed great enthusiasm and shared some of their personal queer life experiences.
We truly appreciate those friends for their bravery and sincerity to express themselves freely.
We are also grateful to our Photographer Hao Li, Poster Designer Chenguang Deng, Art Director Leqi Sheng, Professor Chuanfa Wan, Teacher Shitao Li, Assistant Director Yushan Lin, Lead Actor Xiao Min, and Feng Zhang and his friends for shooting the documentary.
It was your participation that made I Am Nezha 1.0 diverse and colorful.
We also wanted to thank Intown Video for making a special video for I Am Nezha 1.0. We all need courage to love and we hope that gender will no longer become the barrier to love each other.
I Am Nezha 1.0 was supported by teachers and alumni from Shanghai Theatre Academy. Special thanks to the Academy for the chance to realize our dreams by producing this piece of work. I want to thank Teacher Chuanfa Wan and Shitao Li from the Department of Literature on Drama, Film, and Television of Shanghai Theatre Academy, for their inspiration and encouragement during my work.
I want to thank all of you, my friends and families, who made me believe that a window could still be opened in a time with restricted freedom.
We will host a script reading of I Am Nezha during ShanghaiPRIDE Theatre Festival in June, alongside with some other crossover and theatre-related events. We will announce through ShanghaiPRIDE social media and our Weibo account (@张家安-).
In the meantime, the recruitment for actors will continue until September. We'll have auditions for amateur actors on a regular basis, so please send your resume to chenlangxxx@126.com.
Be queer forever. Everyone is Nezha. Everyone is growing. This play is about healing, love, what is love, and who am I.
Thanks to all who have helped me.
May 9th 2018
About I Am Nezha
I Am Nezha, which will be shown in ShanghaiPRIDE Theatre Festival in 2018, is a play that starts from personal experiences and depicts the queer stories in the Chinese world through monologues. This way of combining oral history and theatrical monologue helps reveal the vivid details and build a bridge for understanding, cognition, and identity in a most touching way. Please click read more for more details.
上海骄傲戏剧节 VI - 我是哪吒剧本朗读会
ShanghaiPRIDE Theatre Festival VI - I Am Nezha Script Reading
日期 Date:2018-06-16
时间 Time:14:00-16:00
场地 Venue:Happiness42
地址 Address:长宁区幸福路42号(近法华镇路)/ 42 Xingfu Rd (near Fahuazhen Rd), Changning District
免费入场 Free Entry
1、本活动具体服务及内容由主办方【上海骄傲节 ShanghaiPRIDE】提供,活动行仅提供票务技术支持,请仔细阅读活动内容后参与。
上海骄傲节ShanghaiPRIDE是一年一度庆祝多元的庆典,其创办自2009年。活动完全由志愿者运营,获得本地企业赞助、个人资助以及外国领事馆的支持。骄傲节旨在通过丰富多彩的体育、文化、社交活动为LGBTQ等提升自我认同,社会能见度与包容度。6/17~6/26 ~生为平常 I Am Me~