Startup Grind Beijing presents
Global Startups going Local
How VCs & Investors can help international Startups understand the Chinese market?
China is a difficult market for Companies and Startups alike. Join us for a Startup Grind Beijing Session about Global Startups going local - How VCs & Investors can help international Startups understand the Chinese market? We are proud to further welcome a Startup Delegation from Germany in coordination with Tsinghua x-lab consisting of 8 German Startups. I our fireside chat we will cover topics like:
1. What are the dynamics of business and early stage investment in China?
2. How a cross-border Startup can be built in China?
How Angel/VC investment can contribute to build a successful business in China?
About the Speakers
Sally Kuok joined China Growth Capital as a key member of the CGC-IDG Joint Angel Fund, focusing on big data, enterprise service, AI and blockchain.
Originally from Macau, China, Sally graduated from Imperial College London with a MSc in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management, and a double-degree bachelor program from Beijing and Manchester.
Taking on various opportunities Sally lived in six cities in the past decade - she has cofounded a cross-border financial service platform and worked for several investment institutions in the United Kingdom and China. She is also a founding member of the Hacktrain - one of the largest hacker community in Europe.
About the Host
Jordan is a passionate innovator with both entrepreneurial and investment experiences. He is currently working in the Global Incubation Department of Innoway, in charge of China Soft Landing Program where he selects and invests in overseas high-tech startups with China market potentials. Meanwhile Jordan helps large corporations with startup scouting and innovation strategies. He is also one of the community managers of Startup Grind in Beijing. Before joining Innoway, Jordan was the project director at Cipher Ground, a deep-tech incubator. Prior to that he founded two companies, in China and in Sweden. This gave him hands-on experiences in entrepreneurship and is still helping him in better understanding startup businesses.
Jordan is born in China and studied in both Sweden and America, with a focus in Business Administration and Management.
朱丹先生在创新行业具有丰富的工作经验且兼备创业与投资行业经历。他目前就职于中关村创业大街,负责海外创新项目在中国的孵化落地与投资。与此同时,他还负责帮助大企业搜索创新投资标的,和给予创新投资策略的规划建议。工作之余朱丹先生还担任硅谷知名创投社区Startup Grind在北京的社区经理。在加入中关村创业大街之前,他曾担任硬科技孵化机构Cipher Ground的项目总监,负责投融资。更早之前他曾分别在中国和瑞典参与创立过两家创业企业。创业、投资与孵化三方面的实践经验帮助他更好地理解创业公司与创新生态的发展规律。朱丹先生曾经留学于瑞典和美国,攻读经济学与管理学专业。
About ChinaGrowthCapital
China Growth Capital (CGC) is a leading early-stage investor in China with a strong link to Silicon Valley. CGC has been very focused on fintech, enterprise and consumer sectors since founding in 2006 and we provide tremendous support to help portfolio strategize, develop business models and build teams. Our unique model has allowed us to create great companies like CreditEase (NYSE: YRD), Tarena International (NYSE:TEDU) from seed backing and more than 100 other teams through typical venture funding rounds. With over RMB 5B in asset under management across its different funds (denominated in both RMB and USD), CGC is able to cover a wide range of opportunities ranging from seed to growth stage.
About Tsinghua x-lab
Tsinghua's x-lab is a university-based education platform designed to foster student creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. It brings together Tsinghua students, faculty, alumni, experienced entrepreneurs, investors and experts from across society.
'X' in the Platform's name Refers to the mission of Pursuing the Unknown at the intersection of Multiple Academic Disciplines and Needs. 'Lab' emphasizes the Experiential, Collaborative and Action-based Process That is Core to the x-Lab's Approach to learning. These form the basis of the three unique value propositions that the x-lab offers: linkages among multiple disciplines within Tsinghua, integration of resources within and outside the university, and new learning methods to develop individual and team capabilities to generate business model innovations and support social activism.
Officially launched in April 2013, the x-lab operates under the auspices of the School of Economics and Management and links 14 schools and departments across Tsinghua University, including Mechanical Engineering, Natural Sciences, Information Science and Technology, Arts and Design, Medicine, Aerospace , Environment, Architecture, Materials Science and Engineering, Public Policy and Management, Journalism and Communication, Law, and Engineering Physics. The Tsinghua Entrepreneur & Executive Club (TEEC) and Tsinghua Science Park (TusPark) are strategic founding partners.
German Startups introducing their Projects
6:00 pm 签到 Registration
6:30 pm Introduction of Startups, Startup Grind, Tsinghua x-lab & China Growth Capital
7:15 pm 炉边谈话 Fireside chat with Sally Kuok
8:00 pm Q&A
8:30 pm Networking
9:30 pm End
Time: September 5th, 6 - 9:30 pm
Venue: Tsinghua University Science Park (Tuspark), Science Park Tower B (SP Tower B), B1 floor, room 101
Language: The event is in English with Chinese Translation
活动语言: 活动语言为英语,现场提供中文翻译
Press the QR-Code to get directions to the venue
普通票 Regular Ticket 40 yuan
(Available until September 4th)
当日票 Event Day Ticket 60 yuan
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关于创业磨坊 About Startup Grind
创业磨坊是一个教育、启发并连接企业家的全球性独立创业社区。通过举办活动、媒体传播以及与Google for Entrepreneurs等组织的合作,我们在全球115个国家、超过365个城市推动当地创业生态系统的进一步完善,为1500000位创业者提供帮助。
Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community, actively educating, inspiring, and connecting 1,500,000 entrepreneurs in over 365 cities in 115 countries. We nurture startup ecosystems through events, media, and partnerships with organizations like Google for Entrepreneurs.
每个月我们都会邀请到北京具有影响力的企业创始人、创新者、教育者以及投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创业道路上所得到的经验和教训。从2010在硅谷创立,Startup Grind已经成功帮助数以百万计的创业家与导师、合作伙伴、新雇员建立联系,找到投资资金和新用户。
The cornerstone of our community are the monthly events featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors who share lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Founded in Silicon Valley in 2010, Startup Grind has helped millions of entrepreneurs find mentorship, connect to partners and hires, pursue funding, and reach new users.
对于来自Google for Entrepreneurs的全球性支持我们感到很自豪和骄傲,我们也很感谢我们所有在本土的媒体合作伙伴、场地支持伙伴、食品饮品支持伙伴对我们一直以来的支持和帮助。如果你对成为我们的支持伙伴有兴趣,请联系我们!
We are very proud to receive global support from Google For Entrepreneurs. We are also very thankful to all our local media partners, venue sponsors, F&B partners to support us in organizing our events. If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to us!
我们的团队 Our Team
Our events are powered by a team of volunteers, each with a day job, and with the passion to create a stronger entrepreneurship community in Beijing. Please don't heistate to reach out to anyone if you have any questions!
本活动由主办方委托【活动行】票务代理,具体服务及内容由主办方【Startup Grind 北京】提供,请仔细阅读活动内容后报名。
Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators. Reaching over 3.5 million individuals worldwide. Startup Grind 是世界上最大的初创公司、创始人、创新者和创造者社区,已覆盖全球超过 350 万人。