愉快的暑假刚刚开始,想要做些有趣的事情充实一下吗?或是对于电子和计算机科学充满兴趣,亦或是想要学习点新奇的事物, 或动手做一件属于自己的智能物品,却不知如何入门??那就快来报名参加我们专门为入门者准备的Arduino工作坊吧!我们特意策划了系列工作坊,可以让感兴趣的初学者对Arduino及其应用有一个基本的了解。希望在工作坊结束后,你能够有所启发,并开始制作属于你自己的项目!
工作坊1:7月25号 10:30am (建议没有基础的同学必须参加第一次的工作坊)
1. 学习并了解一些基本电子元件的工作原理和如何将它们运用在你自己的设计中
2. 学习一些基本的编程知识,如:变量,条件及循环语句
工作坊2: 8月1号 10:30am
3. 将学习过的一些元件组合在一起做成5个有趣的小项目
工作坊3:8月8号 10:30am
4. 在最后的工作坊当中完成一个相对复杂的项目:电子锁
会员价:RMB 150/次, 非会员价:RMB 200/次,
Arduino工具包:RMB 210 (原价300) ;
三次一起购买优惠价:RMB 710 (包含:3次工作坊+工具包+新车间1个月会员费);
- 麻烦下载并事先安装好Arduino IDE https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
Just started your summer break and want to create something cool? Have special interests in electronics and want to know more about what Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Majors are doing? Or do you want to add some special flavours to your life? Join the Arduino workshop specially designed for beginners!
During the three Ardruino workshop series, you will get introduced to contents related to micro-controllers such as Arduino and what you can do with Arduino, includes:
1. Learn about a few fundamental electronic parts, how they work, and how they could possibly be applied to your own project. 2. Learn some basic programming, including variables, conditionals and loops.
3. Learn how to apply different electronic parts in 5 interesting projects
4. Learn how to make a slightly more complicated project: an electronic lock in the final workshop At the end of the workshop, you'll be equipped with the knowledge necessary to start your own project!
Workshop 1: July 25th 10:30am
Workshop2: August 1st 10:30am
Workshop3: August 8th 10:30am
Workshop Fee:
Arduino Kit with Basic Components (special discounted price) : RMB210 原价300
Each of the 2 hours workshop is RMB150 (member), RMB200 (non-member)
All three workshop package cost: RMB 710 (3 workshops with kit and 1 month XCJ membership)
Please download and install Arduino IDE https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software